Chapter 2:

My date with an escort


                                    The point of view of first lieutenant Karolina Porze  
Year 1002.

The Western region of the Empire
 The town of Radon, the town’s Inn (1st floor)

 First lieutenant ‘’Karolina Porze’’ of the first Reevian army

After that bothersome encounter with those scum bandits, we continued walking east. The lowly traitor continue to give me his bullshit answers each time I asked him for our destination then he suddenly stopped and started walking toward a small shady-looking town. This town didn’t figure in any of my maps so I wondered how he even knew such a place existed.

I was going to ask him that but he interrupted me and insisted we spend the night in this shitty-looking inn. The nerve on this fucking traitor. Does he even understand his position? How dare he look down on me an honorable soldier of the kingdom when he is just a lowly number?

I have decided. He will taste the tip of my sword once this stupid mission is over.

I continued repeating this last phrase in my head as I gobbled down the food that was in front of me. It was a simple meat stew but the flavor was surprisingly good so I didn’t mind eating such a simple peasant meal.

In front of me sat the lowlife Number as he ate the same stew I was having. Look at him, just sitting there so expressionlessly. He should be ashamed of himself for not knowing how to swing a sword. Even nobles who grew up in fancy castles can defend themselves. Hell, I even heard the king's kitchen’s staff were taught how to use swords. What a useless use of space.  

‘’ That style of sword fighting you used with those bandits, it’s a Myrilian art style, right? ‘’ the lowlife traitor suddenly spoke as he focused his gaze on his plate.
‘’ What? How do you know about that? ‘’ I quickly replied in astonishment, how does someone like him know of the honorable ‘’Myrilian’’ sword fighting?

 ‘’ It’s quite a fancy new skill? Who thought it to you? ‘’ the Number replied refusing to look me in the eyes.
‘’ Don’t answer my question with another, Number! Answer me! How do you know of the existence of the Myrilian sword art? ‘’ I asked again. Who’s he to give me questions?  
‘’…………….’’ The lowlife creature suddenly went quiet as he continued eating his meal.

What a disrespectful asshole! I don’t get it, I don’t get it at all. Why is the high council entrusting a top priority mission in the hands of a traitor who can’t even use a sword?

 The first time I saw him what caught my attention was the blade he was carrying on his left side. It was different than the mass-produced Reevian rapier, it looked custom-made and had an aura of elegance about it.
To think the owner of such a sword can’t even use it. What a waste. But while I was lost in such thoughts, a certain person approached our table.

‘’ Hello there my lords, would any of you be interested in my company? ‘’ The person spoke as they leaned at our table. They were a young woman probably in their early twenties wearing provocative Makeup and donning a strong smell of perfume.
There was no doubt about it. This woman is a tavern prostitute. Although prostitution is illegal in ‘’Reeva’’, here in the Empire it was considered the oldest profession on the continent. 

 ‘’ Yes, I would like to pay for your services ‘’ the lowlife traitor suddenly spoke. What? Is he serious? Is this why he insisted on coming here? Fucking disgusting.

Before I could show my objection, the traitor stood on his feet and started following the prostitute. He didn’t even bother to say a word to me. Fucking Numbers, they really are mindless animals.

                                                      The point of view of 13                                                                        
Year 1002.

The Western region of the Empire
The town of Radon, the town’s Inn (2nd floor)

I followed after the escort as she led me up to a room on the second floor. She then closed the door behind her and urged me to sit on the bed.
‘’ Do you require something specific my lord or would the usual do? ‘’ The escort smiled seductively as she played with her hair.
‘’ The usual is fine ‘’ I quickly replied as I looked at the escort standing in front of me. 

She then chuckled and started taking off her clothes with a big smile on her face.
‘’ You don’t mind if I keep on my night dress, do you, my lord? I’m a bit insecure because of this little scar on my tummy ‘’ the escort spoke with pleading eyes, mimicking that of a helpless little girl. 

‘’ Sure ‘’ I quickly replied.
The escort smiled again and started approaching me seductively but the moment she tried to get on top I made my move and pinned her down on the bed.

‘’ Oh, so you like it rough don’t you my lord? ‘’ the escort said with a mischievous smile on her face.
‘’ Do you know what’s the first rule for every escort young lady? ‘’ I replied as I continued pinning her down on the bed.
 ‘’ Tell me my lord!!’’ the escort spoke, her eyes shining with intrigue.

‘’ Never leave a piece of clothing on ‘’ I quickly replied as I tightened my grip on her neck.
‘’ W-What?? ‘’ the escort spoke as she struggled to escape my grip. 
‘’ It’s a non-written role that every escort should undress completely in front of her client, this was recently implemented by the Empire due to the increase of incidents where escorts would hide knives in their dresses and use them to rob drunk customers ‘’ I explained my words as I continued to tighten my grip around her neck. 

‘’F-Forgive me, my lord, I-I meant you n-no disrespect…I shall undress right now ‘’ the woman spoke with tears in her eyes.

‘’That would not be necessary, I know you’re not really an escort. I suspected that the moment I walked into this room ‘’

‘’What?? ‘’ 

‘’ Your room is too clean, too tidy like it was never used. It looks nothing like a room an escort will bring her clients into every night’’ While I spoke I reached my hand inside her dress and took out a shiny dragger that was hidden there.
‘’ A military knife? I wonder what you were planning to do with such a thing. ‘’ I spoke as I traced the knife along her right cheek.

