Chapter 1:
I Planted a Girlfriend
The bright rays of the morning sun march through the thin barrier separating the living room from the outside world. The sweet song of nature calls out from just beyond the glass, beckoning those in slumber to awaken. Shifting around in a haze, the girl finds herself nestled in a strange softness. Such a sensation proves to be pleasant enough that she hardly desires to open her eyes.
“Where am I? Did I somehow wind up back at the castle?” she asks herself as she sits up and scans the room. “No, that can’t be it. Even though I’ve never felt the need to venture through every room. I can tell that this place is different. It has a different, more welcoming glow to it that I can’t quite explain.”
Bringing her wrists to her face, the girl rubs her eyes in the hopes that this helps her regain her composure. She’s caught off guard, however, upon a strange fabric pull across her face. “Eh?” She ponders as she reels her wrist back. A wave of confusion mixed with adrenaline overwhelms her the moment she realizes that her attire has changed. “What the hell am I wearing!? And what happened to my dress!? I don’t even have any recollection of changing?!””
Though afraid, the girl has never been the kind to not at least attempt to think of things rationally. Even if at first she may be susceptible to her anxious thoughts, she knows better than to just view things at face value.
“All right calm down, I’m sure there’s a perfectly logical explanation as to why you’re not only in some strangers house wearing different clothes!” With a deep breath, she exhales attempting to re-level her current state of mind. “I probably just got lost hunting and someone from the village is taking care of me again. Yeah, that’s gotta be it! It wouldn’t be my first time over-exerting myself during one of them. So, it wouldn’t surprise me all too much if someone discovered me knocked out. Besides, everyone knows me so I shouldn’t be in any real danger!”
A smile filled with her own thoughts of confidence and pride forms as she places the backside of her hand to her cheek. “What was I even scared of? No-one in their right mind would attempt to capture me.” Turning, she can't help but feel the whole situation to be laughable. “And even If they did, I’d simply cut them down with ease!” This period of rest proves to be short lived. The moment she opens her eyes, her smug expression shifts into one of amazement.
There, before her, is a mirror hanging on the adjacent wall. In it is her reflection, giving her a chance to get a full view of the outfit. Moreso how it looks on her. Gone are the days of going day to day wearing nothing but vegetation. She now finds herself-dressed from head to toe in what she can only assume is a uniform. The outfit is nothing special, but to her she can’t help but feel even more like royalty.
I’ve only seen attire like this whenever father and I travel to converse with other guilds! she thinks to herself. Her outfit consists of a white blouse that is a size too big, a knee cut skirt that has been dyed a deep black to hide the fact that they’ve clearly aged, and a pair of stockings to go with the haphazardly placed loafers. “This is so cool!” Sliding her fingers down the hem of the skirt, she twirls. Halfway through her attempt at a curtsey, she halts, a familiar voice catching her attention. In one of the connecting rooms, what appears to be a heated conversation is overheard.
“I see.” In her mind, the thought of her fear becoming reality has been realized. “It appears as though I should have trusted my gut and not been so trusting.” Turning to the door, she can’t help but feel a bit disappointed. “I truly have been kidnapped, and the ones responsible are more than likely in there debating what to do with me. With my status, there’s no doubt in my mind that they intend to keep me for ransom. Or worse.” Despite her earlier feelings, a determined aura surrounds her. “Well, I’m not going down like that!” Slamming her fist into her palm, she makes her way to the door. “As the first in line to rule over the Fleurel, I Sakura Chiba refuse to go down without a fight like some ignorant poppet!”
Vine-like protrusions tear themselves free from her skin. They wriggle down her forearms until resting themselves in the palms of her hands. With a single snap of her wrists they stiffen, transforming into blades.
Devoid of any emotion that would distract her from carrying out her mission. She moves closer to the door, only to stop once she sees the two people occupying the room. “It’s him.” Her makeshift weaponry decays the moment. A glance was all that it takes for her to remember the events of the previous night. One of the people in the room is the boy who saved her life.
“Look, Gran, I know they taste terrible, but the doctor said you need to take at least two of these daily,” Minato suggests, placing a bottle of pills on his grandmother's bed tray. The scent of steamed rice and miso soup lingering from a barely touched breakfast fills the room.
Crossing her arms, Minato’s grandmother turns her attention from him to face the window. “I know what the doctor said and he can kiss my ass! Shigeru knows I haven’t been on good terms with him anyways, so why should I trust him to take care of my medication!”
