Chapter 5:

A fairy tale in the making

As the dust settles

It had been many months later after the success of the transformation. Once it was all done Meredith and Sky had been ordered to take up refuge in the hideout until given further orders. Mostly to make sure that Sky was in complete and working order, along with the fact that they wanted to make sure they were in full control of the robot. During this time Meredith, along with a few others from Night Cross, were to train Sky. They needed Sky to be ready to help them with the next phase of their plan.

Sky was now, mostly, human. She had been made into a fair haired maiden. Although parts of her were still noticeable machine. Almost making her look like Zetta. Thankfully it could all be hidden easily as they didn't want to draw any unwanted attention. Especially for the fact that the number of patrols had increased significantly more since they first arrived in Sweetinmoor.

Once they could tell that there wasn't a chance that anyone was spying on them through Sky she had, at long last, been filled in on some information about what was going on. But even still they wanted to keep it safe and make it brief. Meredith was, once again, the one to tell her about all of this.

The first thing she was made aware of was the reason why they had been after a model of her kind. It was because she was specially made by the Elite's to do their bidding. They weren't exactly sure on what task each robot was set out to do, but it can't have been for any good.

The rebels wanted to take whatever robots they could and reprogram them to fight for their cause. But they wanted to change the robots appearance as to not draw attention to what they were planning. Also, with how they were designed, the robot would need to be altered so it couldn't be taken over by the wrong people.

While Zetta was doing diagnostics he found that whatever had happened in that building had done something to Sky's system. So he was unable to fully make Sky look human. While he was working on her he had even used some technology that he had stolen from Darkimsoon. Unbeknownst to Meredith there had been a secret compartment in the basement where Zetta had stored all his valuables, including these particular items.

But after all was said and done Zetta felt best to move on. Now that his job was complete he felt like he had no place staying here anymore. Plus he was beginning to feel restless as he did not like to stay in one place for too long. So, with a few quick goodbyes and one final check over to make sure Sky was fully operational, he slipped away into the night. Possibly never to be seen again.

Before his departure Zetta had left instructions so that, in the event that Sky malfunctioned in some way or another, Meredith could fix the issue. He had also made a few tools for her to use, just in case. As Meredith sat there, fiddling with a makeshift hammer, she looked around the room. It still wasn't much to look at but at least it was safe and it seemed like a great hiding place. At least, for the time being.

During one her days of training Sky was exploring an abandoned house nearby in the nearby forest. She was allowed to go out and do as she pleased every once in a while but she couldn't wander too far. Unbeknownst to Sky, Abby had conveniently put a tracking spell on Sky. This was to, hopefully, prevent her from wandering too far or in the event that she got kidnapped. Although Meredith had given Sky an enchanted necklace. Anytime it glowed Sky was to return immediately.

On this fated day Sky was making her way through an overgrown hedge maze not far from the abandoned house. Vines and moss scattered the floor but, for the most part, the pathways throughout the maze could still be trekked through. In the middle of the make stood a giant tree. With it being spring its pink flowers were in full bloom. More moss and weeds were coming out of every crack they could find in the pavement, some of it had even found it way up the tree. But most of it was hidden under the blanket of pink petals.

A few feet away from the tree were four chairs, all facing towards it. Nature had obviously taken its course and didn't leave anything untouched, as the plant life had taken over these seats too. Sky walked over to one of the seats that looked more sturdier than the others. She cleared off what she could and sat down.

As she sat there she took in her surroundings. The gentle breeze that rustled the trees leaves, and how soothing it felt on her skin. Many of the animals were beginning to come out of hibernation. Sky could hear them going about their day. The singing of birds going by, the many chirping of bugs hidden among the grass and even the croak of an odd frog or two could be heard.

But that wasn't the only thing she heard. She tensed up as she realized what the noise was. Footsteps. Sky had gotten pretty good at identifying the footsteps of those that she knew, all thanks to her training, but these belong to someone of which she did not know. Her hand quickly latched onto the hilt of her knife, which she kept by her side on a sturdy belt. Within seconds of her grabbing at her weapon somebody came around the corner, through the adjacent entrance to the one Sky had entered.

The man that entered was quick to notice Sky, immediately becoming startled and fell back in surprise. Just as quickly as he fell he jumped back on his feet, brushing himself off as he did. His long sleeved shirt, along with his pants, almost camouflaged with the hedges. Sky recognized the type of clothing as many archers come through Sweetinmoor wearing something similar. A surprising amount of dirt had landed in his long, brown hair. As, when he shook his head, a dust cloud erupted from his head.

