Chapter 6:

Chapter 6: Is it still okay if siblings grow closer with one another?

Is It Still Incest If Siblings Reincarnate With No Blood Relation?

Ryzelia stared out at the horizon as the sun was starting its ascent over the trees. The twilight golden rays beamed down onto the stone and gleamed off the silver blades that Elyiena and Blythe held firmly in their hands. Both of them had decided to spar using actual swords to heighten their training and experience. While the two of them were preparing to fight, Ryzelia returned his focus back to the book he held in his hands on the human body. Although he was well-versed in the craft of alchemy, he had much to learn in other areas. Combining his knowledge of the alchemical practises, he was hoping to expand his mind into the medical field. In his old world, he had studied only the basic knowledge of medicine and the human body. It was obvious by what he had read and learned throughout his time in the new world, that the concept of gem theory was as far as most well-renown doctors had understood.

Still, his knowledge was leagues beyond what the new world could conjure up within the next hundred or so years. Taking advantage while he was young and his mind still sharp, Ryzelia took what free time he had studying the human body, how it worked for humans compared to other races and how best to apply his knowledge of alchemy to the biological realm of microscopical world at large. Thumbing through the pages and skimming the important text, he took notice to the particular illustrations found of each leaf – some of which contained a spread where the illustration enveloped the pages with a small caption and legend in the marginalia.

As he continued to look over the illustrations, he noticed one that caught his eye. It was of a pair of bare feet on the verso leaf and on the recto was a list of notes. The illustration showed the soles of a young girl with small labels and lines pointing to different points on the feet. Each of them were numbered in correlational to what was written out on the facing page. Ryzelia couldn’t help but stare at the illustration before him. Even if it was only a drawing, it still brought with a spark of life that made him feel something pleasurable swelling up between his thighs. A subtle cough came from Alyice who was standing by his side with a smug expression on his face.

— Master, if you should need assistance of a more… practical nature, I can assist you as a live subject.

— Is that so? And here I thought you and Blythe were together after what happened.

— I was teasing, master. Blythe would not be so kind to me if she found out I was assisting you in more than just your medical endeavour. That said, I do believe your future wife would be more than happy to help you.

— Perhaps. For now though I need to actually study the theory before I go with a more hands-on approach.

Ryzelia turned the page to be greeted with a sight that had managed to blind side him for a second. The illustration was detailed and spared no measure of craftsmanship in the line work. Every stroke of the nib pen had meaning behind it and all aspects of the work were brought to life by the ink on the page. With every second that passed, Ryzelia continued to focus on the drawing before him.

— That is…

Alyice was unable to find the words to say as he stared at the illustration, captivated by its beauty.

— Yeah… I wasn’t expecting this.

Closing the leather bound tome, Ryzelia looked over to Alyice.

— Maybe we should just keep this between ourselves, Ryzelia said with nervous smile.

— I agree, master, Alyice said as he averted his eyes and twirling the tips of his hair.

Taking a sip of his coffee, Ryzelia watched the sparing match unfold between Elyiena and Blythe down below in the courtyard. The two of them had been crossing swords and swiping at each other, bordering on near misses, to the point that small strands of their hair fell onto the paved stone. Ryzelia continued to watch on in awe as two girls danced in sync like a couple preforming a choreographed routine for an event – only where one wrong move landed in the slicing open of an arteria.

— So, who do you believe will win, master?

— Elyiena is still holding her own against Blythe. It’s clear they are both on equal footing in terms of skills. Still, if I had to place money on a winner, it would have to be…

While Ryzelia was ready to place a bet on one of the girls, he noticed a gruesome sight once his mind had caught up to the strike that had landed. The sharp edge of the sword was wedged partially into Blythe’s shoulder blade. Blood poured out and down her skin and onto the paved stones soaking them in vivid crimson colour that quickly desaturated to brown rustic hue. Ryzelia stood to his feet, surprised by what he witnessing, Alyice too was stunned by the sight before him.

Elyiena was at a lost for words as she continued to hold the hilt of blade in her hands. Even though she was shocked by the sight, her body seemed to act automatically and kept still to ensure that the blade wasn’t removed or moved too much. Blythe stared down at the blade wedged into her shoulder. She didn’t scream out from the pain, nor panicked. The only thing she could do was smile and remain calm.

