Chapter 58:

The Man Of The Mansion

Ane And His Seames

"Yo; this guy looks messed up." Ene said; squinting at the chained man.

"Ene! Don't be rude. This might be who we've come to save." Eina scolded.

"Sorry." Ene said; backing away. Ane stared at the man.

"W-what is this feeling?" Ane thought. He smirked crazily and his dragon's blade emitted the dragon's aura.

"Ane?" Eina called; staring. Sid pulled her back.

"Guys...he's acting up again." Ene warned. Ane's dragon eyed gleamed and the chained man's other eye was revealed to be a dragon's eyes as well.

Ane looked insane as wind blew across him and the dragon's aura threateningly swayed around him. "Sid!" Eina yelled. Ane turned to be slashed by Sid's hand.

"Hedgehog Seal." Sid remarked. The dragon aura subsided and Ane fell to his knees.

"T-thanks...Sid." Ane said; exhaling heavily.

"That seal; I've seen it before." Eina thought; eying Sid.

"That was Herk's seal; Conner's summon. It won't resummon him at all though." Sid explained.

"Die!" the chained man roared as electricity thrusted from him and scattered all around the building. Ane kicked Sid out the building but a bolt followed the boy outside and he vanished into a shadow. All the other bolts flashed to Ane who stood there calmly; dragon eyes glowing. He slashed all away in a single moment with multiple separate strikes. 

"Counter Barrage." he remarked. Ane jumped outside the building still striking away bolts that followed him. The chained man then vomited a huge blast of electricity through the building which the other teens dove away from. Ane dove at the blast and countered it towards the man. "Bingo." Ane said; grinning.

"Ane! We weren't supposed to kill him!" Lisa yelled.

"Oh crap." Ane said; rubbing the back of his head. He turned towards inside the building but a blow launched into his stomach. Blood spat from Ane's mouth and he rolled far back but rolled to his feet quickly to see a huge leopard of electricity step out from the building; crushing part of it. The beast flaunted it's story tall body and snarled.

"I got this!" Ene yelled; charging the creature and spitting flames. The beast vanished and Ene's eyes widened and blood flooded from his jaw as his body soared far away.

"Ene!" Eina screamed; pacing after the boy.

"Tsk." Sid said from the shadows. "I better keep my distance and wait for an opening." he thought.

Ane was panting as he eyed the leopard. He then turned to the building the man was in to see the attacker's normal eye rolled up and veins spreading from the dragon's. "He has no control over this does he!?" Ane thought; sighing. He rose his Dragon Blade and frowned. "I gotta think of something fast!" he thought. The leopard glared at him; growling before flashing forward. Ane slashed but nothing was hit but he was flung aside by a flash of light. Ane rolled away from the impact and the light flashed over him. Ane slashed at the light in vain and then slashed at the ground; splitting it. He landed on piece of the risen land and stood. His eyes gleamed as he stood still. "I can sense him but by the time I react; he's hit me already." Ane thought as the light continued to flash about the area; hitting him. "I have to increase my speed." he whispered. The leopard flipped to the ground as it stopped it's attacks and it snarled electricity out it's body at the motionless Ane.

Ane was stooping on a tree stump before the leopard and the surge of electricity blasted away from them both. "It seems your speed has heightened!" the leopard hissed; smirking.

"You can talk?" Ane inquired.

"That doesn't matter!" the creature yelled as it flashed to Ane who struck forward; the blade barely missing the creature who flashed aside. It then spat a ball of electricity which Ane slashed. 

"Counter!" Ane yelled; the leopard already looming behind him. The creature slashed at Ane who spun his counter to behind him; shielding himself. Ane was flung away from the force and the blade from his hands. He clenched the ground to address the weapon to return to him but the leopard flashed after him; blade raised. Ane kicked the ground; sending himself forward causing the leopard to barely miss. Ane then grabbed the blade and slashed at the leopard who's claw was already coming down at him. Electricity was heard surging.

Sid's head peeped out of the wall. "Who landed the blow?" he asked.

"I'm not sure." Lisa replied.

"What's going on?" Ene asked as he limped to the others with Eina's support.

"Well all I can say is Ane can now keep up with that beast." Lisa replied.

"Did he increase his abilities' level? That idiot." Eina scowled.

"It's okay. He had no other choice." Sid remarked.

"Hm." Ene thought; staring at Ane the leopard who stood still. The beast blasted away into electricity and Ane fell backwards. Lisa dashed to him and let him land on her lap. The boy smiled.

"Thanks." he said; coughing a little blood.

"You shouldn't have used that ability to that extent." Lisa scolded. Ane laughed guiltily.

"I'm sorry." he said. Lisa smiled at him.

"It's okay." she said. Wood flung the two up and electricity pierced the area where they were before. Lisa watched Eina who looked pissed as she hand a hand raised.

"Tsk." Ane said as he saw electricity gathering. The leopard reappeared and snarled. It's body buffed and it's hind legs formed into those of a human as it stood solely on them. It's front legs formed into arms and an eight pack shone on the creature's body. The leopard grew a mane and it's fur pattern vanished. Now a mixture of a lion, a giant and electricity stood before Ane and the others; glaring through the rain that began pouring down. Ane grabbed Lisa and jumped back to avoid a bolt of lightning that struck down. The teens were soaring to the ground. 

"That's not a good spot." Ene thought.