Chapter 28:

Let's make sushi

Noa's Arc

One by one we step out of the dark and narrow path onto the sidewalk. The nearby street light flickers as a bright dandelion car zooms through the mostly empty road. The matte-black motorcycle Deci lent me is parked right in front of an orange car.

"Are you certain you don't want me to accompany you home?"

"Thanks Noa, but I already have a ride. Also..."

Diana looks at the motorcycle with an apprehensive smile.

"I'm not very comfortable with riding motorcycles... Or anything that leaves you, you know... exposed."

Gin raises an eyebrow.

"I thought you liked tinkering with cars?"

"I do! Motorcycles too when I get the chance, but riding them is a whooole different matter. I've spent more time messing around with Hellen than actually driving her."

I too raise an eyebrow.


Diana pulls out her car keys and the pumpkin-colored car parked behind the motorcycle beeps twice. Upon closer inspection, the fairly compact car has a metal flake texture and a well kept exterior.

"Not bad right?"

Diana smiles with obvious pride. I suppose it's no surprise Gin would be attracted to someone who also enjoys dabbling with machines.

"Enhanced friction control, reduced battery consumption, AR-assisted driving and self-driving, I've worked on my little pumpkin for the past five years so much that I bet it's more economical than any of those fancy 'next-gen' models."

"Not a fan of the new?"

"Not everything new is better, Gin."

"Are you saying you wouldn't buy a next-gen car if you had the spare money for it?"

"Well... I'd think about it."

"You hypocrite!"

Diana sticks her tongue out and winks impishly.

"Well, it's getting late. Thanks for the evening guys, seriously that was fun! I had no idea Noa gets that riled up over tabletop games."

"Tell anyone and I will smash your pumpkin."

"Ahaha, my lips are sealed!"

Diana's car opens and closes its door automatically as she steps into the driver's seat. The headlights come to life and with one final goodbye wave through her half-tinted windows, she drives off into the neon-lit night.

As the sound of the car's engine grew distant, a wary silence took its place. A few seconds pass before I decide that it's better to ask than to wait for Gin to bring it up.

"What happened?"

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"I mean I know when something's bothering you. You're trying to maintain that same smile you had back when you were putting me back together.

"...That obvious, huh?"

"To me, yes. I had no choice but to see you like that for months."

Gin rubs the back of his neck. He walks to the motorcycle and sits on it sideways.

"Nice bike by the way. Gives you this aura of a... kickass rebel security android. You could star in your own metanet show."


"...You know that thing Diana went to yesterday? Why she came here on a Sunday instead of a Saturday?"

"Yes, she said she had a prior engagement with some of her friends."

"Well turns out that 'prior engagement' was a mixer. She and her girl friends met up with some guys over drinks and karaoke and... well, she met a real great guy, or so she says."

"...That doesn't mean they're already a couple, right?"

"I dunno, she said something about planning dates to get to know each other better."

"Then that's all it is. You can still pursue her."

"Noa, it's not that simple."

"76% of the time people say that, it actually is that simple but personal fears and forced rationalization get in the way."

"But she wouldn't tell me these things if she saw me as a potential boyfriend right? She clearly doesn't see me that way."

"I reiterate: personal fears and forced rationalization get in the way."

Gin hangs his head and breathes a heavy sigh. He does make a valid point: Diana likely doesn't see him in a romantic light. I also can't help but wonder if my constant presence plays a part in it.

"If she doesn't see you that way, then work towards the goal of making her see you that way."

"...Right. If only it were that easy."

"It isn't. It's you we're talking about after all."

"You really gotta kick me when I'm already down?"

"But since it's you we're talking, it's all the more possible to succeed."

I raise my left hand and affix my sights to it. Unlike my right arm original to my model, my left is a replacement limb, and a fairly high quality one at that. The color is ever so slightly off and upon looking closer, more minute differences become apparent.

"Repairing me in the state I was in was no small feat. It took time, energy, resources, and dedication. If you can accomplish that much, then getting at least a date with Diana shouldn't me the most difficult thing in the world."

"...I think this and that are different, but I get your point. I dunno, I'll try."

I put my arm down and observe Gin's expression. He seems clouded with doubt and defeat.

"...You went shopping for groceries yesterday, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Do we have ingredients to make sushi?"

"Probably, yeah."

"Let's make sushi."

"But I already ate with Diana."

"Then we're making sushi for tomorrow."

"Why sushi all of a sudden? What is happening?"

"Like I said, I know what you're like when you're troubled. You put on a calm front and cope by keeping yourself busy. So now we're coping by making sushi."

"Okay but why sushi?"

"Because it's intricate and time-consuming enough without having to risk you using the stove and setting something on fire. Again."

Gin shakes his head slowly, but his mouth forms into an amused smirk.

"Crossdressing, a failed confession, and now sushi. What a day."