"My apologies my lady. I wasn't expecting another living soul to be out here. As you would expect, many don't wander too far from their homes nowadays." It was at that moment that the man noticed that she was clutching a knife. "There's no need to be frightened, I mean you no harm. Here I'll lay out my weapon to prove to you that I mean it."

He removed a knife from his boot. Next he removed his belt, which holstered various other sharp weapons. The man also removed a small backpack that he had been carrying and placed it alongside the other items. Sky relaxed a little, realizing that he more than likely meant what he said. A part of her also told her she could trust him, like when she first met Meredith.

"May I at least know the name of the man that stands before me, if we are to begin trusting each other."

"My name is Isaac. And may I also acquire the name of such a beautiful maiden?"

"People around here call me Sky." Sky tried to hide her blush. She had never been called beautiful before.

"Well, seeing as we have now introduced ourselves, and I've proven that I mean no harm, may I take a seat in one of these benches?" Isaac asked ever so kindly. Sky replied by nodding her head in approval.

Upon taking a closer inspection of the other benches, Isaac came to the same conclusion that the bench that Sky was sitting on was the sturdiest. As he sat down next to her Sky shuffled down as close to the opposite end as she physically could. Even though he had tried everything in his power to prove that he wouldn't be of any harm to her she still didn't want to risk having him too close to her. There was an awkward amount of silence as they both sat there, tension slowly rising between them. It was Isaac who broke the silence first, trying to make insignificant small talk.

"So, what brings you around to these parts?"

"I'm staying with a friend. Every so often I like to enjoy a walk around area such as these." Sky tried to keep her answers as short and to the point as she could. She didn't want to reveal too much to this guy Isaac.

"Oh, I see. I can understand you there." Isaac paused for a brief moment before moving the conversation somewhere else. "Did you know that places like these used to be made back in the old days to be used as a sort of game. Apparently a group would have to fight off the hedges that came to life, attacking them in the process. They'd even have to answer a riddle from a Sphinx, then fight of a giant spider. While going through this maze they were all allowed to use magic. All of this to win a cup."

"I don't remember reading about that in any of my books. Sky was very intrigued by this new found information.

"I'll have to show you the book I read it from at some point. It's a very fantastic and magical series!"

For a little while they talked about all the books they read. Everything from children's books to old books about the history before the blast. But it wasn't long before they got so invested with their conversation, and genuinely enjoying each other's company, that neither of them realized it was going on dusk.

"Oh, I must get going! My friends will be getting worried. I promised her to be back by nightfall." Sky got up quickly.

"As sad as I am hear that you must leave I do believe I must part ways as well. My troop is also expecting me back."

So they bid their farewells and quickly parted ways, promising to meet up once again. Upon returning to the hideout Sky mentioned to Meredith what she had gotten up to. How she had found an abandoned house not far from town with a hedge maze. Most importantly about meeting Isaac, the archer. Meredith didn't trust this guy, but that was Meredith being her usual self. Sky didn't notice either way as she was too excited about making her first friend. At least, a friend besides Meredith.

A few days later, when Sky was allowed to go back out on her own again, the both of them met up once more. Isaac bag looked much heavier than the last time they had met. It put Sky a little on edge until Isaac set down the bag and pulled out a book. He pulled out one after another until he had 7 thick books in his arms.

"These are the books I mentioned the last time we met. I thought it might be nice to bring these to you as I noticed you have a great interest in reading from our last conversation." Sky was at a loss for words. All she could do was thank him with a smile as she took the books from him. "Honestly I was worries when you stopped showing up. I thought I might have scared you of, or worse, something bad may have happened to you."

"No, it was nothing like that! I'm only allowed out by myself every few days. But I'm always busy with training either way."

"That's good to know. I really like hanging out with you. Even if we've only met the once. It's not too often that I meet a gal like you who is so easy to get along with, let alone connect with." Isaac blushed as he shuffled his feet.

"Yeah, I think I feel the same way." She said, smiling bashfully.

"Well, if you don't mind, we can sit on the bench and talk some more. I have so much to tell you!" Isaac seemed very excited. Sky, who was also very eager to spend more time with this man, sat down next to him.

