Chapter 1:

A World Without a Sun


There is no freedom in this world. Here, where the sun cannot reach.

The train rattled across the track, barely reaching the speeds it used to. As the train went into a long tunnel system, a holographic screen flickered on. The poor visibility made it impossible to discern what was on the screen. But the audio was loud and clear.

—“And now, time for some breaking news.”

“The leader of the Hemerian resistance group that has been terrorizing the cities of Nyx and Erebus will have his scheduled execution today at 3:00 P.M... Caligian military officials intercepted him on a Seleneian train bound for Theia during its scheduled check before it entered Hyperion, the connection checkpoint between the human and Caligian zones of Hermeria, early yesterday morning. Military officials found him with one pound of explosives in his carry-on bag. Reports also say they spotted the Caligian killer known as the Crimson Orchid accompanying him, leading us to believe that they are working together. If you have any knowledge of their whereabouts please do not hesitate to bring this information to the military. With your help, we can aid the amazing Caligian Military and save lives that we would otherwise lose.”

The country of Hemeria was once revered for its technological innovations. Now it's another dime-a-dozen country. Ever since the Caligians attacked, parts of the world became a technological utopia that people could only dream of, while others sat back, frozen in time due to the fear of organized revolution.

The lack of reactions to the news was a surprise to Kouma. He expected an overwhelmingly negative response. The Caligians that kept them underneath their boots for a decade were soon going to execute their chance of freedom. A small bit of rage bubbled inside of him.

“Do you not want freedom?” He said under his breath.

“It’s not that people don’t want freedom; they know it’s worthless.” The small girl seated in front of him said without looking at him.

She looked different than she did when they first met a decade ago. Her hair still remained a pure blue that softly transitioned to blonde, but her features looked more human than Caligian at the current moment. Her most recognizable features laid hidden underneath the cloak she wore. She sat, looking out the window kicking her short legs. Along with her child-like appearance, it seemed like she didn’t have a care in the world.

“The Caligian military and the queen’s guard are remorseless.”

Kouma sighs.

“Exactly. That’s why I need you, Shi-oN. Your power is the only chance we have to find Zeta and–”

“Why do you insist on calling me by that name?” She said, finally sitting still.

She fixed her gaze on him and refused to look away for anything.

“Hmm? Shi-oN?”

She nods quickly without saying a word.

“Well, if I called you by the name Zeta calls you, people would be suspicious. Plus, I like it and the name seems to fit you well.

Kouma tilts his head and gives an awkward smile. Shi-oN rolls her eyes and pouts. She looks back out the window. The Wall of Theia was visible from the window. Caligian Royal Military guards stood on top peering down at everyone below. The white marble wall stood tall over everything in Hemeria; higher than anything any human could ever hope to reach.

“Hmph. Keep in mind I’m only here with you because Master forced me to make a contract.”

“Even if that’s your only reason, I still appreciate it. I don’t know why Zeta left, but if we can find her, maybe she can make sense of all this.”

Kouma looks out the window.

He ran his hand through his hair. The fringe of his short, messy, black hair cut between his gleaming blue eyes, covering most of his nose. He wore a black and white hooded cloak like Shi-oN’s. A single earring in the shape of a rose sat fixed on his right ear, signifying his contract with Zeta’s old Insignia, Shi-oN. With this, his earring, and his dimly, glowing eyes, he felt a bit out of place with the other humans, but no one gave him any weird looks.

“Who knows. Maybe she wanted us to take back Hemeria.”

“What? Even with my help, the Caligians won’t fall to one boy with an Insignia. It would all just be seen as some massive act.”

"Now arriving at Nyx station. Now arriving at Nyx station.” The train announced, interrupting any chance of the two of them continuing their conversation.

The train came to a screeching stop, masking the rest of the scratchy, distorted announcement. Kouma and Shi-oN were thrust onto the platform as soon as the doors opened.

Although the sky was dark, the Backstreets of Nyx were beautiful in their way. People walked around living like normal, clothed in the soft light from the flickering street lamps. The dark paved streets blended in perfectly with the dark sky. The buildings, despite being older than him, gave him a sense of nostalgia for the world before the invasion. Something about the lack of skyscrapers resonated with Kouma. The homey feeling of the city always made him feel at peace. Kouma pulled a sheet of paper from his pocket, unfolded it, and looked around.

"Do you know where Zeta's informant lives, Shi-oN?


"Mainstreet? How will we even get into Mainstreet? From what I’ve heard, the gate is heavily guarded by the military. I doubt they would even let me in.”

"Don't worry. I know someone who can get us in. Please be discreet."

Shi-oN started walking and Kouma followed slowly behind. Kouma's heart started to beat faster and faster as they walked. People stopped and stared at the two of them straying so close to the gate that blocked human entry. Could they have figured out that Shi-oN is Caligian? He thought to himself. No, no that's impossible. That hood that Zeta gave should make her features look more human. The people's murmurs overwhelmed and worried him. Time seemed to be moving in slow motion, but Shi-oN seemed unphased as led the way to the destination.

After walking for what seemed like an eternity, they arrived at their supposed destination. The building they found themselves in front of stood out from the other buildings in the Backstreets despite having a similar, small style to the other buildings, it had a very Caligian design. Sweat dripped down Kouma's face like a waterfall as they stood at the door. Thoughts swirled through his head. If this goes wrong, there's a chance we'll die before even coming close to finding Zeta. What do I do, what do I do, what do I-.

As she reached for the doorknob, Shi-oN turned to glare at Kouma. That glare told Kouma everything he needed to know: Shut up and stand behind like a ghost. Don’t step out of line or else you’re dead. The door swung open and Shi-oN entered with Kouma following closely behind.

"What do you want, kid? If you’re lookin’ for ya parents, we don’t allow humans here." A man sitting behind a counter said while pointing at a large, white sign next to the door that read 'Caligian bar only. Humans aren't welcome.'

He was a strong, but heavyset man with an eyepatch covering his right eye. His completely metallic arms made visible by his tight and dirty sleeveless shirt, gleamed in the bright, yellow lights in the bar. He squinted at the two of them, examining them and peering into their souls.

Shi-oN took off her hood, transforming her features to their original appearance. A red halo appeared over her head, turning like clockwork. Her eyes changed from a static yellow to a heterochromatic yellow and green, and two horns popped up from her head like a flower out of the ground. This was the original appearance that Kouma had seen for the past ten years.

"Oh, that's a neat trick."

"I am Insignia 4-235 Omega and I need to get into Mainstreet to transfer this human to my master's custody. Yet, as a lone Insignia, I cannot pass through the gate."

"I don't buy it. With how technology is nowadays, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were two humans trying to sneak in for some reason. Rendezvousing with that Crimson Whatever, perhaps.

The barman pulled out a pipe and started smoking. The strong scent of the smoke clogged Kouma’s throat, but it did not seem to faze Shi-oN. She stood there with her resolve as high as the clouds, refusing to back down from any challenge. To her, she was going to get into Mainstreet no matter what. Whether she had to reveal to the barkeep that her current master was the human behind her or not, she refused to give in.

"How disgusting. Why would I, a Caligian Insignia want to meet with a rebellious human? Besides, not even Caligian technology can recreate the crest above me or the horns on my forehead. Now, I demand you let us in before I become irate."

The barkeep scoffed, stood up, and slammed open the door with tremendous force, almost breaking it. The lights violently shook in unison.

"If you want to go through to Mainstreet then go, but don't come crying to me if you or that human end up gettin' killed."

Shi-oN nodded angrily and signaled Kouma to follow her into the door that led to the Caligian-only section of Nyx, Mainstreet. 

Arashi Sensei

