Chapter 18:


Mysterious Rose

Kishi seemed upset during our club one day. I asked him what was wrong.

“Saki… Can I eat lunch with you from now on?”

I wasn’t expecting this. “Of course you can… but did something happen with your friends?”

“Yeah… I’m not really sure what got into them… Apparently they saw me talking to you after sports day and were upset. They didn’t like that I had made other friends…”

“I see… That’s not good.”

“So I’d rather eat with you than them… They were saying I should stop being your friend.”

“They shouldn’t tell you what to do. You can be friends with whoever you want. And if you still want to be friends with them, then I hope you can work it out.” I would never tell him this, but that sounds like something those girls would do… But that’s probably judgemental. I don’t know them personally.

“Thanks… I think I just want to put some space between us for now. If they accept you as my friend, then maybe I’ll still talk to them.”

“Alright, sounds good.”

This isn’t the only thing that happened after sports day though. I keep feeling like someone’s watching me, if not multiple people. I started to get an ominous feeling in my gut. Like I might be attacked if I’m not careful. But I’m not sure where the attack will come from or when… Am I being paranoid?

But then the day came without warning. I recognized Kishi’s friends waiting for me outside my classroom after school.

“We need to talk to you,” they said. “Follow us outside.”

They were familiar words. It sent a shiver down my spine. I already knew what was going to happen. I should run. I should get help. I definitely should not go with them. But since I know how these things go, there’s only one problem. There’s no evidence yet.

When I was bullied back in junior high, even if I was tripped in front of a teacher, they only thought we were playing around. You know, as friends do. At that moment, I felt like I needed solid evidence if anyone was going to believe that I was being bullied. I lost faith in teachers at that time. So now it feels like no one will help me until after the incident has occurred.

I slipped my hand in my pocket and pulled out my phone.

“What are you doing with that?” they asked.

“Just telling my friend I’ll be late…” I opened up the camera and began recording, getting a good glimpse of their faces. Then I put it in my pocket so it could continue to record. Father told me about this trick if I can’t get help first.

“Fine, let’s go now.”

They put me between them so I wouldn’t run off. I followed them obediently. It seemed like a slow march to my death. But even if I die, at least I’ll have clear evidence… I doubt they’ll kill me though. I’m prepared for some kind of beating.

They took me back behind the school. It was right where I eat lunch since it’s the most secluded place.

“What did you want to talk about…?” I asked.

“You know exactly what it is.” They backed me into a corner up against the wall. It was cold on my back. “Stop talking to Horiuchi-kun or you’ll regret it.”

It would be nice to comply with their demands. But… I can’t. Even if I do, there’s no guarantee they won’t beat me anyway.

“Kishi… is my friend…” I said.

“He’s not your friend! He can’t be anyone’s friend! We all share him! That’s why you can’t have the privilege of spending one-on-one time with him! It makes everyone else jealous! And we punish anyone who goes against our rules.”

“...that’s absurd.”

“What was that?!”

“Kishi isn’t an object… He’s a person with feelings… He can be friends with anyone he wants…”

Her hand came so fast that I couldn’t react. All I knew was that I was now looking to the side and my cheek began to sting.

“Mouthy bitch…” she swore as she put her hand down. “Horiuchi-kun is popular. With all his fans, there has to be order among them so no one gets jealous and acts out. No one can be closer to him than the others. You’ve made a lot of us jealous and upset with your actions. We’re just trying to put you in your place now. From now on, don’t call him by his first name, don’t hang out with him by yourself, distance yourself so you’re not so close anymore. This is your only warning.”

She’s really just spouting nonsense like those things are normal… I don’t get how these people exist everywhere, because they’re exactly as I thought they’d be.

“No… I won’t… Because Kishi is my fr–”

She slapped me again. “I said not to call him that! Girls, let’s teach her a lesson!”

They grabbed me and hit my back into the wall. I winced in pain. Then they shoved me to the ground. I tried to protect myself with my arms. They kicked me while I was down and I just prayed that it would be over soon. I also tried to protect my phone from getting broken.

Once they had their fill, I ached all over. I couldn’t even move. They spat more foul words before abandoning me. I tried to breathe, hoping nothing was broken. I tried to sit up, enduring the pain. I pulled out my phone. Somehow it was okay. I gently tapped the screen to stop the video. Then I sat there for a moment.

Tears welled up in my eyes. I tried to hug my knees as I leaned against the wall, the pain making more tears well up. Then I cried with my head down. It’s not like I wanted to experience that… I never wanted to experience anything like that ever again… But if I tried to get out of it, I’d just be delaying the inevitable… At least I let them get it out of their system… And with this evidence, someone has to believe me. If no one else, my father will…

Ah… I’m tired again… I just want to spend some time at home… And maybe never come back…


I looked up in surprise. Yuasa was there. He adjusted his glasses, a stern expression on his face.

“...Seems like it already happened,” he said. I didn’t understand what he was saying.

He approached and I looked away, sniffing and trying to wipe my tears. He kneeled down in front of me.

“You’re a mess. Did you follow them willingly?” he asked.

I kept looking away, not wanting to answer him. Why is he here anyway? What did he mean when he said “it already happened”? He’s the last person I wanted to see…

“I told you to report your bullies. Not let them torment you or beat you up like this,” he continued.