With a sigh, Minato can’t help but acquiesce. “We have this same argument every time. You’re just going to feel bad and take them whenever I leave. So I'd say that’s an absolute win!” He laughs to himself, aware of the smile his grandmother turned to hide. “Besides, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you this. But you never even so much as dated Doctor Iwata!” This comment is enough to warrant a taunt.
So, his grandmother temporarily turns back to face him, sticking out her tongue.
“Even though we argue with each other, that’s just how me and my grandmother’s dynamic works. We harbor no ill will for one another. Even when we argue, we do it out of love.”
※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※
“So, how’s your latest experiment coming along? Any developments on the seed you discovered?” asks Granny Haru. “I’d have expected it to at least sprouted into a seedling by now.”
Minato stops for a moment to recall seeing its pot shattered the night before. Finding it odd that even when cleaning the mess that the girl made, he wasn’t able to recover the seed. “About that...” Feeling a tinge of guilt, he finds it difficult to look at his grandmother. “I know that I promised to be the first to identify it, so that we’d bring more eyes to the shop. But there was a bit of a mishap last night. So, it’s probably safe to say that that ship has sailed.” Though he doesn’t have that much interest in botany, ever since they first started working together, Minato has been pushing himself to his limits. Researching and experimenting with countless different plant species hoping that he’ll strike gold one day and bring more eyes to her store.
With each failed attempt, he can’t help but brace himself. Afraid of her being disappointed by his most recent failure, Minato offers her a forced smile.
“It’s really no big deal! I might have lost the seed, but to hell with it. I’m sure I can find another one just like it if I try!” he exclaims, finally gathering the courage to look back at her.
Wait… A seed? He couldn’t possibly mean- Sakura recognizes that the pendant of her necklace must be what he is referring to.
“Well, that’s a shame. I was really wondering what it’d sprout into.” A certain spot in the window catches the old woman's attention. At first, she can’t quite make out anything, but when she does her smile grows even wider.
“You shouldn’t put too much focus on things like the store anyways. I appreciate the help, but you’re young and full of life. You should be out there living your life and spending time with your friends. Like that Sayori girl. Whatever happened to her anyways?”
The phrase alone is enough to kill Minato on the inside. Prior to the rejection, Sayori and Minato had been inseparable. So much so that Granny Haru and his friends would always attempt to set the two up together. Though he keeps that same smile, the mental image of his childhood crush on a date with someone else feels like a punch to the abdomen. “I know I probably should, but family comes first. Besides, me and Sayori didn’t work out. Everything is fine between us, her heart just belongs to someone else, I guess.” Through pained breaths, he attempts to reassure her. Something that she thankfully doesn’t seem to call bullshit on.
“Ah, that’s unfortunate. You two used to be so close. Regardless, my sentiment still stands. Don’t you think you have more pressing matters at hand?”
she asks, turning her gaze to the door. “Like introducing me to your new girlfriend?”
A collective “Eh?” comes from both Sakura and Minato as they, too, turn to face each other. Both their faces swell, glowing a deep pink in pigment. Attempting to process such an accusation, the two fight for dominance in explaining the situation to Granny Haru.
“No, no! She’s just some random homeless person that broke in last night and knocked over the flower pot and stole our water I swear! I was planning on taking her to a shelter later today!”
The explanation, however, offends Sakura, whose attempt at an explanation doesn’t go much better. “Homeless?! I’ll have you know that I can have you arrested for such a claim! I’m royalty and I demand that I be treated as such!”
The room falls silent.
Believing she’s won, Sakura places her hands on her hips.
Minato laughs at such an outrageous claim, failing to notice that not only has his grandmother taken the pills, but she’s also eating.
“Royalty?! I get that you’re being a diva, but do you really expect me to believe that someone that was wearing nothing but lawn-clippings could ever be a royal?!”
Annoyed by his further attempts to antagonize her, Sakura jabs her index finger into the side of his torso.
The sudden pain is enough to knock him over. Writhing, Minato clutches at his ribcage, feeling around for any broken bones.
“That dress was armor and it has seen more action than you’ll ever see in a life-time! I’d gladly appreciate it if you hold your tongue and cease with such childish comments!”
