Chapter 1:

Love At First Door Slam

Miguel’s Love Confession

My friends and I were eating lunch as usual. Lunch period after math class always helped cool off my brain, just me and my friends chilling and enjoying ourselves. We always have some sort of conversation about a topic, whether it be about what’s the biggest poop we’ve ever taken or how we did on our last math test. Though an unfavorable topic came up to during our humble conversation.

“Yo, Miguel, when are you gonna get a girl?” My friend Javi asked.

See, for the past sixteen years I have been on this planet, I have not even had the pleasure of holding a girl’s hand. As for my boy Javi, it would make more sense to ask which girl hasn’t held his hands. 

“Ahhh, I just haven’t found the one yet, you know” 

“Listen Miguel, it’s okay if your gay, we’ve known for a while.” My other friend Leo pitches in.

“Although I appreciate your support, I am not gay. I was just born with the world’s worst social skills known to man” I respond.

“Oh yeah, remember when this mf passed out when he tried asking out his crush in 7th grade” my friend Mateo adds in, which causes them to break out in laughter.

“S**t was funny as f**k, mf just dropped to the ground like a brick”

My friends continued to laugh, while I looked at them with disappointment as a single tear rolled down my face.

“He didn’t even talk to her, he just plopped to the ground behind her” Leo says while trying control his laughter.

The bell rings, ending this unpleasant conversation. We start leaving the cafeteria as they try their best to stop their laughter. 

“Alright, see ya guys later” I say to them before we all split up to go to our own classes.

I put my headphones in and start listening to music while going to my class. One thing I’ve noticed about myself is that I’m a completely different person when I’m by myself; compared to when I’m with my friends. Obviously we all feel comfortable to express ourselves with people that we are comfortable with, but I want to be able to approach any person that I’m interested in. 

I finally make it to the classroom, which is Mr. Levantino’s class about Global History. I go to take my seat in the back left corner of the classroom next to the windows, which I got really lucky with since it is an assigned seat. 

While others might take advantage of my position to sleep or be on their phones, I actually quite like history so I don’t do that…can’t say the same about other classes though.

History passed quite quickly for me, then was Spanish. Spanish is relatively easy since I speak it at home, but quite boring. Then the big boss came, chemistry.

While I do always try my best in each class, chemistry always seemed to put me in this sort of trance of sleepiness. Trying to pay attention to how chemical energy is converted to electrical energy, and trying your best not to fall asleep at the same time really does a number on me by the end of the period.

Chemistry is finally over, and the cycle of not talking to anyone new continues. There is a final period of school, which is an extra period where you can leave or go to any class to study. You are also able to go to the cafeteria or the library. Me and my friends usually meet up at the library, since it is a more controlled and comfortable environment.

I make it to the library, and go to the table where my friends are at. I drop my stuff off at the table.

“Imma just go to the bathroom real quick” I tell them.

I walk out of the library and put my headphones on. I like to take a lap of the second floor of my school, since it’s not that big. Just walking the halls and listening to music is somewhat therapeutic to me.

I make it to the bathroom, take out my headphones and use the urinal. I finish my business and wash my hands.

I return to the library and hang out with my friends for a while.

The final bell rings and we all get up to leave. While on the way out I catch a quick glance of this girl. I haven’t seen her in the library before so I was quite curious of her, but I was more entangled in her beauty. Her hair was black and short, she wore a cute black dress, and had these depressing eyes, which only made me admire her more.

So while I was trying to take in what I was seeing, I failed to notice the library door, and walked straight into it, creating a great bang and injuring my whole body. My friends were quite ahead of me so they didn’t see me get destroyed by the door, but they heard the noise.

“Yo Miguel, what happened?”

“Oh what nothing”

They looked at me in confusion, but we kept it going.

I said my goodbye’s to my friends as we go on our own ways. I live somewhat close to the school so I usually walk home.

All I can think about is the girl I saw in the library. I want to talk to her, but knowing me, that’s a hard task.

Im really tired of having missed opportunities, all because I lack the common skill of being able to talk to others. I’m lucky that I was able to meet my friends while I was quite young, but this is different. To approach her, I will need to change. I don’t know how I’ll do it, but I need to start taking the initiative. From here on I declare one of the greatest tasks I will face this year, and that is being able to approach this mysterious pretty girl in a nice and normal manner!

I soon realize how hard that door really was as I walk home in pain.

Taylor Victoria