Chapter 3:

choosing of clubs

My Psycho love story !!

"I wonder what club Shen will join he probably join the baseball club like he did in middle school and I want to get closer to my beloved Shen if he joins I will manage the team " says Ren to herself

Hanako pokes Shojo and asks " Which club are you joining I was thinking mananging the Boy's Baseball sinceyery you and Shen played in middle school".

Shojo replies " I probably will expectially if you will manage " Shojo blushes Hanako starts to blush as well Shen sees that Shojo and Hanako are flirting with each other and he is mad .

Everyone from every class go down to the yard to look at the clubs Shen,Shojo,Hanako,Rin all walk through the clubs to decide on which to choose they immediately sprint to the baseball clubs spot and signs up as the baseball team captain Akio Saito says " Thank you for signing up with the baseball club and we are greatfull that you joined we needed both players and managers our practice starts tomorrow you should be at the dimond and ready for practice" they all say together "no problem thanks for letting us join".

                                         Until next time to be continued