As with last time, they spent many hours talking about anything and everything. Both of them enjoying each other's company. It was going on dark once more but neither of them wanted to leave. They were having such a good time laughing and just forgetting about the world beyond this hedge. But they were brought back to reality when Sky's necklace began to faintly glow.

"I must apologize but I must take my leave. My friend needs me back."

"That's all good, but I do hope we can meet again soon. I live by one of the factions nearby. So maybe one day I could show you around there?" The full moon made his golden brown eyes shine brightly as he gave her an almost puppy dog look as he asked.

"Yeah, that sounds nice." How could she say no to him? The necklace began shining brighter, so Sky quickly took off. Knowing full well that she was going to get an ear full from Meredith when she got back.

Upon returning back to the hideout Sky, of course, got her ears chewed out. Meredith was not impressed her and, essentially, grounded her. Sky did not take it well, but try as she might she could not escape it. Meredith had taken the liberty to let the others know, so whenever Sky made and attempt to leave there was always someone there to stop her. All she could do now was hope that Isaac would wait for her.

Meredith, being a little doubtful of this man, wished to meet this new friend of Sky. Even though Sky couldn't see it, both Abby and Meredith felt like something was off about this man. All they knew of him was everything that Sky had told Meredith and she didn't believe one bit that he was from any of the neighboring factions. Which became even more apparent went new came back from each of them that they had never heard of this man.

But as they tried to catch a glimpse of this Isaac by spying on the meeting spot, he never showed up. They didn't want to waste any more time on this then already had, so there was only one thing that could possibly draw out this guy. Meredith un-grounded Sky, but on one condition. That she was to be back before it got dark.

This excited Sky, and as you might've guessed, the first thing she did on her free day was go up to the hedge maze. After nearly an hour waiting there Sky was slowly losing hope. Usually he was here by now. Her heart felt heavy with disappointment as she thought that one of the few friends that she had made was no longer coming back for her.

While she had been trapped by the others it gave her some time to think. She began noticing something different, something she had never experienced or felt before. Sky couldn't put a word to this feeling but she felt a special connection to this man that she hadn't for anyone else. Not that she met many people nor did many of them want to talk to her.

Sky watched the sky get lower beyond the horizon. It was nearly time for her to leave. A part of her wanted to deify Meredith again but that would mean sealing the deal and possibly never seeing Isaac again. At this point she still had a chance. That's what she kept telling herself. But her wishes were soon to come true as a set of familiar footsteps approached the opposite side of the courtyard.

There stood Isaac. Sky felt beyond joyful as she ran up to him, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him into a hug. They both let out a laugh as the continued to stay within their loving embrace. Isaac let go for a moment as he reached for the tree. Its flowers were still in bloom as he plucked one of them from a lower branch. He then, very gently, nestled it behind her ear. Sky blushed and looked down shyly. Isaac smiled back as he moved a bit of hair that was covering her face. As he did this Sky looked back up at him. They gazed into each other's eyes, getting lost in the moment.

Isaac blood splattered everywhere, including on Sky, as his head rolled off his body and onto the ground. Time seemed to slow for Sky as she watched his body crumple to the ground. She was momentarily knocked out of her state of shock as somebody started shaking her shoulders, all the while yelling something at her. It was Meredith.

But she wasn't the only other one here. As Sky peered over Meredith's should she could spot Abby not far off. But why would both of them be here? Sky felt angry at herself. She should've known that they'd follow her after her late return last time. As she was peering over she noticed the axe laying on the ground. The axe that was now covered in Isaac's blood.

What she couldn't make sense of who killed him. As she looked around the only people here besides herself were Abby and Meredith. She certainly didn't do it, there's no way she would wish any harm on him. Abby would be ruled out as there would be no need for a fairy like her to use physical objects such as an axe. But that would only mean.

Still not processing what Meredith was saying Sky broke free of her grip. As if on autopilot she walked over to the axe. All she could see was red when she picked it up. Then, before she knew it, the axe made contact with Meredith. As her body dropped down next to Isaac's as Abby yelled out something.

"What have you done?" Abby cried out.

Realizing that she couldn't let Abby leave here. She couldn't risk leaving any survivors. But Sky would have to act quick as Abby surely wouldn't let her leave this place alive. Sky took the chance to spring into action while Abby was still docile as she would be a slight challenge to take down. But there was no need as, for whatever strange reason, Abby did not fight back. In one final swing, everything went quiet.