Hurdled over in pain, Minato attempts to get in some counter arguments. “Look, lady, if you want to go around wearing garbage then by all means do so! Here I was thinking I was doing the right thing by getting you new clothes-”
Only to be silenced by her driving her heel into the same spot.
“Which brings me onto another topic! Though I will say this outfit looks fantastic on me, I won’t be swayed by your tactics! Who even gave you the right to change me in the first place, you pervert!”
Gently pushing her foot to the side, Minato stands up. Patting the dust off of his shirt, he can’t help the puzzled expression twisting on his face. “Wait, is that what you’re upset about? I wasn’t even the one to change ya if that makes you feel better?” Angered by his attempt at a deflection she inquires. “Then who did?!” Reluctantly, Minato pulls out his phone and scrolls through his gallery until finding a photo of Sayori and him. “I had no idea how to handle the situation, so I had to call an old friend up and ask them if they could help out. You’re practically wearing hand-me-downs.” He gestures, pointing at her chest.
“Besides, from the looks of it, it’s not like you have much to see under there anyways.”
Sakura’s face flushes a bright red and it prompts her to cover her chest with both arms. “You idiot!” Just that comment tackling her insecurities proves to be enough to earn Minato a victory.
“Enough already, I think I’ve seen enough.” Minato’s grandmother slams her cup down, startling the two. For the first time during this encounter, she speaks in a stern serious voice. “Y'all bicker like an old married couple. Almost makes me glad that I got a divorce.” Granny Haru’s gaze moves past Minato and burns itself into a now frightened Sakura.
“W-what does she want?!” Sakura asks Minato, putting her anger toward him aside. She clutches at his shoulder, desperate for an answer.
Searching his core for a breath, Minato’s chest cavity tightens. With a sigh, he leans his torso forward and bows in respect. “I apologize, Granny Haru. We’ll just leave you to rest then. Won’t we?” he politely inquires, turning his attention to Sakura.
Though at first she hesitates, she can’t bring herself to protest. “Y-yeah.. I think we should go somewhere more private to discuss things.”
Nodding, Minato grabs hold of her by the hand and makes a run for the exit. “Good to see we’re on the same page. Lucky for you, I know just the spot!” With one final turn to his grandmother, he reassures her. “We’ll try to be back before noon, so just call me if you need anything!”
※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※
The soothing warmth of the spring sun watches over those bold enough to permit it. The soft chirping of newly arrived birds fills the silence that the two share.
They find themselves secluded in an area that once housed the memories of the local youths. Now, however, it’s nothing more than a graffiti filled terrarium. Words of hate painted all over objects once seen as innocent, contrasted only by the unkempt plant-life left alone to grow.
The only thing that even looks remotely safe just so happens to be the swing sets, rusted chains and all. Even with the threat of the swing sets infrastructure snapping at any moment, the two sit adjacent to each other in silence.
Smooth move, casanova. Out of every place you could have taken her, you had to choose the run-down park for the first date. And to think that your first date in general is with someone who believes she’s a plant. Minato thinks to himself before realizing how ridiculous of a thought that was. First date? Don’t be ridiculous, man, you barely even know this chick. I mean, sure she’s kinda cute. But for all you know, she could be some sort of axe murderer or something. You need to just get some answers out of her, and get this over with.
With newfound confidence, Minato turns to speak his mind. Yet, he’s caught off guard upon seeing the girl’s expression. Sakura’s once optimistic and carefree glow has dissipated. Though her face would make it seem as though she’s indifferent. The tears streaming down her cheek are enough to show Minato that she is in pain. She’s crying…? I expected to just interrogate her and never see her again, but why do I feel like I should say something...?
Sakura takes it upon herself to break the silence. “I didn’t choose any of this, you know.” She states, grasping at her necklace. Her fingers weakly pulling at the spot where the seed once rested. “I just wanted a normal life. But that’s not promised when you’re born into a family like mine.” Though her memories still haven’t recovered all the way, she ruminates about her past. How she had to spend her adolescent years obeying her father’s every whim in fear that if she were to disobey him even once, the ruthless leader would banish her like he has her late siblings.
“The type of family that forces expectations on their children because ‘it’s the best’ for them.” Her grasp on the necklace tightens the more she speaks on the topic.
All the while, Minato cannot help but listen. Despite his previous feelings, he disregards them in order to lend her the ear that she needs in the moment.
“When I came of age. He came to the decision that I was to marry.”