 ‘’Forgive me, I didn’t want to do it ‘’ the woman finally showed her true color, she must have realized the hopeless situation she was in.
‘’ I suggest you start talking young lady! Who sent you here? Who ordered you to kill me? I spoke coldly as I locked eyes with the freighted woman.

 ‘’ I can’t ….I can’t say ‘’ the woman replied as she closed her eyes.
‘’ Okay,‘’ I spoke as I swiftly shoved the knife into her left arm.


The woman shouted in pain as red blood poured from her wound and stained the white mattress beneath her.
‘’ HELPPPP, SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE ’’ the woman screamed calling for aid.
‘’ That’s rather pointless I’m afraid, I’ve already cased a ‘’sound spell’’ when we walked into this room. No one outside of this room can hear anything ‘’ I explained as I took the knife out of her arm. 

‘’ Please, I-I don’t want to die ‘’ the woman spoke as she held into her bleeding arm.

‘’ Then I suggest you talk. Who is it that wants me dead and where can I find them? ‘’ I quickly replied as I wiped the blood from the military knife. The woman knew if she didn’t talk, this knife will be going into her other arm then into her legs, and eventually cut her throat.

‘’L-Lord trickster….it’s lord Trickster. He ordered me to track you down and quietly eliminate you ‘’ the woman spoke with heavy breaths.
‘’ Lord Trickster, huh? Where is he located right now? ‘’ I added as I continued to probe the woman.

 ‘’ Please sir, I’m just a soldier. I was just following orders ‘’ the woman begged once again, seems she fears giving her master’s location will lead to her execution for treason.

 ‘’ I need to know his location and I advise you to talk if you don’t want this cheap-looking room to be the last place you see ‘’
The woman looked hesitant for a second but realizing she had no other choice for survival so she sang. She sang like a fucking bird.
Once I got the information I needed I casted a sleeping spell on her and a healing spell on her arm and then I left the room.

                                 The point of view of first lieutenant Karolina Porze                                        
Year 1002.
 The Western region of the Empire
The town of Radon, the town’s Inn (1st floor)
First lieutenant ‘’Karolina Porze’’ of the first Reevian army

By the time I finished my meal, I noticed the lowly traitor walking down the stairs. Is he done already? I guess it’s not just his metal sword that he can’t use? What a hopeless creature.
The Number came back to our table and took his seat. He then ordered a second bowl of stew.

‘’ Did satisfying your animal desires got you hungry again traitor? ‘’ I spoke addressing the creature standing next to me.
 ‘’ Something like that ‘’ the traitor replied with the same expressionless look on his face.

I stood up and was heading to my room when I noticed a suspicious stain on the traitor’s sleeve. Is that blood? I don’t remember seeing that stain before.
I came closer to the number hoping to get a better look when all of a sudden a clinging sound vibrated into my ears. It was a sound I knew very well. The sound of metal clinging to another metal.

I looked in front of me, the traitor was holding a sword in front of my face. What the hell is going on?
Is he trying to attack me? Did he finally show his true colors? I instinctively reached for my sword but that’s when I noticed a foreign object laying on our table.

An arrow? A metal arrow?

Right, at that moment I spotted a person on the other side of the Inn with a crossbow in his hands. He was pointing it right at me and before I could react he pulled the trigger.
An arrow flew straight to my face but fragments of a second before it hit me, the traitor swung his sword in a quick precise move and blocked the arrow from penetrating my skull.

‘’ I see, so this is his backup plan in case the woman failed her mission. Draw your sword, we have some company ‘’ the traitor spoke to me as he pointed at 3 strange-looking men who were standing on the other side of the Inn. They looked heavily armed and had a thirst for blood in their eyes.  
I quickly drew my sword and faced the armed men. The other customers of the bar ran away or hid behind tables and crates. It was just us and the enemy now.
‘’ I will cover you from crossbow arrows and give you enough room for a ‘’Red Lotus slash’’ The traitor spoke as he looked at me, his regular expressionless face has changed into a serious stare. 

Wait, how does he know about the ‘’Red lotus slash’’ and how did he even block those arrow shots.  I thought he didn’t even know how to use a sword. No….No, I can’t be thinking about this right now. I need to focus otherwise I won’t survive this fight.

I looked back at the Number, nodded my head, and jumped forward as fast as I could but the traitor was already in front of me. Just like before he moved his sword at such amazing speed and blocked all arrows almost as if he could anticipate the enemies’ movements. I had never seen such speed in my life.

While the archer started reloading his next shot I took the chance and swung my sword in a clean horizontal line cutting through his arms and disarming him completely. The main threat was now gone. 

I moved my left leg and swung my sword at the armed man on the right. Surprisingly though he managed to block my first attack. These were no ordinary soldiers.

I lowered myself and took the Red Lotus stance then I moved my sword to a 30-degree angle. The armed man reached to block my attack but before he could make contact with my sword I swiftly tightened my grip and changed the direction of my slash. The armed man had no time to block or dodge this time and my blade cut through him cleanly.

The armed man fell on the ground motionless, I turned to my right to see the Number wiping out the blood from his blade, and laying on his feet was the body of the third armed man.

 I fixated my stare on the creature standing in front of me. What the hell was that? What’s going on? Who really is he? Who is this ‘’ person’’.