Chapter 13:

Virtual training zone

So What If I'm a Girl

The morning came and the academy was bustling, Lan Du left her dorm early in the morning while her room mates were still asleep.She went to her class and sat down, she closed her eyes and placed a book on her face while she napped.

She woke up early because she didn't want her room mates see her change, so she lacked a bit of sleep.Her head dropped back and her shoulders loosened.

The classroom was currently empty so it was quiet.Little by little, time passed and students began coming in one by one.Soon, the classroom is as full as it usual is and the Xie sisters came in after a little while.

They noticed Lan Du sleeping so they sat next to her without making a sound, making sure they didn't waker her up.

Suddenly, a hand slammed onto the wall at the front, the sound made Lan Du jump and drop the book on her face.

Lan Du looked up and saw Instructor Lu standing at the front.

"Class starts, I don't want a single noise unless I allow it"He said

Lan Du yawned and stretched her arms.Her body was still a bit stiff from the training yesterday.

"I will be going through some basics, the main army is not a place you people can fool around in, this is the path that can lead to the deaths of thousands"He said

Lan Du listened attentively, her ears were perked up, not missing a single point.

"Tomorrow, we will have a special visit from Colonel Yuan Min, he will be giving a speech on what the front lines are like"

Lan Du's body shook, her eyes were filled with hatred as she listened.She turned her head down so others won't see it but Xie Jing an Xie Ying noticed her expression before she turned down.

"Lan Du, is something wrong?"Asked Xie Ying

Lan Du shook her head and smiled

"Nothing"She said, her eyes were bright but deep down, there was a burning hatred in her heart.

Xie Ying and Xie Jing gave her an uncertain look before turning to the front.Lan Du smiled to herself, he father, the very man who was never there for her mother.She hated him, she hated the fact that he was never around.

'He even has free time to come to a school huh?And he leaves his wife alone without even calling her'

Lan Du sneered coldly in her heart

Instructor Lu noticed something was odd with Lan Du, her smile was a bit off and her hands were gripped oddly tight.

After explaining what would happen tomorrow, he continued on with class.He explained what would be required of a soldier and any additional information they needed.Most were already explained on the first day so there wasn't much he needed to add.

"Thats it for theory, Lan Du, come out with me, I have some questions"He said and left the room

Lan Du was confused but she still followed, she walked behind him until they reached his office.Instructor Lu sat down and placed his hands together.

"Why are you out of it today?You are normally very focused and never miss out on the smallest details, but today, you seem a bit different, what is it?"He asked

Lan Du replied casually

"Nothing, I'm just a bit tired"She said

Instructor Lu thought for a bit

"If you don't want to say, I don't force you, but if are forcing yourself, I as your instructor can support you"he said gently

Lan Du smiled

"Thank you, I really have nothing"She insisted

Instructor Lu let out a sigh

"Fine, leave now"He waved his hand and gestured for her to leave.Lan Du nodded and left the office without saying anything else.

Outside, Xie Ying and Xie Jing was waiting for her, they weren't worried since instructor Lu favours Lan Du but they were there just in case.

"Lan Du, did anything happen?"Xie Jing asked

Lan Du smiled at them warmly and rubbed their heads

"If I got expelled, what would you two do?"She asked

The two were shocked

"Lan Du, did you get expelled?What happened, if-if you leave...w-we will go with you"They said

Lan Du found them to be very adorable.She caressed their head and laughed

"I said what if, not I was, you two are just too cute"She said as she laughed lightly

Their faces turned red after finding out Lan Du was just teasing them, instructor Lu heard everything from inside and was shaking his head helplessly.

"That lad is just too much, he is great in everything except this character of his, how can he be so...flirtatious?"He shook his head and sighed once again.

Lan Du was busy teasing the Xie sisters so she felt much better than before, teasing the two are like mental healing to her.

"Lan Du, I heard that the academy has officially opened the new virtual training zone, want to go take a look?"Xie Ying asked

Lan Du nodded

"Alright, I have been quite interested in it, I can sharpen my techniques there"She said and followed them.

They arrived soon in front of a wide room, the room was filled with capsules with a seat within it.There was headgears attached to the seat.

Lan Du and the sisters each took a capsule and put the headgear on.They pressed the start button and they felt a tingly feeling.They then felt as if their consciousness was getting dragged out and before they knew it, they were standing in the middle of a city.

"Wow, so this is the virtual training zone, it's much bigger than I thought"Xie Ying said in amazement, she couldn't see an end to the buildings in her sight.

Lan Du was just as surprised, she didn't think that the training zone would be this big either.

"Lets head to the combat ring, I heard that that place is one of the best for combat experience"Lan Du said

Xie Ying and Xie Jing wasn't too confident but went anyways as it was something Lan Du suggested, at most they would sit at the side and watch her fight.

