Chapter 5:

Things left unsaid

Four Seasons With You

Another week passed and Club activities finally resumed. Since the Basketball club is having difficulty maintaining its usual sprout of enthusiasm, many students have switched to watching the other sports club in their practice instead.

"Let's go! Au-Tu-Mn!!!" I cheered loudly at Autumn's team from the sidelines.

A few of us from our section decided to spend our time watching Autumn's practice. They were having a team match and their opponents are the juniors joining the Tennis club. I'm pretty sure most of them are conducting these matches in order to assess their junior's abilities and to see if there's anything to improve.

But that doesn't mean Autumn and her teammates have to go easy with them. Even if they're beginners, it is only natural that they have to be rough with them at some point in the game. A rising player wouldn't automatically drag their adrenaline and determination to win with just a brain-dead simulation or practice. Someone or something needs to stimulate all of their senses in order to get competitive.

"Get them, Autumn!" I hollered while watching her.

I could see Autumn dashing from side to side, adjusting her stance every second to give her swing adequate force to return the ball. Their team's rally has been going on for quite a while but I can feel that the fresh members are starting to lose the battle of stamina.

Autumn's smooth maneuver of movements gave her a stunning outlook. It is almost as if I'm watching a celebrity in their acting session right now. She had a serious look on her face as she tested the younger players on the field. Her hair was currently ponytailed in a bun, highlighting her straightforward attitude in the game.

"Don't let them rest!"

"Uh... Natsu, I think you should stop that." Haru whispered beside me.

"Huh? Why would I stop cheering for Autumn?" I asked.

"Y-You're bothering the other students with your loud voice..."

"Who cares?! And also, don't you need to cheer as well? Autumn needs some support right now!"

"Uh no, this is just a practice match. I don't think you should cheer like that." Haru replied.

"Even if it is just a practice match, they're still playing hard. Go! Go! Autumn!" I'm not gonna listen to him.

"Ugh, stop it, Natsu! You're embarrassing me!" Haru resolved himself to stop me.

He instantly placed his hand to cover my mouth while locking my arms to prevent myself from resisting.

"Mhmf! L-Let go of me, Haru!!!" I resisted with all of my might.

"I can't! If I don't do this, we will definitely get scolded!" Haru pushed for more pressure.

However, there's one thing that he didn't see coming. It's not the strength that makes me stronger, it's the power of my love for Autumn that gives me unwavering will.

"I said let go!!!" with the power of love, I managed to push Haru out of the way and continued my cheering.

"Agh!" he fell on his bum.

"C-Crap! Natsu! Natsu! Stop that!" although Haru has been stopped, another one stood in to counter me.

"Shut up!" I retorted.

"No, seriously! Stop that! Behind you...!" he continued.

"Huh?!" with a scorned face, I turned around only to see a certain woman—a stupid mongrel that seems to have been making fun of me lately.

When I met her deadly glare, all of my unwavering will and confidence got shattered immediately. There's no helping it, even though I want to get some revenge, I have a feeling that this woman will kill me so I shut my mouth.

"You seem to be having fun, huh...?" her voice was painted with a dreaded tone that pierced my consciousness.

"Ah... n-not really, hahaha..." I need to run.

Just as I was about to dash, Kylee grabbed my collar and pulled me backward with just one arm. I immediately tried to stand up but she dragged my body to the ground with a merciless expression.

"L-Let me go you mongrel! I need to cheer for Autumn!!!" I wriggled.

"Who the hell are you calling a mongrel? Shut up and stay put. We have work to do. More importantly, I have something to report to you..." when Kylee said that, I immediately made a sterned face. She was probably talking about what happened last time but I didn't expect her to work this fast.

"Can't we just discuss this tomorrow? I need to watch Autumn's play!" but even so, Autumn is more important than work.

"Huh...?" Kylee gave me a horrid glare.

"Hahaha... I know, right? Our duty is more important..."

I knew I won't be able to escape her grasp but she is pretty extreme. I think I now understand why most of the students respected her. And I think I know why people told me she's hard to deal with.


We headed toward the cafeteria. Kylee ordered some food while I indulged myself in a canned soft drink. The cafeteria is mostly empty during the afternoon when the half-day classes are in session so we managed to get some orders done quickly without lining up.

Kylee and I settled down at the table beside the window. The view from this side is not that bad but I wish I could see Autumn's play even if they're a bit far. Since the cafeteria is established in the middle of the building, it's not that hard to see the other sports club practicing in the quadrangle area.

