Chapter 12:

A Fist in Furious Flames

My Wife, The Devil

“THAT BABYLONIAN WHORE!!” Morgan shouted as she threw the table across the car. She was fuming and taking it out on anything nonliving that she could get her hands on. She had been like this for quite some time after she had been awoken and she showed no signs of stopping. “How dare she humiliate me like that!!!”

David, meanwhile, was lying on the bed, exhausted after what had happened. “Hey, at the very least, we got you back before anything serious could be done.”

Morgan panted in exhaustion, rubbing her forehead. “You don’t understand… Even getting 5th place in the trials was a big accomplishment, especially when she wasn’t even trying. Had she actually made attempts, she would have easily become the next Devil…”

“But she didn’t, and that’s fine. You’re still reigning, and that’s how it’ll be.” He gently took her hand and looked up at her. “You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for.”

Morgan blushed as they held hands, looking away. With a deep sigh, she nodded. “You’re right… I shouldn’t be beating myself up like that. I jumped the gun a bit. Maybe it has to do with the environment that we’re in.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

The Devil pointed out the window and her lover stood up in bed for a closer look. What he saw confounded him. What was previously a smokey land of unknown shapes had been transformed into a desolate wasteland. Demons clashed with each other, smashing each other with anything they had on hand. Rocks, sticks, bare fists. It did not matter. Some would get a few steps forward and then get caught in a brawl.

Every so often, there would be a demon who landed from the sky into the dusty dirt, and several of the other demons would begin pummeling them. Even the river that led inwards was full of people who bit, clawed, and punched each other down it. It was remarkable to David considering the river was coated in a green fire.

“What the hell…” David muttered as he watched the chaos ensue.

“The Wrath Ring,” Morgan answered. “In order to even get into the city, you need to literally fight your way there. It’s addicting, hence why I’d advise avoiding fighting of any kind.”

Oh great, David muttered. Looks like that’s going to be my challenge. He hated assuming that, but up to this point, it seemed as if every one of these challenges had been geared around him needing to succumb to the sin. The only question was how he was going to be able to win a fight by not fighting.

We have arrived at the Wrath Ring, the announcer declared as the doors swung open. Immediately, there was a rush of bull-horned demons trying to break in that were soon stopped by a wall of demons in suits and sunglasses. David also caught massive whiffs of brimstone and burning material, along with the familiar iron scent of caked blood. An imp with the same bull horns as the others soon approached them.

“Ms. Morningstar. Mr. Morningstar.”

“Moreno. We’re not married yet.”

“I don’t care.” The imp declared before looking at Sebastian. “Sebastian.”

“Stormy. I’d appreciate you respecting my Master’s request.”

“I don’t take orders from you. Now hurry up. I don’t want to wait for these idiots to break the wall.” Stormy turned and began walking, the group following close behind.

At the end of the hallway of guards was a limousine, which the four would enter quickly as the demons broke past the guards. The imps hit the gas hard, running several demons in the process.

“So, anything that I should know about your cousin?” David leaned back in the limousine.

“Only that she is perpetually pissed. She means well, but even the tiniest thing pisses her off. It’s been like that for a while, at least since…” She trailed off, looking out the window. She seemed to be reminiscing a lot since they started this trip. While David wanted to ask, he didn’t want to pry. He simply kept quiet and tapped his fingers together as they drove through the ruined, burning city.

At the center of it all was a massive coliseum guarded by several beasts and suited demons who fought the endless waves of souls and demons. Inside, there seemed to be a tower where demons were occasionally launched out from the many windows. It was a madhouse, especially when the demons tried smashing the car with their fists. Fortunately, the speed at which Stormy drove led to her grinding demons underneath the tires.

When they entered through a hidden entrance in the massive structure, they saw thousands upon thousands of cells. Each one was filled with something, be it beast, demon, or a lost soul. Either way, almost all of them were trying to break out and failing to do so.

“What… Is this…?” David muttered softly.

