Chapter 2:

Top Slayers


The monster gets angry because Aki cuts off his hand and attacks her, but Aki is too fast for him and easily avoids it. But unfortunately for her Sakura starts going crazy and screaming in pain, at that moment Aki is distracted because she is looking at Sakura and the monster hits her. Sakura's hands turn red and surrounded by a black aura, then she says:  

S-Hey, you look a little old-fashioned, Mrs. Aki. But you've gotten a little weaker if a stupid monster hurts you. (Laugh)  

Everyone is amazed and scared by Sakura. The monster gets angry and attacks Sakura, but manages to dodge and cut him in two. 

 S-I hate people who get involved in my conversation, especially the fat and ugly ones like you. 

?- Don't forget Sakura, the time has not yet come. 

 (Sakura loses consciousness but Arekks catches her and says.) 

 A-Oi! Sakura! Wake up! Wake up! 

 Aki-We should take her to the emergency room. 

 A-That's right, we should hurry. 

Sakura wakes up and sees Arekks with Kyoko and Aki. 

 S-Ha? What happened, why am I in bed? 

 Aki-Calm down, you suddenly fainted and I brought you here. 

 A-What? What are you talking about ... 

 Aki grabs him and takes him outside and tells him: 

Aki-We can't tell her what happened, who knows what will happen. 

 A-Ha?! Why not? She should know what she just did, that she saved us all. 

Aki-Are you stupid? She wasn't Sakura, she would never behave like that. And you didn't feel that weird energy that made the atmosphere freeze and burn at the same time. 

A-What? I don't understand what you mean, do you mean that all the energy came from Sakura? I thought it was from that monster. 

 Aki-Don't be stupid, why would he lose if he had so much power? 

 A-I don't know, maybe Sakura is hiding something. 

 Aki-Did you forget that this is a normal academy? 

 A-No. But you know a lot can happen.

Aki-Anyway, tomorrow you'll all be transfected, okay?  

A-Okay, then see you tomorrow. 

Arekks leaves angrily, but at the same time excited. The day after everything calmed down, the Sakura's class was moved to the second floor until the repairs to its old class were completed. Her first class after the accident takes place, and teacher Aki enters the classroom with an announcement. 

 Aki-I have an announcement to the class, today 3 students will be transferred to the academy of dragon hunters. 

 Everyone is amazed and says (Who are they?!) 

 Aki-These are Arekks, Kyoko and Sakura.

Good luck. (Congratulations! Good luck!)  

Aki-Come into your new world, into the world of the top slayers.  

S-Whay ?? Am I ... to be ... chosen for this? Surely it is a mistake, I do not even have spiritual energy. 

Aki- Shut up! Now come with me.

A, S & K- Y-Yes ma'am!  

Sakura, Kyoko and Arekks go with their teacher Aki to their new school and their new life, they go to the office. 

 Aki-Now enter in this room.  

They did so without saying anything else. Once they entered that room, they were teleported instantly to another school, or rather to another world. There they were greeted by the student council and the principal (they were amazed at what was happening).