"I supposed you didn't get to have some lunch if you're eating this much..." I remarked.

"What? Do you have any problem with it?" she asked with a sterned face.

"Nothing, really... so what's up?" I finally dropped the attitude and went for what we came in here.

"I just went last week and I think we got some confirmation..."

"Wait, you literally traveled all the way back just for that?" I asked.

"It's not a problem, I had my uncle drive me there. And it's not really that far."

"Did you also confront the owner and the place itself? If it turns out that it's already closed then it would be really bad..."

"Yes, I did," she answered seriously. "I met him myself and it turns out that he needs special care. It won't be that long before he collapses but I remember seeing a few of his relatives taking care of him so it should be fine." she continued.

"So it's actually true, huh...?" I muttered to myself while comprehending her report. Given the circumstances, if what Kylee reported is true, then there's still time for all of this to work out.

"Oh yes, before I forgot, he sent me this on my way..." Kylee brought something out of her bag. It was another letter enclosed in an envelope. I took it from her and opened the strap.

"What's this?"

"Read it," Kylee prompted.

"Is it okay...?" I think it's bad to read someone else's letter without any permission.

"It's fine. He explained the contents to me before I left so I'm pretty sure it won't be that different."

Nodding to her answer, I opened the envelope and unfolded the paper. It was similar to the ones we accidentally read back then but the contents this time is different. When I reached the end, I realized that there are things left unsaid that provoke uneasiness and stirs people's relationship. It was a heartwarming letter, composed to alleviate the distress of the broken truth.

"How sweet..." I felt a tingle of pain through my heart as I returned the paper. I've never experienced something like that in my life. As someone who has been discarded, I wouldn't know how it feels like to have someone support you in your career.

"So? What do we do?" she asked.

"Why are you asking me?" I returned her question, trying to see if Kylee will leave the decision to me or would pursue hers.

"You already have a plan, don't you?" she stared deeply at me.

"What are you talking about?"

"Hah, if you don't answer me properly, I'll stab you in the eyes with this fork..." oh, she'd gone for the threat strat.

"Okay okay, relax... I already know how to fix this but I need some time to refine it." I raised my arms in defense.

"Personally speaking, I think we should report this to the President first and have her opinion. We still don't know if it is okay to settle this without her guide." Kylee suggested.

"No..." I refused. "We can fix this ourselves as part of the committee. There's no reason for us to alert Fuyumi. She could just focus on the council work instead of joining these personal matters. It is our duty to handle internal affairs as part of the scope of the public moral anyway."

"You're probably right but still... No, never mind. So are you going or not?" she asked.

"I'll go. I think I can handle it myself."

"Heh, that's a quick change. A few minutes ago you're more invested in seeing your crush play and now you're willing..."

"If someone didn't threaten me I would've already shoved this work in your face."

I meant that, by the way. But I still had my reasons to go this far so I'm placing an exception for this one.


Now that the survey assessment of the Spring event has been set in motion, Ayumi had finally got some time to focus on her studies. As the Student Council President, she had tons of responsibilities to handle that extends within the authorities of the staff. She could provide insight on various matters and work her way to solve affairs.

But even if she had that much work, she couldn't neglect her academics one bit. Being a powerhouse in an across-the-board academy is not a guaranteed ticket for her to have high grades. That's why she's putting in twice the effort that a normal student wouldn't usually take while constantly building a utopia inside.

This unwavering willpower of hers had led her to become an untouchable ruler in the school. Most students can't reach the cold world of the Ice Princess even if they work hard enough. There's no way they could understand the process at all.

And Ayumi herself strongly believes that no one in the school perfectly understands her.


"Hmm? Fuyu, did you use our ingredients? It seems like we're out of vegetables here..." Ayumi's big sister asked.

"H-Huh? Really...?" when she heard the question, Ayumi got flustered, remembering all of the events that happened when Nathan visited their room.

"Mhmm, did you cook?" she asked.

"Y-Yes, I cooked something when you left home last week." it was a lie, a not-so-perfect lie that even a child could notice.

"You're lying. There's no way you could've cooked with your condition, and you don't even know how to. Did someone visit you or...?" seeing through her facade, Ayumi finally let out a sigh and told her the truth.

"Fine. Someone did come..."

"Oh?! Really? Who is it? Who is it?" seeing the spark in her big sister's eyes, Ayumi knew that this conversation wouldn't end without her telling everything.

"It's... It's actually the guy that I saved that caused this injury." Ayumi answered while looking at the thin cast on her arm.