“Hell’s prison. Those who violate the rules that Hell has put into place are sentenced and sent here. It isn’t quite the Malebolge, but it can be quite brutal. It is why the Wrath ring is so focused on not only fighting the inevitable war with Heaven but also being the security force in Hell.”

“I see…” David nodded his head, his mind racing a bit. Great, so this is the army that will be ripping Earth asunder if I’m not careful. They seem pretty skilled too…

The limo came to a stop as they all exited, walking past the cells. As they roamed the cells, David felt a weak tug at his arm. Looking down, he saw a frail man with a long beard gazing up at him with a crooked smile. “You… You are the Devil’s future husband…”

David looked down with a raised eyebrow. “Yeah… How did you guess?”

The man released David and began scratching the left of his rail-thin stomach. “I am Aesop, descendant of Pythia, the Oracle of Delphi. I have been gifted with the gift of visions, and yet… They are muddled.”


Aesop nodded, scratching the right of his stomach, and then his solar plexus. “My visions can often be unclear, and thus it made my job as an oracle quite difficult. I suppose that is why I died…” He looked down as he scratched his chest. “But I had one vision. A clarity that shows what your challenge is. You-”

“I have to fight her, right?”

The dead prophet gasped. “Such a gift of prophecy! You must be a great prophet too!”

David simply smiled and moved on. “Did your vision say how I can beat her? If I use any force, I’m screwed.”

Aesop shook his head. “You are not very perceptive, are you?” He sighed, moving a hand out of the cell. “There are five simple parts. I will show the final.” Wrapping an arm around one of the bars, he took a finger and ran it down the metal pole.

David simply watched, confused. “That’s it? How am I going to work with that??”

Aesop simply smiled and scooted away as Morgan came running over. “Honey! There you are! Don’t worry about the riff-raff, we must ascend the tower!”

David looked at Morgan, then at Aesop, who was simply babbling to himself and rocking back and forth. As David was dragged off, he wondered if what he saw was real and if what he was given would be of any help.


The tower’s dispensing of demons made sense now. Apparently, they fought to the top in an attempt to win the position of Lord of Wrath. If they fail, however, they would be sent all the way to the outskirts, their bodies broken in pain. It was one big game of King of the Hill.

The group was given a pass to the top, where they found a female, bull-horned demon smashing her fists into a punching bag. Her body was a deep red, her hair bright green, and her body muscular like she had spent her whole life fighting in the ring. Morgan approached first.

“Shiva, you’re looking well.”

Shiva did not look to greet her. “And you look like shit.”

“Hmph… You aren’t even looking at me.”

“I don’t need eyes to see that you sound like a complete softy. Can’t believe I lost to you!!” She slammed her fist hard, causing the bag to fly off into the sky. She took a deep breath. “It’s fine though. Now, I get to make the rules and lay waste to that mortal you decided to marry.”

David looked at the woman and could only imagine how badly his internal organs were going to be after this. Screw blocking! If she lands one punch, I’m basically dead! I have to dodge until I can figure out what those other four steps were!

As several demons cleared the office as Shiva stripped off her suit and shirt. Her chest was bound by tape, as were her fists. She very much looked like a woman ready for combat. David, even in his heavy combat days, would never be able to lay a finger on her.

“You know… I did some digging on you, Moreno…” Shiva muttered, her bull tail flicking back and forth. “You were quite a fighter, just like your dad and teacher…” She looked him dead in the eye, her scowl never changing. “That’s hot.”

“... What?”

“You heard me! I’m giving you one chance, Moreno! Give up on this skank and marry me instead! I’m a way better fit for you!”

Morgan’s cheeks went red. “Sh-Shiva! Knock it off! Stop trying to seduce my fiancé!!”

“Shut up! Why do you get to date the violent fighter with a hot dad and hotter teacher?? I want that!!” Shiva snapped hard at Morgan, darting her head back at David. “Come on, make your choice! Me or her???”

David blinked. He knew his answer before she even finished, and even then, he knew the consequences of saying it. Still, there was no sense in delaying the inevitable. He shook his head and readied himself to start running.

