Chapter 1:

Why would I care?

So What If I'm a Girl

Laying in the hospital bed, a woman held a baby with a tired but joyous expression.She held the baby close to her bossom and smiled.

The baby giggled and laughed in her mother’s embrace.The woman’s smile soon dropped and was replaced by sadness.

“My baby, I’m sorry but please bear with what mother has in plan for you...”

As if she knew the woman’s feelings, the baby reached out her tiny little hands and touched the woman’s cheeks.

The woman smiled bitterly and hugged the baby tightly.

“I will name you Lan Du, I cannot bear for you to be hurt so I hope this name will shape you well”

The baby giggle as it flailed it’s tiny arms around, hearing its name, Lan Du laughed happily.What the woman doesn’t know is that the innocent little baby in her arms will grow up to fit that very name.

(Lan means blue and Du means poison in Chinese)

She will grow up to be deadly like poison but clear like the sky.

Days past since Lan Du was born, the days became months and the months became years.Lan Du grew up without a father as he was busy in the military.He doesn’t even know about the existence of his daughter.

Lan Du was twelve this year and she grew up more understanding than most children her age.She knew what she should do and what she shouldn’t do.

Waking up in the morning, Lan Du stretches out her arms and yawned.She got up slowly from her bed and went to the cupboard where her clothings were kept.

She reached her hand in and took out a school uniform for...guys?!

Taking off her pijama revealing her smooth white skin and slowly changed into the school uniform.

After putting on the uniform, it looked surprisingly good on her, in fact, she looks just like a guy!Her jade green eyes only made her look more dashing.

She had pure white hair that wasn’t too long that made her look girlish, but made her look more handsome instead.

She looked in the mirror next to her and smiled

“The guys in class will be giving me quite the death stare today, heh, funny, very funny”Lan Du began laughing to herself as she walked out the room.

She lived here in a pretty well off family, although she wasn’t dirty rich, her family had more money than most.

She kept giggling to herself as she thinks of the faces of boys who are angered by her.Because of the status difference between male and female, Lan Du grew up detesting males, her father was no exception.

‘Old man, I will make sure that you suffer for leaving my mother alone all these years’She walked to the dinner and sat down.Food were served by a maid as male butlers were immediately dismissed by Lan Du.

“Thank you”Lan Du have her a devilish smile which made the maid’s heart skip a beat.The maid left in a hurry and leaned on the wall in the Kitchen and felt her thumping heart.

“Is he really only twelve years old?”

Lan Du got her bag and was about to leave for school when a woman ran up to her and hugged her tightly.

“Du’er, why haven’t you said anything to your mother before leaving?”The woman poked Lan Du’s cheeks and pouted.

Lan Du pushes her away gently and smiled wryly.

“Mother, have you taken you medicine yet?You’re acting more unusual than ever”

Lan Du’s mother was called Lan Xin and she was a bit more...childish than most mothers.

“Waah, Du’er is so handsome when you look serious, be sure to get me a daughter-in-law when you grow up”

Lan Du covered her face with one hand and took a deep breath.

She turned her head and called the maid over.

“Please take my mother to her room to take her medications, it seems that we need to double it as well”She was left speechless by her mother’s remark.

Daughter-in-law?She is also a girl!

The maid nodded and dragged Lan Xin into her room.

“Ah, Du’er is being so cruel!”

Lan Du tried her best to ignore her and left the house in a hurry, afraid that the maid wouldn’t be able to hold her mother so she sped up her pace.

She walked town the street which was bustling with people, there were advertisements everywhere on new products and transportations.

Lan Du looked up to see males introducing the items and clicked her tongue.

“What’s so good about being a guy, bastards like them...I will beat them down to the ground, every one of them”she mumbled beneath her breath so no one heard her.

She continued to walk and reached a large gate.She walked in and her annoyed expression completely disappeared.Instead, it was replaced with a gentle smile.

The moment she set foot in the yard, there would be looks of adoration from the girls.The guys however gave her looks of despise.

Under their breath, they would curse at her.

“That guy has been hogging all the attention since he came, it has only been a day so nice he transferred yet all the girls are already head over heals for him”

The other guys nodded but could’ve put their anger anywhere.

They just gritted their teeth and glared at Lan Du from behind.

Lan Du ignored the annoyed expression of the guys and waved calmly at the girls.Wherever she looked, there would be squeals from the girls.

Lan Du walked into the school and headed to her classroom.She was seated at the back seat next to the window at the right hand side.

The teacher walked in after a few minutes in.

