Chapter 3:


Reality Breaker

It was pitch black and i was tied on a  chair in an abandoned dungeon, 4 mins later i heard a two man talking outside the cell

"Hey, is that true that this kid bear the power of the most dangerous [Void]. 

"Yeah, looks like this kid from the shigan boonies."The Village of Fireflies" and i heard thats the village where the last Progenitor. "

"So the power from that guy fuses to this kid, Hmmm there is possibility that this kid is his son." 

As the two guy keeps talking outside the door, kairo starts thinking on how to escape but another guy comes with many bodyguard. 

"Open the door" 


The two guy opens the door and enter the room, there wasn't anything in there besides the torture devices and kairo that being tied in chair that loosening. 

"Yoooo Kid, you haven't eaten up for 3 days right?". 


"Hey undo his rope in his mouth" 

The guy takes up the rope on kairo's mouth and kairo starts shouting. 


"Its useless the nearest town from this ruins is 10,000 meters, shouting or begging for help wont let you escape from here HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI!". 

"You haven't eaten are you? Now i have a game for you i let you escape here if you beat the game ill gonna make you play, we'll call it 10 days of hell. I'll explain the rules  theres a one game  everyday and try to beat the daily game so you can eat" 

"Of course if you lose that game we wont hand a meal to you because if you lose any game, I'll proceed to death HIHIHIHIHIHIHI". 

"Oi hand over the food to this brat" 


"So kairo ill gonna meet you up tomorrow, bye HIHIHIHIHIHIHI". 

Kairo starts eating the food they gave to him, a one piece of chicken and a 1 cup of rice. Even if its from the enemy kairo abandoned his dignity because of his hunger,and after he finish eating his meal, kairo cries".

"What did i do to experience this., i hate it, i hate it shittttt!.... If theres anyone who is the author of my life!! Fuckyouuuu!!." 

Kairo notice a small hole inside the room and peak through it, he see a light from this, a broken and abandoned village.

He's thinking how to breakthrough from the cell, he see a shard of metal rusted from a old canue.

He start by tearing the wood from it. He do many things and he proceed to sleep after.

"Hey! Wake up!"

"Good Morning Kairo Kun~^"

"Then let's start the ga-"

Kairo waits the man's moved and he immediately throw a plastic balloon that filled with piss into the Guy's face. Kairo run across the room and push the wire he built all night and makes the celling and smash it into the group of men.

Kairo run towards the leader and snatches the key from its pocket and escape

"Got you all mf"

From that room the old celling can break anytime by using something to push it in the middle of the room, i use the wires to connect every part of it. Of course i need a time to push it and run to the side of the room, i doesn't have any water in here so I'll just filled up this balloon clothes a piss so that i have a small time to corner their.

He was running and running until he found the exit from the dungeon. 

"Haaaa! Haaa! Haa!.... Fi.... Nally i found it! Haaah!... Hah" 

Kairo walks into the exit and see's the massive massacre of imperial soldiers


A man from earlier followed kairo to outside dungeon while he's hand was broked and bleeding. 

"Now! Die Kairo Kun~" 

The man stabs kairo and penetrate to his hand

"UWAHHHHHHH, It hurttssss! Uwahhhhh!!"

The man laughing while kairo is crying from the stab,the man start to beat kairo and tied him into a tree and starts punching it, kairo starts spitting blood and falls unconsciously from the punch of the leader. 

"Take this!.... Take this!... Take this!..... Now how do you feel kairo kun, this is the outcome because you escape from me HIHIHIHIHIHI!" 

A running soldier shoots the leader of the rebels to save kairo from getting stabbed

"Poor boy, he sure beaten up by these bastard" 



"Who are this people, have they come to tortured me again because of this fcking ability??......" 

"Or is it a ray of hope??" 

Part 3 ended thanks for the 200+ viewers love you all 😘😘