Lan Du and the sisters went towards a large stadium, the walls were tall and the stadium was round.There was a circular stage in the centre and across the walls on the inside, were seats the audience sat on.

Lan DU turned back towards the sisters and said with a bright smile

"The best about this place is that no matter how hard I beat them, they won't die, I can let loose and pummel them to the ground, just the thought of this excites me"She said with a sadistic look on her face.

The sisters shivered but they found that side of her very charming as well.They couldn't help but feel their heart race when they saw it.

Lan Du stopped at the front entrance and went towards the registration area.

"I would like to sign up"

Lan Du wrote down her details on the paper provided, but of course, she didn't write too much incase anyone obtains the information.She only wrote down the name she will register at.

The name she went with was "Little devil"

The sisters chuckled at her registered name, but she fit that name well.She is in deed a little devil that stole their hearts.

Lan Du went to watch the fights at the stage with the Xie sisters and observed them.She still had a long way to go before she could get on anyways so she might as well watch.

The two on the right was two young men, one was called Blue Wind and the other was Solemn, Blue wind specialises in his speed so he was able to avoid attacks with ease while Solemn was specialised in defensive stances.

Lan Du found Solemn to be more interesting

"Lan Du, who do you think will win?"Xie Ying asked

"Solemn, Blue wind may be suppressing him right now, but he is using up all his stamina to continue that speed, Solemn is barely moving, at most he would be slightly out of breath, this isn't a battle of strength right now, it is of endurance"She said

The Sie sisters nodded and noticed that Blue wind was indeed running out of breath, his breathing was heavy and sweat was rolling down the side of his face.

Solemn however looked completely relaxed, he knocked away the attacks with ease and his counter attacks would always land.

Soon, Blue wind stumbled and Solemn took that chance and knocked him off in a single hit.

"Winner, Solemn!This is his fifth victory in a row, who can stop him!"The announcer said with excitemet

The crowd cheered and roared

"Solemn is great!"

"Awesome battle!"

The crowd cheered him on and Solemn's face brightened.For keeping identities safe, the virtual world was programmed so unless the user allows, others cannot see their face.

Lan Du was quite curious as to who Solemn was but she shrugged her shoulders and prepared for her battle that was coming up.

"Next up is Bear, the very one who won three battles in a row on his first attempt!His opponent will be the newcomer Little Devil!"The announcer called out, his enthusiasm could not be hidden.

Lan Du was suddenly transferred onto the arena.Across was a young man with a large build, Lan DU was surprised to see someone with a bigger build than Tie Wang.

"Let the battle begin!"The announcer shouted

Lan Du stepped forward and smiled, her sadistic heart began to awaken at this very moment.

"You will be my opponent?You look like a twig, give up and I can spare you the embarrassment"Bear said coldly

Lan Du laughed and ran up, she slid down and swiped her legs below bear's in attempt to knock him off balance.Bear was slightly surprised but his body tensed as he stepped back.

"Not bad"Lan Du said as she used her arms and pushed her body forward, throwing a kick without any delay between her previous attack.

Bear was shocked by her reflex, he raised his arm to block the kick but the moment he did so, he felt a sharp pain in his waist.He looked down to see Lan Du's other leg wedged in his waist.


Lan Du then kicked his knee with the previous leg and bounced up with the momentum.

Bear fell onto one knee as his left knee gave out under her kick.

"Wow!The newcomer has initiated a fierce attack right off the bat, Bear couldn't even react to any of them!"The announcer shouted and Lan Du's actions were played in slow motion on the big screen hovering over the field.

The crowd began cheering loudly

Lan Du smiled coldly and rushed up again, she jumped up and did a flip to empower her kick that she was about to throw at him

Bear's eyes sharpened as he grabbed Lan Du'e leg.

"Gotcha"He said

Lan Du grinned

Her other leg came in and kicked his face from below, bear let go due to the shock from the impact and stumbled back.Lan Du took this chance and used her leg to clench his neck.She flipped back, throwing Bear along with her as his head landed on the ground.

Bear let out a groan but Lan Du threw a punch down on his face.

"fool"She said before throwing another punch down on his face.Bear wanted to say he surrenders but he couldn't as the moment he opens his mouth, Lan Du would throw a punch at his face.

The audience slowly died down as they watched Lan Du pummel Bear.The scene was so cruel some turned their eyes away.

Lan Du stopped after the crowd was completely silent, she smiled and turned to the announcer

The announcer was shocked but he said quickly

"It seems that bear can no longer fight, Little Devil wins!"He wiped the sweat from the side of his face as he stared at Bear's beat up face.

Lan Du waved at the audience before she was sent back to the crowd.

"Than felt great, pity that I cant beat them till my heart is content"Lan Du said solemly

Xie Ying and Xie Jing's mouths twitched.

'Just how much do you want to beat him then?'