Chapter 20:

New Friendship

Mysterious Rose

Before I knew it, my ankle was healed. My bruises and scratches were looking better too. And it was just in time for summer break. Each of my classes gave me a ton of homework to do which was not exciting at all. Kishi was overwhelmed at lunch with only half of the homework in his bag. He was comatose at our club, laying his head on the table.

Yuasa sat across from us. “Do you two have any plans for this summer?”

“Not really…” I said.

Kishi suddenly pulled his head off the table. “That’s right! I was talking to Miya-san and he invited me to hang out with him! Oh, but I have all this homework… I won’t be able to have any fun…” He put his head back down.

“Just do all of your homework on the first day,” Yuasa said. “I look down on procrastinators.”

“There’s so much of it… I can’t finish it all in one day…” Kishi whined into the table.

I gently patted his back. “Hey, we could do our homework together. We could hang out and have fun while still working on our school work. How does that sound?”

Kishi lifted his head. “You’d do that with me…?”

“Of course! I’ve got a lot of homework to do too, you know.”

“This plan you’ve made just sounds like you’re going to be hanging out more than doing your homework,” Yuasa chimed in.

“We’ll focus… Right, Kishi? You want to finish before you hang out with Miya-san right?”

“You’re right…” he laid his head back down again. “I want to have fun this summer…”

“...I don’t believe this for a second. You need someone who will keep you both in check. Someone like me.” Yuasa folded his arms.

I stared at him. “Does that mean… you want to hang out with us…?”

“We’re not hanging out. We’re doing our homework. I have a mountain of it myself. There should be no problem if we all do it together so we can focus better.”

“Will you help me with my homework, Kitahashi-san…?” Kishi asked.


“I’m sure we’ll work fine on our own…” I said.

“Are you sure? Look at him.” Yuasa referred to the unmotivated pile that was Kishi.

Will having Yuasa there really help…? I don’t know why he suggested it in the first place… But looking at Kishi makes me want to lie down and not do anything too.

“Fine… Where are we going to do this?” I asked.

“The library, of course,” Yuasa immediately said. “No better place to focus than a library with zero distractions.”

“So… Are we going to the library tomorrow…?” Kishi asked.

“That’s the plan…” I replied.

The next day came and we met up at the library. It was interesting seeing Yuasa in casual clothes. He wore black pants and a thin blue flannel with a white shirt underneath. His shoes were black sneakers. In addition to his one black earring, he wore a silver necklace with a key hanging from it. It didn’t look like a house key. And Kishi just wore a bright shirt and blue jeans. I wore jeans as well and a black short-sleeved shirt.

We all found an open table and began chipping away at our homework, Kishi seemingly more motivated than yesterday. But as time continued to go by, he lost some of his motivation, collapsing onto the table. I was feeling like I needed a break too.

“I see that Horiuchi-kun has come to his breaking point. What about you, Shiotani-kun?” Yuasa asked. He’s done way more homework than we have… How does he work so fast? He’s almost done with everything.

“I’m almost there too…” I said.

“I will allow you both a break. You should eat something to gain more energy.”

Kishi sat up. “I want a burger! A burger sounds really good right now!”

“There’s a place nearby we could eat at,” I told him.

“Great, let's go!” Kishi was so eager that he stood up and started walking away before grabbing his things.

“Kishi!” I called him back.

We packed our homework away and headed over to the fast food restaurant nearby. Yuasa made no complaint as he came with us. We used our allowance to pay for our meal.

“Mm…!” Kishi had a happy smile on his face while he chewed his food. “So good…!”

“It’s a bit greasy,” Yuasa said.

“That’s what fast food is…” I added.

“It’ll do for now.”

After we ate, Kishi mentioned a shop that he wanted to check out that was also close by. Yuasa told him no to keep us on track. Kishi begged for more time. Yuasa was firm in his decision. I told Kishi that we could check it out once our homework was finished. We could play after working hard.

But the burnout came once again. Yuasa had finished and was reading a book quietly while Kishi and I continued to suffer.

“Saki, I want to finish this tomorrow… I’ve been cooped up inside for too long…”

“You’re right, we only have a little left. We could finish it tomorrow.”

“Will you be alright with that?” Yuasa asked us.

“I’m going to die if I write another word…” Kishi complained.

“You’re not going to die. But if you want to slack off, then go ahead, it’s your life.”

“We’ll finish it tomorrow, Kitahashi-san…” I said.

“Very well. I guess we’re done for today.”

Since we were tired, we parted ways and went home. We made a plan to meet up again tomorrow at the library. But Yuasa’s words seemed to have come true. Kishi insisted on checking out a stationary shop before we worked on our homework. Then he wanted to check out other places too. Then we just happened to meet up with Yorikane. He wore his usual yellow lightweight jacket with a t-shirt underneath with jeans and sneakers.

“Shiotani-san? Kitahashi-san? Horiuchi-kun was telling me about what he was doing today. I was in the area and decided to stop by.” Yorikane beamed at us. He had some friends with him who looked a bit unsure about us.

