Chapter 2:

True Identity

Please Laugh, Sumeragi-san!

(Sumeragi Yukino)

I hate it when boys approach me. I don't know why, I'm just not good with them. I always feel uncomfortable whenever a boy approaches me personally. That's why I don't have any guy friends at school.

However, Kaidou-kun is an exception. I love when he looks at me from afar or passes in the hall without even greeting each other. I don't hate him. I've had a crush on him since we met in our freshman year, but I'm too shy to say it.

I want to have him as my boyfriend. But what can I do? I don't have the balls to talk to him about my feelings. I'm afraid he will reject me. If that happens, my peaceful high school life will end soon.

So instead of confessing my feelings to him, I'm trying to make him fall in love with me. I have very good plans for this. I overheard his conversation with Kagami-kun about the type of girl he likes. He said he likes cool and elegant girls with high marks. I'm really happy when I know his type, so I can be one of his types and get him to confess to me.

I was just an ordinary girl in my freshman year, but after finding out that Kaidou-kun likes smart girls, I suddenly become a diligent student. I asked my parents to take tutoring so that I could improve my grades on any subject.

I don't join any club at school, so whenever school ended, I would immediately go home or to the tutoring so I could start studying. It was hard at first, but after months of getting used to it, I started to love studying. It doesn't feel that hard anymore.

I know, just being a smart girl won't make Kaidou-kun fall in love with me right away. There is another aspect that I have to do to be his type, which is to be cool and elegant. I found that Kaidou-kun doesn't like girls who talk and laugh a lot, he emphasized that he loves a girl who is always cool in any situation. It surprised me when I heard it the first time, but I won't give up. With a few lessons, I can be a girl who is cool, elegant, and can control her expression in any situation.

After a year of hard work, I think my struggles to win Kaidou-kun's heart have been successful. Today, when class ended, he suddenly approached me and asked me to go home together. I was so happy when I heard it, I wanted to cry, it was like a dream come true. I even gazed at his face for a while to confirm that he was Kaidou Itsuki-kun.

As we walk together down the hall, my heart beats so fast I can't control it. All I can do now is keep my face flat until we're apart.

"Is it alright for you to walk with me now? Was there a guy who used to take you home earlier?" He asked.

I shake my head.

"Oh, that's good then."

After that, we went silent.

Gosh, I'm so nervous. There are many things I want to ask him, but I'm nervous. I don't hate this situation. Instead, I like it. Walking next to the person I like makes me flutter no matter what the situation is. I'll keep quiet for now and wait for him to talk to me again.

Unfortunately, we remain silent until we arrived at the school gates. Kaidou-kun's and my way home are opposite. Looks like we're going to split up here.

"Thank you, Sumeragi-san. This is our first time talking and going home together, isn't it? I hope we can be closer now — as classmates of course."

I nod.

"Okay, see you later, then."

We parted. I'm going left from the school gates and Kaidou-kun is going to the right. I walk to the bus stop and got on the bus right away.

My mind is not here. It's replaying the moment when I walked with Kaidou-kun a few minutes ago. I made it, right? Kaidou-kun has an interest in me right? If not, then why did he ask me to come home with him? I can't stand this feeling. I'm so excited. My heart is still racing now.

I didn't notice that I was smiling all the way home. My little brother asked me with a strange look.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Am I?"

"Yeah, you're smiling. What happened?"


I run up the stairs and into my room. I take look at my face in the mirror to see that I'm actually smiling.

"What will Kaidou-kun's reaction be if I smile at him?" I asked myself. "Ah, no, Kaidou-kun hates girls who smile a lot! But, if only it's once, will Kaidou-kun fall in love with me?"

I change my uniform and go down to the living room to watch my favorite Manzai show on television.

Do you know Manzai?

Manzai is a traditional comedy style in Japanese culture played by two people. It's like a standup comedy, but with two people making jokes together on stage. One acts as a boke (the stupid one) and the other acts as tsukkomi (the smart one). I like the show. My favorite combo is the duo Homura and Himuro which have the group name Muramuro.

I laugh a lot because of the show. Muramuro always manages to make me burst into laughter. I really like their jokes.

Yeah, this is a side I hide from everyone at school, especially Kaidou-kun. I don't want to laugh in front of him. I want to be a cool and smart girl for him.