Chapter 10:

Sticky floor

Maid School

First thing in the morning, the girls gather in front of the school’s gymnasium.

“I hate PE so much… it always gives me sore muscles”

Serena nodded, indicating she feels the same way.

Then Ti comes sprinting towards the other girls from the other side of the hallway.  While being a bit out of breath she says to the other girls.

 “Hi girls, beautiful day isn’t it?”

“Ti-chan, how you could you always be excited for this weekly hour of torture? You even wear your gym clothes already”

“Well, I would be too if I were the best in the class” said Nia who also just walked in on the conversation.

 “Haha, I think I am actually kind of average” says Ti as she wipes some sweat from her forehead.

 “Come let’s enter the dressing room” says Rose to Nia. And the girls entered the changing room.

When the other girls were done changing, they met up with Ti who was waiting in the hallway. Once the teacher unlocked the door, the excited Ti made a run-up and was the first to storm into the gymnasium. But after her first step into the sports facility, she suddenly fell over as if her feet were glued to the floor.


“Are you okay Ti-chan?” asked the worried teacher.

The teacher carefully put one foot onto the gymnasium floor, but quickly stepped out again once she figured the floor was all sticky.

“This is really strange, please refrain from entering the gymnasium until we know what’s going on”

The teacher and the other girls helped free Ti from the sticky floor and then called for the concierge.

“Yeah it seems like something has gone wrong while cleaning the floor here yesterday”

The concierge pointed at the floor cleaning car which was still standing in the corner.

”We have to call in the flooring company to investigate it. I don’t think we can use the gymnasium for a while”.

The Aula

“We have been sabotaged again!” proclaimed Mona once the girls had left the gymnasium.

 “Could it have been Rose, messing with the cleaning chemicals?”

“Certainly possible… seems like a bit of a repeat of the whole laundromat situation. I thought Rose would be a little more original than that…”

“Mona, don’t joke about it. I could have been stuck to the floor forever!”

“Maybe we would have been better off like that… just kidding Ti-chan!” Mona gave a hug to Ti.

“Anyway, Nia did you remember Rose sneaking off last night?” 

 “I was not there okay!”

“What were you doing so late at night? You know students are not allowed to leave their dorms at night” said Ti.

“I was… eh at the toilet alright!” “I didn’t know you could bake at the…”

“Silence, Mona! Your voice is annoying me!”


Then the girl's conversation got suddenly interrupted by the intro jingle of the school's news report. They all turned their heads to see Maika’s face on the video intercom system. She looked a bit distressed.

“Hello fellow schoolmates, it’s Maika here with a rather unfortunate announcement. As you may have heard, an accident happened with the floor of the gymnasium this morning. The repair company just came in, and it is going to be really expensive to replace the flooring. This means the school’s director has made the unfortunate decision to cancel this year's summer festival. I know you were all looking forward to it but the funding sadly isn’t there for it. We will look into some alternative activities to close this school year. This was Maika… out.”

“Wait this school has a summer festival?”

 “Mona! The Yamamoto academy school festival is the most famous in the city. I went to visit once as a child and it was unbelievable. It’s the reason I joined this school.”

Didn’t you want to be a maid?”

“Okay, one of the reasons. I am so disappointed.” Nia also looked a bit sad, but quickly recovered from the bad news.

“It’s not like we need a stupid festival like this anyway”

 “What if we try to raise money for the festival ourselves as the investigation squad?” proposed Mona in an attempt to cool down the other girls a bit.

Almost impossible Mona, we’ll need to raise tons of it in only a few week's time”

“We will discuss it in the next club meeting alright?”

The other girls agreed and they all went to their next class.

The next morning

“Did you have a nice rest Ti-chan?” said Mona as the next day's class was about to begin.

 “Doing pretty well, considering the circumstances.”

“Alright everyone, please open your notebooks and write down the following words”

Just as the teacher wanted to name the first word of the pop quiz, a fuzzy image started appearing on the school’s intercom. They could make out a vague figure, a girl with greenish hair wearing a mask. She started talking with a heavily distorted voice, she was probably using some kind of computerized voice changer.

“Dear teachers, students, and other personal of the “prestigious” Yamamoto academy. I am here to tell a harsh but necessary truth. You have all been living a lie. The area of big mansions and domestic servants has long been over. Please go find yourself a real future instead of becoming some rich old guy’s wish fulfillment. You should all strive to be young, independent women, and play the lead roles in your own lives instead of supporting someone else. Since you are not going to listen, I and my accomplices have been busy making a few changes around here to get this awful place shut down. Don’t bother to track me down and stop me, all your childish attempts will be fruitless. Please have a think about your future since I can assure you it is not going to be here”

The teacher and students were all sitting around silently for a few moments, trying to take in what just happened. The first one to say anything was Mona.

“That is Mrs X, the saboteur we have been trying to find for a while!”

“Please quite down everyone, we will be investigating this illicit broadcast till the bottom. I can assure you it’s nothing to worry about, probably just some kind of bad prank”

The teacher wanted to continue her pop quiz, but obviously, the student’s minds were too occupied with what they just heard.

 “All right, I get that you need some time to chat. I will go to the teacher’s lounge to ask around if there is any more information on what just happened”

After the teacher left, all their classmate were really interested in what Mona had to say, so Mona and Ti tried to explain to them what they had been up to.

 “You found an abandoned room in the basement and the next day it had been completely cleared out? Mona you have quite the fantasy don’t you” said one of their classmates.

 “But since Ti is backing it up, I might just believe you”.

Soon after that, another broadcast began on the school’s intercom system. This time, it was a staff member saying the last broadcast was just a prank by someone that hacked into the school’s IT system. They shouldn’t take any of it seriously and that there was no connection to the school festival being canceled. This was enough for most of the students to just write this off as a funny thing that happened one day… but for the investigation squad, it meant there was a whole lot of new information to take in.