— Well, that’s going to leave a bit of scar, Blythe said in a joking tone.

Ryzelia and Alyice quickly headed down into the courtyard. Looking over the impact of the blade, Ryzelia mind ran through what he needed to do in order to disinfect the wound and stop the bleeding.

— Blythe, Elyiena, don’t move. Alyice, stay with them. If that sword comes out, you’re going to have to stop the wound from bleeding out. I’ll be back.

Without saying another word, Ryzelia rushed inside the manor and down the hallways until he reached the atelier. Looking through the vials on his shelves, he grew increasingly worried as he noticed the concoction that he needed wasn’t there. He knew he needed to act quickly to make the concoction that would both disinfect the wound and seal it up. Looking over the notes on his desk, he managed to find the parchment with the list of ingredients he needed to mix together. Grabbing the various items and mixing them into a small empty vial, Ryzelia didn’t even take the time to put a cork in it.

Rushing up the stairs and down the hallway, Ryzelia made his way back to the courtyard where he noticed Blythe was laying on the ground while Alyice was doing his best to stop the blood from oozing out. Ryzelia knelt down and carefully poured the mixture onto the wound. For a moment, Blythe could feel her shoulder burning before it subsided into a cool sensitisation. Like magic, the wound began to slowly repair and reseal itself before everyone’s eyes.

— How does that feel? Ryzelia asked.

Blythe sat up and slowly moved her shoulder a little. Despite the deep cut, the wound left no scaring and within a few seconds, it was like she had never been sliced with a blade.

— Surprisingly, it doesn’t hurt. That potion worked fast. Thank you, master, Blythe said blushing slightly.

— Blythe! I’m so sorry!

Elyiena hugged Blythe tightly and knocked her onto the ground. Blythe smiled and gently wrapped her arms around Elyiena and placed one hand on her head.

— It’s okay. It was just a flesh wound. I’m fine.

— Well, at least we were able to heal the wound. Maybe this time you two should stick to wooden swords, Ryzelia joked as he stood to his feet.

Making his way back up the stairs, he grabbed his book as Alyice followed behind him.

— Should I prepare coffee for you, master?

— That would be nice. I need to do some more studying and at some point, I will want to try to create a new potion I read about.

Ryzelia entered the study and sat down at the desk. A few minutes passed as he read through two books and wrote down notes on everything he was reading. For a moment, he was lost in thought of the information he was reading. He was so deep in thought that he didn’t hear Alyice enter or even place his cup of coffee on the table.

— Master.

— Hmm?

— Your coffee is ready, master.

— Oh, sorry. I guess I was lost in thought.

Picking up the coffee with one hand and continuing to look over his notes, Ryzelia sipped the warm hazelnut coffee before setting it back down on the desk.

— Thank you again for helping Blythe, master.

— There is no need to thank me, Alyice. I did what any person would do.


Ryzelia stared up at the ceiling in his room while laying on his bed. His mind raced with all the notes he had studied for regarding the medical field. He still loved alchemy and wanted to pursue as much as he possibly could to become one of the greatest alchemist of his time. Yet, he did enjoy the pleasure that came with helping others and wished to help anyone he could throughout his life journey. He thought about how others would see him if he ever managed to become renowned in the world. While he continued to think about everything, the sound of a knock on his door interrupted his thoughts. Entering into his room was Elyiena, her messy hair and the way she was gripping her pillow in both hands made her appear even cuter than she had been before. She wear a simple white nightgown that revealed her pale legs and bare feet in an enticing manner that bordered on being seductive.

— Something wrong? Ryzelia asked.

Elyiena was silent for a moment before she made her way over to Ryzelia’s bedside. She didn’t speak but looked away as she used her index finger to twirl the tips of her hair.

— I just wanted to thank you for saving Blythe.

Putting her pillow down next to Ryzelia’s, she laid down beside him.

— It is no problem. I’m just glad it wasn’t serious.

— But it could have been serious! She could have died if it wasn’t for you. So…

Slowly pulling down the straps of her nightgown, Elyiena allowed them to loosely hang off her shoulders to reveal just enough of her bare skin. Straddling Ryzelia’s hips, she looked into his eyes and smiled.

— That’s why… tonight… I’m giving you my body.

