Chapter 0:

Then GOD owes me?

GOD kill's me, so I chose to kill whales in another word with my friends 

Ian was eating bread while was talking in the discord

“I reached a conclusion after I wake up today” Miojo said in a somewhat philosophical voice

“What do you mean?” Ian was intrigued by what Miojo said, and already knew that the answer would be something lucid or stupid.

“Gods and demons are the same” by the tone of voice every one in the call know that Miojo said it with a serious face

Murilo laughed and said, “It would be weird if you said you reached a conclusion after you woke up tomorrow.”
“Fuck you”

All three of them started to laugh, but suddenly, Ian started to choke listening to Ian choking Miojo and Murillo star laughing more. 

Ian couldn't stop laughing, his face was red from the shortness of breath, and your eyes slowly started to close. 

Ian realized he wasn't in his room when he opened his eyes, a completely white space. The first thought was that someone had finally committed him to an asylum.

Ian thought he needed to call for someone, but realized he didn't have a body the more he watched his surrounding, the weirder the situation got.And then a figure that can only be described as god suddenly appeared. 
“ You have realized, child of earth, that you are dead.” That voice, which could only be described as a voice of a god, resounded as if it were Ian's own thoughts. 
Ian agreed that die choking on a loaf of bread looks like a way he would die, after pondering what the god said. 

Ian's calm surprised him, “your world has a rule where gods cannot interfere, but I was not aware that it would go into effect when I tried to watch your conversation with your friends. I will grant you one wish to correct my wrong.”
Ian says immediately after god's stop talk, “I would like to go to whaling with my friend.” 
After listen to Ian wish god for the first time in your existence, ha was speechless  
“ I can't make your friends go with you against their will” 

“I'm sure they will join me.” 

After think for a while, god says. “ I can bring your friends, but if one of them doesn't accept to go with you, will die in vain.” 

“I agree with that” 

After say that, Ian could feel other two existences and immediately tells “lest'go whale hunting in another word if you refuse I die.”    

One voice asked if there will be magic in this word.  

Ian didn't know where that voice came from, but he knew that only one insane person can ask that Miojo.
“That word will have magic, but it is infinitely more dangerous than your word.”

“ Have magic, I don't care.” 

One of the most important decisions Murilo has ever made was whether to “give the ultimate troll in Miojo or not”, and he said it was one of the most important decisions he had ever made.  

“Dude, magic whaling, you really have to think here?” Miojo says indignant. 

“Miojo you are not understanding the power that I have now…, but I will go with you guys, but stay tuned I won't miss another unique opportunity like this Miojo” Murilo said serious.

Touched by the gesture of Murillo friendship, Miojo says“Friends are precious.”

For the second time, god was speechless, not wanting to see more of the aura of madness that the three presented god started the transfer of the three 

“I will put you in the monster high school, so you can understand the word better because Aasilan is a dangerous world with magic and advanced technology, so please be careful on your hunt. ” 

When the teleportation was almost done, Miojo said
“I was right, gods and demons are the same, we will have to do the high school again”

Murilo and Ian start to laugh and the god's magic completes   

When they open their eyes, they were greeted with a large building with a banner in the front written welcome first years to the monster high school.