Nathan Sumirez is a sixteen-year-old high school student who has yet to profess his love to his crush, Autumn. One day, as he was looking for a chance to be alone with her, his misfortune led him to an accident with the Student Council President named Ayumi. With her being unable to lead the council properly, she had decided to recruit Nathan as a temporary committee member. However, he didn't expect the workload to be arduous, thus losing his opportunity to spend time with Autumn and ultimately leading to the start of his adorably annoying relationship with the President as he dives into other people's problems.
Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (Weekly)
Originally a one-shot romantic comedy story turned into a serialized format based on the Season. This novel will cover the protagonist's personal and romantic development with his potential partners as he dives into other people's problems after becoming a member of the committee. Let us join our MC on his wholesome relationship during the Spring season.
Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (Weekly)
Originally a one-shot romantic comedy story turned into a serialized format based on the Season. This novel will cover the protagonist's personal and romantic development with his potential partners as he dives i...