Ryzelia seemed unphased as he continued to stare back into Elyiena’s eyes. He could see through her timid expression that she didn’t want to actually go through with it.

— I seem to recall that you said you wanted to marry only one person if you found them.

Grabbing Elyiena by the wrist and rolling over on top of her, Ryzelia smiled.

— Who exactly is this lucky guy – or, you know, girl – that you want to marry? I’ll try to help you find them as best I can.

— That’s the problem. I don’t know who the person is. They could be a guy or a girl now.

Ryzelia tilted his head in confusion.

— I don’t follow.

Elyiena smiled and removed a necklace that was hiding under her clothes. Upon seeing the necklace, Ryzelia’s eyes widened. A wave of many emotions surged throughout his body and mind.

— R-Riku…

Upon hearing that name, Elyiena froze.

— Sora…

The two of them were silent for a moment as they continued to stare into each other’s eyes. Ryzelia pulled out the necklace he had kept around his neck the whole time, revealing half of a heart – the other half that aligned with his little sister’s half. There were many things the two of them wanted to say to each other but at the same time, they were unsure as to what they should say. While Ryzelia’s mind continued to try and find the right words, Elyiena smiled and pulled his face closer to hers. Kissing his lips, she embraced him and allowed herself to indulge in her desires for a moment.

Ryzelia was at a lost for words, nor did he have the mindset to think about the moment that was playing out. He continued to struggle for the words as Elyiena continued to kiss his lips before finally giving him a moment to breathe. Taking a second to allow his mind to catch up, Ryzelia laid down beside Elyiena and looked up at the ceiling.

— I can’t believe we finally found each other.

— I know! Isn’t it great, big bro?

With a smile on her face, Elyiena cuddled up to Ryzelia and closed her eyes. She was overjoyed that she had found her brother and glad that he wasn’t dead. Throughout her time in the world of Ioyeathra, she had a fear in the back of her mind that chilled her to the bone – the thought of her brother dying before she could see him. Yet, all her worries had been laid to rest now that she was safe in her brother’s arms.

Throughout the night, Ryzelia found he was unable to sleep due to the various thoughts racing through his mind. He was happy that he had found his sister but he knew that in this world, he would have to marry her. The thought of marrying her made him feel a bit strange and looking at the face of the girl next to him made this mind race with questions. Even though the two of them were in a new world that was different from their own, they had their memories. In their old world, they were brother and sister. Nether of them felt any sort of romantic attraction towards each other in their previous lives. Yet, she had declared that the person she wanted to marry was, in fact, him.

Maybe she’s just overjoyed and happy to finally see me. That’s probably it, Ryzelia thought as he broke free from Elyiena’s grip and made his way over to the window. He stared out at the picturesque landscape and thought about the time he had spent in this world. When he came into the new world, he was happy to learn that he had an older sister. Of course, after learning that she was an eccentric girl and often took her lascivious jokes too far, he tried to distance himself since he never saw a romantic love between two siblings as natural. Yet, when he spent time with his older sister to learn the craft of alchemy, over time, he had changed. He had grown accustomed to lewd remarks and even teased his sister from time to time – only for it to backfire. Still, he didn’t want sexual relations with his own blood related sister.

Even in the old world when his little sister would bathe with him, he never felt any sexual arousal to her. This changed though when began to have dreams about his little sister and her ever developing body. His eyes were always drawn to her flawless pale legs and her bare feet. When she would sleep, he found himself always staring at the soles of her feet and his mind would wonder about what he could do – in response, his body would let him know what he desired. He recalled the first time his little sister had caught him doing something that would come to regret. When he was nearing the age of thirteen, he couldn’t stop himself from wanting to indulge in his sexual desires. While his little sister slept, he took the moment he had to sniff and lick the soles of her feet. It was odd for him. In his mind, he knew it was wrong but the area between his legs continued to grow to the point that he couldn’t stop himself. He allowed his hand to stroke the large shaft and with each gentle stroke a wave of pleasure engulfed his mind until he found a steady rhythm. Within moments, his sexual desires had been fulfilled and unloaded onto the soles of his little sister’s petite feet.

