Chapter 0:

We don't know what tomorrow will bring.

Homo sapiens cannibalis

- I'm tired of eating vegetables every day! So cries the voice of Obili Memane sitting angry in front of a plate of broccoli in the dining room shirtless, blue shorts with white African embroidery in the shape of a triangle on them. Beside him is his mother Abomo Nna, dressed in a boubou with African embroideries of various shapes on it. She smiles because Obiii next to him is already moving his lips to make fun of his father Memane Akiti, because he is going to make the same speech he is used to making. - You should be happy with the little you have, because there are others who don't even have the little you have there. And stop moving your lips mimicking what I'm saying. So shouts Memane, Obili's angry father, then he calmly resumes speaking. But her son keeps imitating her with gestures. - It is always in the same idea that I always repeat that we must keep traditions because we do not know what tomorrow will give birth to. - Really dad? Do you really think that in 2075 people will go back to fighting with katanas, blades, bows and African spears? - And you think that all these efforts provided by the samurai since all this time it is for nothing? - ah all this is just to entertain people in museums, and in the cultural parks of the world. Said Obili with a disinterested air. But that pissed off his father. - You deserve a good beating. Says Memane, chasing her son who sneers at the same time as his mother, going towards the exit of the house. It's January 11, 2075, and it's the fiftieth anniversary of the International Anime Manga Day. We see in the streets hundreds of millions of manga and anime fans, cosplays of manga characters of all genres and all generations. There are Cosplay contests, card games, gastronomy found in manga and anime, meetings with new authors of anime manga in all corners of the world.

Homo sapiens cannibalis
