Chapter 3:

Friend Request

Pros and Cons

"Ohh we have our first female client after 5 months huh?"

"Well as you might know, the business industry isn't really that friendly towards women sir."

"I don't think so, mother certainly didn't experience any issues. And I think even if I were born as a woman, I would still be able to reach my current position and status with ease."

Kuro chuckles.

"Hahahaha... Sorry, I can't imagine-"

"Why are you laughing? You don't believe that I can pull it off with my knowledge and skills?"

"No it's not that sir, ahahahaha!"

"Then what is it?"

"It's just that, I can't imagine how a female version of you would look like- bwahahahaha!"

Kuro stares at Kyouya and pictures a version of him with longer hair. He then bursts into another episode of laughter.

"Tsk, focus on the road."

"Okay okay, sorry sir ahahaha..."

Kuro shifts his focus back on the steering wheel and he wipes the tears from his eyes, the tears built up as he was laughing too hard earlier.

"Although, I gotta say... Getting harassed or bullied around by a female version of you might not be so bad-”


Ohh god, is he…?

“Although, that’s still you so ewww, gross. No way I’m going to ever try to hit on that female Kyouya hahahahahaha!”

“I swear, I would try to get a female assistant to replace you, it might make my work life way more convenient.”

“Heh, imagine an alternate version of us…female versions who are also work partners ahahahaha.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Phewww, that sure was fun, right Shiro-chan?!”

Saori says as she closes the door behind her and Shiro. Shiro has a visible smile written all over her face but she quickly changes her facial expressions the moment Saori turns to face her.

“If your definition of fun is getting overwhelmed by a crowd of children, then yes, I guess it was fun?”

“Aww come on, don’t act like your heart didn't melt after seeing those cute little smiles and the sparkles in their eyes?!”

Shiro takes out a laptop from her bag and places it on the table.

“Ohhh yey! Is it movie time, Shiro-chan?! What movie are we watching tonight?!”

Shiro sighs in frustration as she knows that Saori is intentionally trying to shift her focus away from the current task at hand, which is preparing for the meeting with their new client. She’s been Saori’s assistant for quite some time now (about 5 months to be exact) and one thing she’s noticed about Saori is that she procrastinates a lot. Shiro is even surprised to hear from their colleagues that Saori has never ever shown failure or tardiness.

“Look Saori-chan, I agreed to go with you on that non-work related earlier right? So please do me a favor too and focus on our preparations for that client meetup.”

“Ehhh but we still have like …”

Saori pauses and her hands start moving as if calculating something. Shiro sighs and brings out her phone.

“23 hours before the meeting!”

“23 hours before the meeting…”

The two said so at almost the exact time.

“Wow you’re like a human clock or something?”

“Exactly why I don’t keep any clocks in this apartment. Who needs clocks, we have our circadian rhythm.”

“Uhhh your phone has a clock installed in it.”

“True- true, but I seldom use it. Wait, wanna know how I guess the time? You see, I remembered that documentary I watched last night about those ancient devices that used the angle of the shadow casted from the sun to tell time and so I thought-"

It wasn't really a documentary, it was a youtube vid I saw while procrastinating…

“Okay- okay, sharp as ever I see… Now I know you might waste like an hour of our time to talk about how you guessed the time correctly. So let’s put your genius brain to work and accomplish work-related, profitable tasks.”

Saori frowns and upon seeing this, Shiro takes out a box of donuts from her bag. Saori’s frown quickly transforms into a smile.

“Now… Kyouya Nagamori, the only child from the Nagamori family which has been a huge name in the business industry for several decades now. He’s just as much of a bigshot as his parents, owning several businesses in the consumer market under his name. Not only did he decimate the competition, he even assimilated them into his ever growing corporate empire.”

“Ohh yeah, I see him right here. He’s online on Facebook right now, see?”

“What are you- I thought we agreed to focus on this? Give that”

“Too late, I already sent him a friend request.”

“You- what?!”

Shiro grabs the phone from Saori’s hands and sees that she wasn’t joking around. She sees the “Friend request sent!” notification printed on the screen and in the background the profile of Kyouya Nagamori can be seen.

“What did you- cancel it! Cancel it-”

As Shiro is about to press the button to cancel the friend request, Saori lunges at her and steals the phone.

“Catch me if you can! Hahahaha!”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Uhmmm sir, your phone says you have one new friend request.”

“Woah now, I didn’t leave my phone there so you could mess around with it."

Kyouya quickly runs over to the table to grab his phone.

Huh? Saori Nagasaki?! Isn't this the client that I'm supposed to meet tomorrow? Wait- wait it could be a prank, or a trick… hmmmm….

Kyouya scrolls through the available posts on the news feed. He spots several pictures related to the company that they’re going to

"Uhmm sir? You okay? Who was it?"

"Sorry for spacing out… it's just… come here, look at who sent me a friend request."

Kuro takes the phone as Kyouya was handing it to him.

"Hmm, Saori… Na-gasa-"

Kuro presses the confirm button and giggles. He turns to look at Kyouya who now has his eyes widened.

"What??! Why did you press confirm?!”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Saori-chan! Sto-op messing a-round! Give-me th-e-phone!”

Shiro struggles to speak properly as she is gasping for air due to running around in circles for almost a few minutes now. She stops to catch her breath. When she turns to look at Saori, she’s relieved to see that Saori is now sitting quietly on the sofa.

“So you finally gave up, huh?”

Saori does not reply.


“He- accepted it…”


“We’re now friends on facebook! What should I do? Ohh, I’ll send him a “Hi!”.”

Shiro tries to stop her but Saori already sent the message before she can even react.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Give me that!”

*phone’s message notification rings*



“Is that?-”

“Yes, she just sent me a message…”

Cali Maki

Pros and Cons
