Chapter 1:

This is the Other World is it?

That Thing Called Love is it Real?

I am Yuuto Taneshima, an ordinary high schooler without any sort of characteristic that make me stand out. I am just your regular average mob character. Anyways I was walking home from school when I saw a little girl suddenly ran towards the street with a speeding truck rushing towards her. Without a second thought I immediately rushed to save the girl from her death but instead it was me who met my death instead.

I was fully expecting to be greeted by angels but when I open my eyes instead I see an old man sipping tea from a cup. When he noticed that I am awake he beckoned me to sit with him at the table.

"Hello young lad," the old man said, "normally you will be ushered to the afterlife but due to some circumstances I would like to ask you for a favor."

"Are you the god of this place?" I asked him after hearing what he just said and he just nodded, "so what circumstances are this and what favor do you want from me?"

"Well you see, it is still not time for you to die," the old man sipped from his cup, "instead you decided to cut it short even though there was no need for it."

"What do you mean there was no need?" I clearly remembered the little girl going to become roadkill if I have not rushed, "what about that little girl?"

"Oh that cute angel?" the old man looked surprised, "you can see them?"

I tilted my head not comprehending his question.

"Well those are playful angels normally they are not visible to ordinary humans," the old man sighed, " I should really tell them to be careful down there since there are someone like you that can see them."

"So do you mean that girl would be completely fine even though I will not rush to save her?" I was shocked by this sudden revelation and the old man just nodded.

"Well this is actually a good thing for you right," he looked at me as if he knows what I was thinking, "I can see that you are bored at your old world and you wanted an escape."

"You could say that at least," I sighed and laid down on my back, "you could say I am not that normal since I really do not know how to feel emotions."

"Hmm, so are you willing to take up my offer?" the old man raised his hand and what appears to be a portal materialized by his side, "if you are willing just step right through here and I will take care of the rest."

I sat back up and looked at the portal then at the old man then stood up and walk towards the old man, "you sure this is safe?"

"Yes it is safe," the old man the sipped some tea from his cup, "as a bonus I will give you some blessings so that you can live a carefree life on the other side."

"Then I guess here goes," I just took my breath as I walk through the portal and then there was darkness.

Man that old man might have lied to me. There is nothing there but darkness.

[Welcome mister Yuuto]

A mechanical voice started talking to me


[As per instructed by his holiness, I shall grant you the blessing promised to you]

I can feel some sort of warmth surging through my body which is weird since I really cannot feel my body.

[Granting of blessing is done now have a good life on the other side mister Yuuto]

Then there was a feeling of being pulled out of this darkness and suddenly light flooded my eyes. When I have adjusted my vision I can see what appears to be a maid holding me in her hand and handing me to a beautiful woman. This woman has silver hair, blue eyes, and white skin. She has a beautiful face like those models you can see on TV. Now that I am looking at her, I can tell that she looks tired as if she just went exercising or something then it dawn on me where I am right now. Apparently I am reborn as a child in this world and here I thought I would be transferred as a teenager like my past self.

I was born unto a noble family having the rank of a count. My father apparently was originally from a viscount household and due to his heroics during the last war he was promoted to being a count although he was offered a higher rank my father declined it. He also selected a territory far away from the capital. So our family's territory is the town of Lagoon, a fishing town located on the east coast of the kingdom. We are a family of four with me being the latest addition. My father is Edmund Wilhelm, the hero of the last war. My mother is Elizabeth, the most famous songstress of the kingdom. My brother who is now 4 years old is Brandon. Then lastly there is me, William the newest member to the house of Wilhelm. 

So he put me in a noble's household as a second son so that I can have both the resources as well as a degree of freedom. Thank you old man and I will truly enjoy this new world you have put me in.