Yet, a horrible fear washed over him when he realised what he saw. Looking back at him with her eyes widen of confusion was his little sister. Her face and cheeks were a bright red that she mimicked a stop sign well. He was unsure of what to do or so in the moment. All he could do was stand there like a deer caught in headlights – his condensed milk dispenser slowly returning to its original state after delivering the load. The room was silent and not a single word was spoken in that few seconds. All he could do was pull up his shorts and walk out of his little sister’s room. Yet, throughout the years that passed, he noticed his sister never once said anything about what had transpired between them. Before long, he simply believed that she had forgotten.

After that day, he always felt uncomfortable around his little sister, even though his thoughts continued to wonder past the depths of mind. He continued to try and remain in control of his desires that he always told himself that having feelings of any kind with his sibling was forbidden and wrong. When he was born into the new world, however, things began to change. For noble families, it wasn’t uncommon for siblings or cousins to grow a bond with each other and enter the world of incest. His older sister had explained many things to him growing up and slowly as time went on, he opened up to his older sister before she too learned of his secret. She had tested a mixture on him that forced him to tell truth where he exposed his fetish for feet. Normally, after that he would have never had any interaction with his older sibling again, yet, she was unphased by his desires or sexual arousal pleasures. In fact, she openly admitted that she enjoyed teasing her little brother and loved the area of skin between a girl’s skirt and over-the-knee socks. He was surprised that his older sister was so open and didn’t find anything odd with the two of them indulging in the occasional salacious banter. Even with him being more open, he still didn’t have romantic feelings for his older sister, just respect for her skills in alchemy.

Now, he was faced with the truth that had gone unanswered for years even in death – just how his little sister truly felt. What was he going to do? It was impossible for him to say no to the marriage as he learned that contracts in the new world were binding. The magical seal that his older sister drew on his lower stomach was proof of that. Looking over to Elyiena sleeping in the bed, Ryzelia thought about if the two of them were still considered blood related siblings. He may have remembered her as his little sister in the old world but in this new world, she was Elyiena Fyairen and he was Ryzelia Aytelier. They held no blood relation to each other, only memories of their previous lives. So, was it still considered incest if they got married and had children even if they held no blood relations with each other? From a logical standpoint, the two of them could happily be married and it not be a problem. Still, there was a part of him that felt it was unnatural – likely due to his understanding of not only his old world but just knowing that laying down in his bed was his little sister of a previous life.

As he continued to think about everything, he realised that his little sister had not only been looking for him but also that she was hoping to marry someone and that she declared that it was him who she wanted to marry. He replayed the scene between him and his little sister as well as all the memories he had in his previous life. His sister always seemed flustered when around him but he never understand why. It wasn’t because she hated him for indulging in his fetish but because she had feelings for him, she always had. Making his way back over to his bed, he laid down and watched Elyiena turn over onto her side. She was originally against the idea of marriage but now, she seemed perfectly okay with – even with the fact that they were once siblings in the old world. Regardless, Ryzelia stared up at the ceiling, he wasn’t sure what to think any more. Elyiena was not related to him by blood, only thing they shared was memories, this was it. So, from a logical standpoint, they could get married and it was perfectly legal and not considered weird. Still, it made him feel a bit uneasy about the whole thing. Having playful banter with a sibling was one thing but sharing themselves in the bedroom was another matter to him. He loved his little sister but not to the extent that he wanted to sleep with her, however, he couldn’t help but wonder what thoughts ran through his little sister’s mind.

Ryzelia gently played with Elyiena’s hair. The soft stroking of his hand and fingers coursing through her hair, Elyiena let out a sigh of pleasure and turned over onto her side – remaining asleep while she smiled from the feeling. For now, I should just be glad that we found each other. We can handle whatever is in the future when that times come, Ryzelia thought as he patted Elyiena’s head gently. He began to recall the good times and moments he had with her, both as his little sister in the old world and Elyiena in the new world. Laying his head against his pillow, he stared up at the ceiling. No matter what, he was going to have to face the fact that Elyiena would become his wife.

Closing his eyes, Ryzelia drifted off to sleep in hopes of clearing his mind. He could feel Elyiena cuddle up to him and gripping him tightly, reminding him of the time they both shared a bed together when a storm was passing through their farmlands. She would rush into his room and jump into his bed, holding him tightly in fear of the clarion thunder and lightning. It was always terrifying for her to hear the sounds to the point that she would rely on brother to help her through the storm. He was the rock that kept her stable during the chaos.