Yuasa folded his arms, looking upset. “Horiuchi-kun, I thought you were going to finish your homework today. Don’t tell me you’re going to go hang out with him.”

“T-That wasn’t the plan, I promise…!” Kishi quickly said. “I… I was just texting him and happened to tell him what I was doing today…” His cheeks looked a bit red.

“You guys are trying to finish your homework first? You’ve got to play first before you do that!” Yorikane said.

Yuasa glared at him. I don’t think they’ll get along at all…

“What do you want to do, Kishi…?” I decided to ask him.

He hesitated. “Um… Miya-san… What are you doing today…?”

“We were just doing some shopping and now we're going to cool off at the bowling alley. Did you want to come?”

Kishi glanced at us. I know Yuasa is upset, but I’m sure Kishi can finish his homework later.

“Go with him if you want,” I smiled.

“You know I don’t support this. But I can’t control you,” Yuasa said.

“I… I’m going to go with Miya-san… Did you two want to come with us?” Kishi said.

“The more the merrier!” Yorikane exclaimed.

“That’s alright…” I took a step back. I don’t like the way his friends are looking at me… But maybe I’m just being paranoid…

“I have more important things to do,” Yuasa replied.

“Oh, okay… See you later?” Kishi directed his question to me.

“Yeah, see you later.” I waved goodbye. He waved back while they left.

“Are you going to bail on me too?” Yuasa asked me.

“No… I’d rather finish my homework.”

“Good. Let’s go.”

Yuasa didn’t really need to be here. But after Kishi left, it was kinda nice to have someone else to hang out with. Not that we’ll be hanging out though…

We sat next to each other in the library. I worked on my homework while Yuasa read a book. After a bit, I soon realized that I was coming to the last page of my homework. I felt immense relief. Once I finish this, I’m free.


I looked over at Yuasa. He had put his book down and was resting his chin in his hand, looking at me. Wait… What’s happening…?

“You got rid of your glasses and yet you still have those bangs covering your face,” he continued.

“You’re still bothered by that…” What else would he have to say?

“I’m more concerned. It’d be easier to see if you stopped being so stubborn. I only wanted to bring it up one more time. You clearly have something you’re dealing with and I guess your hair helps you somehow. I hope that you’ll take this as a peace offering.”

He stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled something out. He outstretched his palm to me. In his hand was a pretty hair clip with a small pink rose attached to the end of it. I was fascinated by it. I carefully took it and held it in my own palm. It’s really pretty… Why would Yuasa give me something like this?

“I saw it in one of the shops we checked out,” he said. “I figured it suited you… The pink goes with your eyes and that alias of yours was memorable.”

“...isn’t this your attempt at making me pull back my bangs?”

“I’m not making you do anything. You can put it wherever in your hair, it doesn’t have to pull your bangs back. That is if you want to use it in the first place. Even if you don’t, I won’t be taking it back.”

I gently closed my hand on the hair clip. “...thanks…”

“Sure. Now finish your homework so we can be done here.”

I looked over as he picked up his book again. I took another peek at the hair clip before putting it in my pocket. It’s really pretty… but is it too pretty for someone like me? Why did he buy it for me…

I managed to finish my homework. I collapsed on the table just like Kishi did, but unlike him, I was just so relieved. Now I can enjoy summer to the fullest. And maybe this time I can go out and have fun with Kishi instead of staying inside by myself.

“Well done,” I heard Yuasa congratulate me.

I forgot about him and the hair clip for a moment. I sat up and looked at him. “Um… Thanks for staying with me while I finished.”

He met my eyes. “I was making sure you did finish.”

“You know… You confuse me, Kitahashi-san.”

He raised an eyebrow. “What are you confused about?”

“Well… I thought you hated me… and I hated you too… but now…” I thought about what Kishi said. “Now I think… you’re actually interested in me. Like… you want to be close with me or something.”

He was quiet for a moment. “I guess it’s something like that. You seem to have peaked my interest. And I’m still curious about you. But I won’t force you to open up to me. I know we aren’t friends.”

“Did… you want to be? Did you want to be friends?” No way… Right?

He searched my face. “...Perhaps. Perhaps that’s what I want.”

The Yuasa Kitahashi… Mr. Cool Guy… Top of his class and even the whole school… Hottie number three, as coined by Akemi Tamura… Someone like that actually wants to be friends with me? I don’t even know what to say to that… But only one thing comes out of my mouth.

“Um… Okay…”

He gives me another one of his rare smiles. “I hope you won’t disappoint me as one of your friends, Shiotani.”

He… He dropped the honorific…?! My face goes red.

“I’ll…I’ll try not to… Ki…Kitahashi…”

He stood up with his book. “I’ll put this away now. We should leave if we’re done here.”

I was still flustered from the whole conversation, unable to leave my seat. I never expected to become friends with Yuasa… Will this really be okay…?