Chapter 3:

I'm Cute?

I Went to School Cross-dressing

The first time I saw the school outside, I had already guessed it was pretty massive. Of course, I've already expected it, but seeing it up close and exploring the vicinity was entirely different. Despite the school having over 700 students enrolled here, it still felt spacious. There were multiple floor levels and other buildings aside from the main structure, it was a pain going through every place on the same day, but having someone guide you was a blessing.

I was so engrossed in touring the school that I forgot people were staring. Luckily, it wasn't as many as earlier since I was hiding behind Suzuki. It can't change the fact that it was uncomfortable, but it's better than before. Sorry, Suzuki.

But honestly, it was getting quite bothersome, so I should ask her something about it. That was a part of my plan after contacting her in the first place. She did tell me I was cute earlier this morning, but I took it more as flattery from a girlfriend. We had been friends for a long time, and her thinking she found out I was the opposite sex was surely a surprise for her. That's probably why she said those things earlier. It was not with certainty that others looked at me the same way she did. 

"Do I look weird?"


"It's just that... everyone keeps looking at me funny."

Hearing someone's thoughts on how I look would lessen my worry. I don't mean to be biased, but I think I looked above average when I finished getting in this getup. She said I looked cute earlier, but there are different ways to interpret that. Plus, if someone observed how I acted, there's a chance someone already figured out that I'm a boy. That's one reason I don't want to talk too much since I don't fully know how to act like a girl. 

Animes are no good since they're overly exaggerated. I could use Suzuki as a reference to how I should behave, but there's a certain criteria for that. She's naturally charismatic, so if an introvert one day decided to act like her, it would be pretty creepy. I can't imagine myself like that.

"Hmmm... I don't think you should worry about that."

What the heck does that mean? That wasn't the answer I was looking for, but I suppose if she says it, I'll stop worrying about it. I never doubt what she says since she's the honest type of person and one who always says what's on her mind.

Still, I can't help but feel uneasy when stared at. What do others honestly think about me? Would someone other than her find me cute? Honestly, I doubt it. Maybe some would find me repulsing when they realize I'm cross-dressing. Even if somehow, I'm actually quite beautiful, then that would mean, at most, I'd only get popular with the boys. There's a good chance that wouldn't be the case, but... ugh... Just the thought of someone confessing to me gives me goosebumps...



'What's with the grinning?'

"Should we head back now? The day's almost over."

"Sure! I'm kinda tired of walking all day. Of course, I knew when I came here first, but the school is massive!"

We went back to the classroom. She held my hands when we walked, but it felt more like I was being dragged. Was this how girls usually go together? Holding hands as a boy is pretty weird, but I guess when girls do it, it's quite normal. I should make a mental note about that. We picked up our bags and went to the entrance hallway immediately after. It's currently 4:47 in the afternoon. It suddenly hit me that today was quite a tiring, long day.


What.. is this..? There's no way...

"What is it?"

Suzuki asked as she turned in my direction. Our shoe lockers were next to each other, so maybe the one who put this thing made a mistake.

"To... Kanako..."

A confession letter. At least that's what it seemed like. Ah, the very last thing I wanted happening. On the first day of school to boot. It looks like this tiring, long day doesn't plan on ending any time soon, huh? Also... why are you grinning ear-to-ear, Suzuki?

"Tee-hee, Well, look who's popular~? Ahaha, But I wonder who has the nerve to write a confession on the first day of class? Is this what they call love at first sight? Way to go, Kanacchi! Haha!"

I couldn't respond with anything more than an awkward smile. Honestly, who does this? It's the age of technology where you can confess in a text message! It could be a prank letter. I'll check the contents just in case.

'I'll wait behind the school.'

That was awfully short. Judging by the handwriting, it doesn't seem to belong to a boy. That makes it weirder if that's the case.

"I can wait for you. It's not that late anyways. And besides, I live near here, just a few minutes away walking. Hehe, so you can take your time~ Oh, introduce me later, okay?"

She definitely has the wrong idea. I don't plan on dating dudes anytime. However, it's pretty rude to keep him waiting, so I'll settle this matter immediately and reject them immediately. Ahhh, I don't know what to say when they ask for a reason, though... I'll leave that up to my future self.

Going to the place he mentioned, I saw a boy leaning on the wall with his hands behind his back. Was it him? I couldn't see anyone around besides him, so it must be. It wasn't that dark, but I couldn't see his face properly until I walked closer. Perhaps noticing I was now already there, he stood up properly. It's definitely him.

We were in a deadlock, and we stayed silent for a while. I'll wait until I hear what he says, but why is he so quiet?

Hmm? Ahaha, That's so cute... he's fidgeting around a lot more than Suzuki. Ah no, I can't laugh... I'll hold it in. My expression right now should look pretty warped since I'm holding my laughter... but I hope he doesn't notice. Oh... finally. Took you a while to make your move. Bowing then stretching his arms out with... another letter at hand? How classic. It's definitely a confession.

"I-I like you! Please go out with me!"

His voice is pretty shaky too. I remember Suzuki was also like that earlier when she didn't know it was me. I don't know what this guy is thinking and it's pretty hard getting a read on his face with that bangs that long. Looking closely, he's undoubtedly blushing. Does this guy actually like me? But seriously? What compels you to confess to someone you probably met or even saw in just a day? Would that mean that I'm... in fact, quite attractive? Suzuki kept on telling me that I was cute too. I could never find myself appealing. Maybe that's just me.

Oh, shoot... This isn't good. I'm taking way too long figuring out what to say... I can't keep him waiting for too long. He's glancing up at me. He definitely wants an answer now. Anyways, I'm not interested. Sorry, bud.

"I'm sorry, but no. I figured out one thing thanks to you, though, so thanks for that!"


Ooh, you're reasonably quiet, huh? Figures. I don't know how rejection feels, but I bet it must feel bad. I won't go out of my way to console him though, but looking at his face, he'd definitely find someone better, *who's not a guy.* Now that I think about it, with a face like that, you'd even make some girls envious. Heck, aren't you prettier than me?! I couldn't see his face clearly, but after gradually adjusting to the dark, he's one hell of a pretty boy. Suzuki's waiting for me; I'll tell her about him later, maybe she'd be interested.

"If that was all, I'll go home now."



"What was I lacking..?"

That's something I didn't expect after a rejection. 'What was I lacking' huh... Well, not only do I not even know who you are, I'm just not attracted to guys, to put it simply. But how should I bring this up to him? I can't very much say I'm a dude. There's a chance he'd spread it to other students... Ahah! I know!

"Because I like girls too."

I went back to where Suzuki was. She stood there pretty exhausted, with beads of sweat on her forehead. Did she run around or something? Anyway, I walked toward her and soon walked away from school. I was surprised to hear that not only do we go in the same direction, but we also live near each other. So we chatted for a while. Well, it was mostly her doing the talking until we parted ways. Soon, the longest, most tiring day of my life, currently, would finally come to an end.