“Why do you even care…?” I said back.

“You frustrate me. I’m still trying to figure out what your problem is. You live in a way that holds you back and even hurts you. I’m not sure why you think a life like that is worth it. At least stand up for yourself like you do with me. I’m sure you’d be much happier that way.”

I turned my head to look at him. His blue eyes met mine.

“Now will you get up and report those who did this to you?”

I paused. Then I pulled out my phone. “I have evidence… A video…”

He stared at me. “You’re crazy. Whatever, let’s get up and go to the student council room.”

When he stood up, I tried to follow. I put my hand on the wall and pushed myself up, frowning at the pain. Then I tried to take a step. The foot I put down caused immense pain.

“Ouch…!” I exclaimed, almost falling back down. My hand on the wall held me up.

“They really did a number on you. I can’t believe you just endured that. Come on, let’s go to the nurse’s office first.”

He suddenly grabbed me and put my free arm around his neck. I was startled by his touch but had nowhere to go if I wanted to feel that pain again.

“Why are you helping me…” I asked while we slowly walked, me having to hop.

“I already told you. You frustrate me. You won’t even help yourself. I guess I have to since I’m the only one who has realized how you are.”

“Still… I don’t get it…”

“We’re walking way too slow. We’ll never get there. Let’s try something else.”

I was confused, thinking that there was no other way. But he surprised me again. He suddenly swept me off my feet, in a literal sense, and began to carry me princess style.

“H-Hey…!” I exclaimed, startled. “Let me down!”

“Stop moving, you’re heavy. I can’t hold you for long.”

“I…I’m not heavy…” I blushed.

“Keep telling yourself that. Just be quiet so I can focus. I’d rather not drop you and for you to report me too.”

I held onto his neck, afraid that he really would drop me. Neither of us said another word as he carried me all the way to the nurse’s office on the first floor. My wounds ached but I continued to endure it. I’m going to have a lot of bruises…

Once we were there, the nurse was out. Yuasa gently sat me down on one of the beds. Then he grabbed cotton swabs, disinfectant, and bandages. He dumped it in my lap.

“Give me your phone and I’ll tell the student council about what happened.” He stuck his hand out after saying that.

His attitude annoyed me. But I handed my phone over anyway.

“Is it locked?” he asked.


“Interesting. I’ll be back.”

Then I was alone. I tried to brush dirt off of me before tending to my open wounds. The disinfectant stung but it wasn’t any worse than my injuries. I took my torn stockings off and looked at the foot that hurt. I think when they stomped on my ankle, they sprained it or something… I was kinda hoping I could still walk. I decided to wrap it up for now if that would help.

I felt exhausted after tending to my wounds by myself. I gently laid back on the bed and closed my eyes. I want this day to be over.

“...tani… Shiotani… Hey, Shiotani-kun.”

I woke up to fingers snapping in my face. I glared at Yuasa who woke me.

“Get up. I called your father with your phone. He’ll take you to the hospital.”

I quickly sat up, wincing in pain. “You called him…? You looked through my phone? That’s an invasion of privacy…”

“I only looked at the video and your contacts. It was to help you, so calm down.”

I just glared at him again.

“Do you really think that scares me? Come on, let’s get you to the front of the school so you’ll be there when your father gets here.”

I sighed. Father had to leave work early because of this… I don’t want to jeopardize his job in any way. And wait, when he says he looked at my contacts… Did he notice his name in there…?

“Can you stand? I’ll carry you again.” Yuasa held out his arms.

“That’s embarrassing… Just help me walk…”

“You’re a handful.”

I stood up and held onto him. Then we began walking. The nurse never came… She didn’t leave already, did she? I guess it doesn’t matter, I’m going to the hospital now.

“I watched the video you took,” Yuasa spoke.


“It’s good that you stood up for your friend. But don’t do anything dangerous like that again. Make a scene or run to the student council room. There’s people who can help, believe it or not.”

“ that so…”

“It is. I’m here, see?”

“You? Would you really help someone who was making a scene?”

“Hm… I probably wouldn’t want to go near them. But I’m sure someone else would help. Humans can be cruel, but they can also be far too kind.”

“’d you find me anyway?” I stared at him, wanting an answer. He kept looking straight ahead.

“Well, after sports day, I noticed some annoying flies around you. They kept watching you and I thought it had something to do with me. I know how jealous people can get. I took care of them so they wouldn’t approach you. But I failed to consider those who were jealous because of Horiuchi-kun. When you hadn’t arrived at the club yet, I got a weird feeling. Then your little friend came in, causing a raucous, wondering where you were. I realized I overlooked something and decided to find you. Those bullies led you to a predictable spot, it wasn’t hard to find you once I realized.”

“Kishi… Where is he now?”

“While Ono-kun was trying to get him to be quieter, I slipped away so I’m not sure where he went. Maybe he’s still looking for you.”

“Then we need to go find him!” I tried to get him to stop walking.

“What we need to do is get you to a hospital. Don’t make me pick you up again.”

“Then… Then… At least let me send him a text.”

“You can do that in the car.”

Ugh… I want to hit him… But those feelings soon evaporated when I saw father getting out of his car.