“Today, students will be choosing their future paths, there will be four types, political, warship piloting, central information control and the main army”

Lan Du’s eyes lit up when she heard that they could choose their paths today.

The teacher gave every student a piece of paper and a bracelet.

“After choosing your path, give me the paper and I will register it in the bracelet in front of you, that bracelet is what you will be using throughout the whole path, it has your information, path and is used to store points given in your path”

“The details on the points will be given after you chose your path and enter the training program, a test will be given before you officially enter to see if you have the qualifications to enter”

Lan Du didn’t even think and wrote down the main army as her path.She wanted to obtain achievements to outshine the males out there and put them to shame.

Lan Du was the first to go up and handed the teacher her paper.When the teacher saw, he was quite surprised that Lan Du chose to go to the main army.

He knew that Lan Du was very smart so he expected him to choose either central information control or political.

“Are you sure you want to pick the main army?”he asked to make sure that Lan Du was certain.

Lan Du nodded and replied “yes”

The teacher sighed and registered Lan Du’s information into the bracelet.

“Don’t lose it, this bracelet has some of your private information as well”

Lan Du held the bracelet and wore it on her left wrist.

After she sat back down, other students began going up and handing in their forms.

Most of the girls chose central information control while the males all chose either main army or warship operator.

After, the students were sent to their individual groups made up of four other students from the same paths.

Lan Du was in a group of two females and two males.There were few girls in the main army so other groups have either one to none.

Having two in one group was unlikely.

When they met up as a group, the group had to introduce themselves.

The boys introduced themselves first.One was a energetic looking one, he gave off a simple minded impression to others.

“My names is Qui Shan, it is a pleasure to meet you all!”He was much louder than others and constantly had a big smile on his face.

The other boy wasn’t bright like Qui Shan, he had an arrogant expression and didn’t look straight at anyone.

“You better remember my name, it’s Sheng Cang, it is your honour to be in my group”He carried an arrogant and pushy tone when he spoke.

Lan Du payed no heed to Sheng Cang, she gave Qui Shang a look amd wondered if he is acting or not.

“I am Lan Du, pleased to meet you all”She kept her introduction short as she wasn’t bothered and turned to the girls.

“Pleased to make your acquaintance”she gave them a gentle smile as she spoke

The two girls seemed much brighter after Lan Du’s introduction and smiled slightly.

Sheng Cang snorted and said under his breath


Lan Du gave him a cold look, but only for a second so only Sheng Cang saw it.Sheng Cang took a step back and felt a trace of fear when his eyes met Lan Du’s.

The two girls then introduced themselves.They were identical so it was obvious they were sisters.Twins at that.

“I’m Xie Ying, this is my sister, Xie Jing”the only difference between them were that Xie Jing half golden eyes whereas Xie Ying has silver eyes.

Lan Du smiled and said

“It’s a lovely name, it suits both of you”

The two girls blushed together under Lan Du’s complement.

A teacher then walked up to them

“You five will be a team till you enter the main army, being in the main army is not children’s play, you might even get injured in the examination, are you five ready!”he raised his voice at the last sentence, laying down his dominance.

“Yes sir!”

The five said in unison, in front of this teacher, Lan Du didn’t dare show her disgust even though she found the male teacher repulsive.

She needed to enter the main army and raise her ranks, offending superiors would make things troublesome.

“From now on, you will be squad nine, tomorrow will be the examination, do what you want until then, however, I will warn you all, there is no such thing as over preparing so I expect a lot from you all”said the teacher in a dignified manner.

They all saluted to him as he walked off.

Lan Du was about to walk off when Shang Cang grabbed her shoulders.

“Do you think you would get away from embarrassing me like that”

He raised his fist and threw a punch at Lan Du, striking her on her face.

Lan Du felt a pain surge from where she was hit, she turned her head and glared at him with eyes filled with bloodlust.

“There are three places that are an absolute taboo to touch me on, the face, is one”she grabbed his hand and gripped it tightly.

Sheng Cang felt a crushing pain in his wrists, it was as if his hand was about to be ripped off.

“L-let go”he managed to squeeze out some words

Lan Du sneered and raised her other hand up, elbow faced down as she raised her knee as well.

Her elbow came down while her knee struck bellow the arm.They came in contact with the same part of the arm, crushing the bone like a twig.

“Argh”Sheng Cang cries out in pain, Lan Du’s actions shocked everyone.

“Shut up, next time you do this, I will cripple you”she gave him a cold glance and walked off.

“M-my brother won’t let you get away with this”said Sheng Cang

Lan Du turned back with a mocking smile as she said

“Why would I care?”