"Heh... So, what happened? Did you let him in, hmm?" she could totally see the smug look on her face but Ayumi didn't hesitate to tell everything to her.

She explained the reason why and how Nathan was able to reach their house through his delivery work and how she let him in. She also told her about how Nathan offered to cook something more healthy than the food she ordered and how tasty it was when she ate it. Because of that, Ayumi has been learning how to cook by watching some videos on the internet.

"Hahaha! This is so unbelievable that it sounds so funny!" her big sister couldn't help it of course.

"Can you please stop? It's really embarrassing..." Ayumi pouted cutely as she blushed.

"Haha... that was a good one. But finally, I'm so glad that you have someone to come over."

"What do you mean by that?" Ayumi furrowed her eyebrows.

"It's because I'm starting to worry about your social life. You're the President of the Student Council, right? Ever since you attained the position, you've been restricting yourself in your personal space and created this cold world where everyone couldn't reach you. I'm just so glad that you're finally melting..." she answered.

Ayumi had locked herself deeper on a block of ice. Because of that, all of her cliques and circle of friends vanished through the fractals of snow which made her alone.

"It's nothing like that, he just imposed himself without any warning..." Ayumi denied it.

"Hee hee~ If it is like that, then you could've just turned him down. I wonder why you didn't...?"

"That's..." she trailed off, unable to answer her big sister's question.

Now that she thinks about it, why didn't she ignore Nathan's proposal back then? For what reason did she let him cook for her? If this was the old Ayumi, she wouldn't have let Nathan come in without any permission. She could've closed the door and left with it but she didn't.

The frozen persona that keeps off everyone around her was thawing without her realizing it. And the reason for that was none other than the heat of the sun from Summer—the hottest season that symbolizes freedom, happiness, and self-development. It was him that made all of these changes possible, albeit subtly.

"I'm actually quite amazed by this guy. His name is Nathan, right? He's the first-ever person to reach you like this..." she added. "Oh, I have an idea!"

"Hmm?" Ayumi turned toward her.

"Perhaps you could invite him formally next time?"

"HUH?!" Ayumi's pen dropped. "W-W-What are you saying? I-Invite him? Why?"

"Y'know? I need to thank him for taking care of my little sister. And yeah, I also wanted to meet him personally to see if he's a good candidate..."

"A candidate for what?"

"To become your boyfriend." she winked.

"Nuh—!" her face went red all of a sudden. "W-What are you saying?! There's no way I will accept that! I don't even find him as a potential lover and I have no interest in engaging so!"

"HAHAHA! Your reaction is just so..." only the big sister could make Ayumi burst out these kinds of expressions.

"Anyway! I will invite him as you wish but don't mention that topic in front of him!" she frowned but the beet-red color of her cheeks was still visible.

"I know! I know! Hahaha...!"

She didn't refuse. That Nathan did have an influence on her persona. I'm excited to meet him...

After a bit of bickering, Ayumi was back on track to study for the quiz when her phone buzzed.

"Hmm?" placing her pen down, she adjusted her sitting position and turned on her phone. Displayed on the screen was a familiar name and contact number that she often converse with.



Nathan didn't attend the council meeting today for some important reason. The meeting wasn't all that important except for some updates that the members need to report for regulation.

"Good work for today..." after dismissing the members, Kylee waited for them to leave, and then she approached Ayumi.

"Are you sure about this...?" Ayumi asked.

"I am confident that it is the only way to solve the issue and restore the team's morale. I'm glad that you recruit Natsu for this but I don't know the reason why he's keeping it for himself."

"What do you mean?" Ayumi narrowed her eyes.

"He was willing to solve the problem but he wanted to leave you out of it which I find weird. I guess he didn't want to bother you in your work..."

When Kylee said that, Ayumi had a flashback to the conversation she made with Nathan in the morning. She told him that she didn't want to let Nathan help because he is unreliable. When she remembered that, a surge of guilt entered her soul.

So that's it, huh? You're planning on solving this by yourself so that you could appeal to me...

For a moment, Kylee saw a hint of smile within Ayumi's usual stone expression.

"Kylee..." she then called out to her.


"Don't tell this to Nathan but I want to help. I want you to give me the details about the situation," she asked.

"But... is it okay?" Kylee was hesitating.

"It's not a problem. What we're going to do is just set up a stage to help a certain someone. Nothing's going to get revealed, but I'm glad that you told me..." with a fling of her snow-white hair, Ayumi exuded her aura to the head of the committee.

"Got it! I'll tell you Nathan's plan..."