“Alright, fucker. You asked for it,” Shiva growled as she slammed her fist into her chest. Letting out a war cry, she made a mad charge for David. He would counter with a swift dodge, leading to a massive hole in the wall. Shiva would not fall in, however. She simply stood at the edge, turning around more angry than ever. With each subsequent charge, the Wrath Lord would get closer and closer. She was getting smarter and her mad swings more focused.

Dammit! David’s mind shouted as he felt the hard winds of a barely mist hook. This isn’t fighting a bull anymore! This is a boar! Her turns are getting better each time! I need to figure out how to take her down!

As he bobbed and weaved, his eyes focused on the body of Shiva. The muscles were toned and hardened from years of training. Punching through that without giving into wrath was impossible.

Suddenly, a tossed-out slash with extended fingertips managed to get at his cheek. The ensuing gash in his cheek sprayed blood out, splattering the walls and floor. David staggered back, clutching his face. The pain was intense, and his mind became foggy with an intense rage. He wanted to lash out, to slam Shiva over and over. Red began to appear in his eyes.

No! David’s mind yelled at him. Deep breaths! Being angry is how she wants you to be! After a few deep breaths, his body calmed down with a minor case of the shakes. As he steadied himself, his mind went back to Aesop and the constant scratches on his body. He questioned Aersop’s criticism of his perception. Was he telling me what it was without saying anything?

Then he remembered the scratches. Could that be it? David wondered as he continued to dodge every attack he could. His gaze looked back to see he was being pushed back towards the hole made at the beginning of the fight. I don’t think I can afford to not gamble… Aesop, you better not have been fucking with me!

Shiva saw David rushing at him and felt a rush of excitement. He had finally given into his greatest vice! This would be the thing to let her control him and make her life complete and happy! She didn’t even let herself block and simply waited for the blows.

What she got instead were four taps across her body. Left stomach, right stomach, solar plexus, top of chest. Her eyes widened. No! He couldn’t… How did he-? Her mindset was cut off by the feeling of a finger running down her spine.

In an instant, she felt a series of tingles coming across her body starting from the points that David had tapped. Her legs became shaky as her whole body felt like it was on pins and needles. Finally, she collapsed, struggling to move. David simply sat on her back, Shiva’s face going flush.

“Y-You… You cheated!”

“Yeah, Bonnie said the same thing. Remember to set rules next time.”

Shiva growled as she tried to stand up. Her body was like a noodle, though, and refused to comply. Finally, she shouted. “F-Fine! You win! Just… Just help me up and take me to the infirmary!”

David nodded, hoisting Shiva up in his arms. Looking away from him, she simply closed her eyes. This… This is fine.

Morgan cheered in delight and jumped up and down. “Congratulations, honey! You sure showed her! How did you know how to do that?~”

David looked away, giving a shrug. He didn’t want to reveal Aesop’s secrets as he suspected he might get in trouble. “Honestly, I just want to try and get my cheek patched up. I’m losing quite a bit of blood.”

With a nod, Morgan followed Stormy out of the room with a large smile on her face. She was confident that with this hurdle down, the remaining were no issue.


As the two were being fixed, David’s eyes wandered around. He saw a few weird things: black-and-red medical journals, needles filled with oddly colored fluid, and very dangerous-looking equipment that could no doubt do more harm than good.

It feels like a horror game in here… He thought to himself. That was when he spotted a pill bottle nearby. Making sure no one was watching, he silently swiped the bottle. Giving it an inspection, he found quite the discovery:

Wrath Performance Enhancers, 150 mg
Prescription: Shiva
Instructions: Take 2 before any task, focusing on the talent you wish to improve in.

Cheeky fool was cheating, he thought, looking back at a resting Shiva. I really am lucky to be where I am. Although, I can't have her using these…

After one quick careful inspection around, he pocketed the bottle with a coy grin on his face. Might be useful later on. With that, he sat back satisfied. He gave the bandage on his cheek a rub as he waited to be released. Only 3 more…
Doctor Sleepy