Chapter 1:

Chapter 1

Lost Distance

“I really don’t think its a good idea.” I while balancing a pile of black t-shirts in one hand and another pile of hoodies.

 “We are in love, Lucy.”

“Do you know how long summer is?”

“3 months, girl, I know you , and i know you are not built for living with him for 3 months, considering that you barely know him.”

Raquelle held her hand to her heart in offense as if it would change my stance on the situation.

“How could you say that about Ricky and I.”

“Oh its not Ricky who has the problem there.” I said cracking a smile as I see her speechless, "You know in movies or like shows where there is that one girl who thinks that her boyfriend is toxic but she’s the one who is actually toxic.”

“Is this because I ate the last blueberry muffin? She says holding me hand with her wild high volume hair hitting my eyes.

“Your hair is in my mouth now. Happy?”

You would be surprised with how much Raquel’s hair would just be everywhere. I’m actually surprised that her blasian ass wasn’t bald by now. 

“Lucy. "

“Yes .”I said with my eyes glimmering.

 “Do you want me to comment on your love life?”

“Go on ahead.” I said looking at her.

“At least…..”

Our door room is suddenly swan open with a large force open to reveal Charlie holding a big pizza box and a bag with the familiar logo of Flamingo’s fries which don’t fly. I know the name is dumb but I thought that was their intention just to get customers, and considering my best friend was carrying a huge bag of their products in joyous celebration it definitely worked to lure us in. 

“Last day of the semester and you two can’t even plan a party.”He says dropping the bag on the table.

“Well we have you, we didn’t need to stress ourselves in planning anything,thank you.”I said smiling. 

“So what is the plan for tonight?”

“packing.” I said heading over to the other large pile of clothes. I kinda have to blame myself for splurging on buying so many pieces just to follow random aesthetics. 

There was a sudden drop of silence and I looked back at them and they both held their hands staring down at me disappointed by my response. 

“I don’t know today I just don’t feel like partying. Plus we’ve done enough partying this semester do we really need another one?”

“Did those words really come out of your mouth, miss your 20s are the only time you can really enjoy life and money is meant to be spent? "Charlie started.

 “Don’t forget the money is a social construct and if we don’t spend it we are falling for the capitalistic brainwashing that we were taught in our factory churning workers school”Raquel chimed in.

“C’mon you were all looking for an excuse to party too. "I said filling the empty spaces of hole with my clothes.

 “She’s been a party popper the whole day, can you imagine she told me that my summer plans with Ricky wouldn’t work out..”

Charlie looked at her and back to me as I shook my head. 

“You too?” Raquel blurted out.

“Babes C’mon, we literally survived three years in this hell hole, we have to celebrate.We have one year left.”Charlie said clearly ignoring Raquelle

“Charlie what was that look.” Raquelle asked pushing his arm. “Raquelle, you are a beautiful 10/10 baddie with amazing shiny black hair and a cute but strangely striking eyes dating a guy who nicknamed himself rickyRicky. Nicknamed.” He emphasized, “should I say more.” He said staring down at her. 

Raquelle was strangely quiet after that.“

Some of us have maybe two to three years left like who the hell is counting.”I said cutting the tension in the air.

“I swear that professor was just mad when I tried to help her with her outfit choices.”

“I don’t think it’s proper to tell your prof what he should or should not wear.”

“Babes,he literally wore saturated greens and reds with a cowboy hat and boots with frills,and if he wasn’t satisfied with what I told him, why did he immediately change what he was wearing the very next week, huh, huh.”She said once again spitting directly on my face. 

Charlie held her arm down. 

“Girl its just a bad grade, you’ll get over it. “He said holding her hand and stroking it to calm her down.

 “There I was being kind to him, making sure that he doesn’t look like a clown everyday because I respected him and that’s the thanks I get.I spent three weeks on that paper.”

“Well we will be at your graduation nonetheless. "Charlie said patting her down. 

Charlie then looked at me and I looked back at him. Charlie had this thing he did where he would try to stare down into your soul and drill into your most inner thoughts and then find a way to make you feel better. it was either he had one of the greatest superpowers known to man or I was just sooo basic and easy to read and had a wonderful friend who would cheer me up.

 “Babes, I know you don’t like being at home but you know you can always perk up.”He voiced out. 

I looked at him and put on my best fake smile.

“I can clearly tell that you are still very upset, but I have another surprise.”

He said reaching out in the other bag he brought in with him. I was wondering what that extra bag was for. 

“I have……the goods. "He said holding it in the air like it was suitcase filled with reality show prize money. my head did a quick turn and my there was a sudden sweeping change in my mood.

 “You do.” I mouthed back, “Liar….”

He held the bag up and my eyes shot back an expression of shock and delight. I can now confirm that Charlie did have super friend powers. 

In preference I know you guys really want to know what was in the bag but that’s my little secret, can’t just let everyone be in my business like that. 

Lost Distance