Lyciael Aytelier carefully mixed the liquids into the cauldron. Ryzelia watched and listened as his older sister hummed a tune with a cheerful smile on her face. Her hips swayed in an enticing way like a seductive dancer. She was dressed in a revealing outfit wearing a black corset lined with a rose blue accent lace trimming and a matching frilly skirt that that revealed a subtle enticing area for most males that gazed upon her. Stopping just above her knees were a pair of black lace leather boots with the same accent laces – tied off at the top in a bow fashion and a few ribbons. Peaking just out of her shoes were a pair of black socks that only added to her feminine allure. Over her outfit was a black cloak that held the Aytelier family crest on the back in a soft shade of red with a small tint of blue.

Ryzelia continued to sit in the wooden chair and watch the mixture bubble up within the large cauldron. Before his eyes, it shifted from a soft shade of red similar to a rose into a blue tint that blended in harmony with the red. It was a colour that he had never seen and even his older sister appeared surprised by what she had created. Still, he had been studying non-stop and reading countless books on alchemy to make sure he didn’t blow a hole in the wall like last time. With a smile, his older sister made her way over to him and placed her foot down on the chair, positioning between his legs.

— Now, little brother, let’s play a game.

— Exactly what kind of game, sis?

— I’m going to test you. Every question you get right, I’ll remove an article of clothing. If you get it wrong, you have to drink the potion of Kyumwood.

A cute smile appeared on Lyciael’s face as she held out a vial of white liquid.

— Ready to play?

— Not really but let’s do it anyway.

— Okay, what is the first rule of alchemy? Lyciael asked.

— Understand what ingredients is needed for the final output of the mixture.

Lyciael smiled and slowly unlaced her boot halfway down.

— What should you always do when you want to create a concoction?

— Write down all the ingredients and the key order in which way they should be mixed.

Unlacing the rest of her boot, Lyciael removed it carefully and teased her little brother by wiggling her toes the second her boot came off. Ryzelia could not help but stare as Lyciael placed her foot back down in the same position as before. Asking two more questions like before, Lyciael removed her other boot once Ryzelia got both questions right. Sitting on the edge of the heavy cauldron, Lyciael placed both her feet on the chair.

— Sis…

— Now, try not to get too distracted by your adorable older sister’s socks. You still have three more questions before you get your prize, Lyciael teased as she wiggled her toes close Ryzelia’s weakest area.

Ryzelia continued to stare down at his older sister’s feet, his mind starting to focus on them instead of the question.

— What should you do once you create a new mixture?

— Label the vial and keep records on what it does and its effects.

Carefully peeling off her sock, Lyciael freed her barefoot and revealed the sakura coloured toenail polish that contrasted her pale petite feet. She giggled as she watched the protrusion show as clear as day through her little brother’s skirt. Answer another question correctly, she was now barefoot and teased her brother by moving her feet against the erection.

— B-Big sister…

— Just one more question and I’ll give you your reward. What do all alchemist live by or devote themselves to?

— An alchemist will devote themselves to learning and gaining knowledge in pursuit of alchemical advancement.

— Good job, little bro. Here’s your reward, Lyciael said as she handed him a vial of unknown liquid.

Ryzelia watched as his older sister grabbed an empty vial from off the shelf and filled it with the liquid in the cauldron. With a smile, she handed the vial over to him.

— What is this? Ryzelia asked as he looked over the vial.

Lyciael giggled and placed her feet back in position. Pressing her big toe gently against the tip of her brother’s erection, she could tell he was ready to pop like a cork from a wine bottle.

— Go ahead and drink it.

Ryzelia downed the vial of liquid and looked to his sister.

— So, what happens now?

Stroking her foot against the shaft of his elongated cock, Lyciael giggled as she wiggled her toes.

— You should be having the best dream you’ll ever have when you close your eyes.

In a matter of a few seconds, Ryzelia started to feel his eyes grow heavy. His body went limp and he was on the verge of falling out of the chair. Lyciael quickly caught her brother in her arms and carried him to his room. She smiled once more and set her little brother gently onto his bed.

— Sweet dreams, little brother.

Ana Fowl