Chapter 9:

Is it still okay if siblings do naughty things under the table? (Part 3)

Is It Still Incest If Siblings Reincarnate With No Blood Relation?

Lyciael laid there on the floor of the study, sprawled out with an open book over her face. She at spent the whole day reading over the notes her little brother had made and cross-referenced them with her own that she had wrote down. Normally, the study was kept up well with every book in its place on the shelves, now, all of them were scattered across the floor – some were left open while others were stacked atop each other. The place had become a battlefield but Ryzelia did not mind it. He had been used to the way his older sister did things and would often times form her habits with things. Alyice had given up on trying to clean the room while the two of them were in this alchemist mindset. He knew all too well that anything he would clean up would end up right back on the floor.

Ryzelia continued to read through the medical book he had in hopes of finding anything that could be similar to the disease that he and his older sister had. Yet, there was nothing even remotely close. The few diseases he recalled from his old world that were sexually transmitted did not have any cure to speak of. With a sigh, Ryzelia crawled over to his sister and fell on top of her trying to get at one of the nearby books.

— I can’t find anything even remotely close to the disease that we have, Ryzelia said as he started to open the page of the book.

Staying atop his sister, Ryzelia did not move. It was not the first time the two of them had been in awkward positions while dealing with heavy research. He had once crawled on top of his sister to reach a book on a shelf and ended up becoming engrossed in the contents of the book. Any normal sister would have told him to get off, yet, she never once interrupted his flow of conscience. She was the same way when she would get deep into researching a project or working out a new potion. Her mind ignored the world around her and more often than not, she would end up forgetting to partake in ordinary task such as eating or even relieving her bodily functions. Though she was eccentric, her mind was considered to be highly creative and she was regarded as a genius throughout the city. There was only one problem. She did not have many friends. In fact, the amount of friends that she had could be counted on one hand.

The only people she hung around was her little brother, Alyice and her mother. While she occasionally held conversations with others, she never considered them friends. They failed to understand her and her ways. She was wildly eccentric and did things often without thinking or understanding the customs or procedures. Most alchemist were actually meticulous in their works but they also ensured their desk was clean while she just allowed things to be where they fell. Despite her unorganised way of doing things and her lack of structure, she was an alchemist that was worthy of the title of Master. Yet, the sad truth was, she was never recognised as being a master despite all her knowledge. By the standards of the academy, she held no degree, badge or any sort of title. While this would have normally destroyed a normal person hoping to land a job within the city, it did not stop Lyciael. She simply could not care or be bothered to worry about something as silly as a piece of parchment telling her she was smart.

Even if she was not one to care about titles or degrees, she was happy for her little brother. He had managed to achieve a goal that she threw away. All she wanted in her life was to see her little brother succeed and be happy. Yet, on the day that she created a deadly toxic was the day she wanted to end her life. She had managed to create a mixture that was supposed to be a harmless prank but it had backfired. The tonic gave him the disease that now randomly caused him pain and there was, at least to most theory and knowledge, no cure for the disease that she dubbed, Blue Rose. It was her fault that her brother was dealing with it and every waking day that she lived or heard him scream out in pain, begging and cry for it to stop, she wanted to take her own life with a poison. Seven days was all it took for her to craft a fatal poison that could kill a person in the most horrifying way imaginable. It was always locked away in her desk, the vile liquid that was a blended mix of green and purple – death in a vial. She was prepared to take her life so many times. Everyday she pretended to be happy and cheerful, her usual lewd and quirky self. At night, her mind raced with destructive thoughts. A cataclysmal nightmare that made her suffer to the point of a mental breakdown. Her body and mind had all been damaged to the point that she was losing hope in trying to find a cure.

That was when she decided to drown her suffering with the only thing she could do to make everything right in the world. If her little brother was suffering then she too would suffer alongside him. Recreating the deadly toxic from memory, she downed the vial and felt every bit of pain that her little brother had gone through. The disease was random and it was unknown when it would flair up but even still, she was happy that she now shared the same fate as her beloved little brother. With this drive to cure them, she spent days and nights trying to concoct a cure. Yet, even after a solid year of study and devotion, she was not able to create a cure. Two more years passed and after everything, the only thing she was able to create as a medicine that only suppressed the disease and kept the pain at bay. This still did not help due to the fact the body would sooner or later become immune to the medicine and eventually, no longer work. She needed to find a cure with whatever time she had to live.

— Hey, sis, you have any luck? Ryzelia asked as he closed his eyes and rested his head against his sister’s chest.

— Even with my notes, your notes and every book in this study I can’t find anything. Finding a cure for a rare disease that only like less than one percent of the world has is going to be a challenge.

— Yeah but it’s exciting, right? Ryzelia asked with a smile.

— Yeah! Also, Alyice, are you free?

— What do you need, Lyciael?

Lyciael took a moment to stretch out her arms and legs before closing her eyes and relaxing.

— Lick my feet.

— I’d rather not. I’m… dating someone now.

Alyice averted his gaze as Lyciael directed her eyes on him.

— Oh, you’re dating Blythe now?

— H-How did you know? Alyice asked in shock.

— I mean, it’s obvious.

— Extremely obvious, Ryzelia chimed in.

— But anyway, if you don’t want to because your girlfriend says so, it’s fine. I’ll just make her lick my feet instead, Lyciael said with a smile.

Alyice continued to blush but was puzzled by the statement that Lyciael had said.

— Exactly how would you do that?

A sadistic and smug expression showed on Lyciael’s face as she gently patted her little brother’s head.

— Go get her and I’ll show you exactly how I’ll do it.

Ana Fowl