Dumbfounded by such an agreement, Minato interjects. “Marry?! You can’t just force that on anyone. You gotta really love someone before even considering such a thing!”
Sakura before continuing. “It is. And I wasn’t having any of it. So, instead of facing whatever punishment he could have possibly delivered. I tried to escape. I don’t know much of what happened beyond that though. All I know for sure is that at some point I was attacked.” She recalls the memory of a hooded figure pursuing her, only managing to escape his clutches due to him fleeing the moment she removed his cloak. Recalling how when in a weakened state, all she could think of was her assailant's long, flowing green hair and how they exuded a strange familiarity to her.
As she drifted in and out from consciousness, trying to remember where she knew him from, the only thing that was able to pull her out was the familiar voice of a knight. “I was on my deathbed and I had already made plans to reach the other side. I prayed that perhaps in the next life I’d get to live one where I’m in control of my own destiny. Where I can make my own decisions, and choose to love whoever I desire. But as I prepared my final breath somebody came to my rescue.”
Once again met with the memory of the knight's blurred visage her savior's face comes into focus. “This person made a promise to me that no matter what happened, they’d make sure to keep me safe. They presented me with a necklace bearing a seed. The next thing I knew…” She allows her hand to let go of the necklace.
Minato’s eyes light up with bewilderment the moment he recognizes that the pendant is in fact the seed that he lost the previous night. Through her perspective, Minato's face and the knight in her memories align.
“I found you,” she declares, unable to keep herself from smiling.
After a brief stint of silence, Minato exhales. “I’ve heard enough.” He states, startling her as he lifts himself from the swing. “I was ready to turn you over to the police and be done with it, but I’ve come to learn something today. Both about you, and of myself.” Even when he tried to act cool, Minato always had a soft spot for those in need. Never turning a blind eye to anybody, regardless of how they previously interacted with him.
“Wait. You actually believe me?” A strange sense of relief seems to cover over despite her pouring her heart out to him, she wasn’t confident that it’d be enough.
“Of course I do. What type of guy would I be if I didn’t believe a girl who just poured her heart out to him?” Extending his arm outward, he gestures for the girl to grab hold of him by the hand. “Besides, if this talk of you being a plant-girl is true. You could always help out around the store. I figure an actual plant may be able to teach me a thing or two.”
The brilliant sun rises through the canopies of the trees surrounding the park as it climbs toward its zenith, shining its warm rays upon the two as if giving them its blessing.
While hesitant at first, Sakura places her hand on his.
Having accepted his offer, he gently lifts her to her feet. “I don’t suppose you have a place to stay, so let’s head back to my place. I’m sure we can convince Granny Haru to let you stay in one of the guest rooms as payment for helping out going forward.”
Her heart swells. Her blood races throughout her veins in desperate attempts to remind her that not only is she alive, but at this moment she is living the life she has longed for. For the first time, Sakura feels as though she belongs.
The past thirty-six hours have been crazy. Minato thinks to himself, recollecting the events of the past day and a half. How a simple perceived home intruder turned out to be someone that he genuinely enjoys spending time with. I can’t help but feel relieved at how things ended up. Ever since Sayori turned me down, it’s been a while since I really got an opportunity to spend time with people my own age again.
Having become lost in thought, Minato is oblivious to how much closer Sakura has inched toward him. “I mean, I like spending time with Granny Haru, but there are times where I also wish I could get more out of life.” It’s only when she rests her arms on his shoulders that his concentration is disrupted.
For a brief second, Minato finds himself lost in her bright red eyes once again as he attempts to process what is happening. As she leans forward, a strange warmness caresses his lips. Though he searches his mind, thinking back on his vast assortment of memories. From his first breath all the way to this exact moment, there is nothing that he can compare such a feeling to. His arms go limp, as the girl finally pulls herself away from him.
“Consider that my payment for making such an offer. Don't get used to it, though! Think of me as a co-worker from here on out!” With a smile, she turns and begins to walk back down the trail leading to his house. “Hurry up and let’s go then! A man needs to stay true to his word, and you promised your sweet grandmother to be back before noon, did you not?”
“Y-yeah,” Minato responds, attempting to regain his composure. This is the first time that anybody had ever been intimate with him. Sure, he’s held hands with people plenty of times, but a kiss was a concept that seemed to be foreign to him.
Digging his hands in his pants pockets, he walks after her.
After such an uneventful end to his second year of high school, having everything come to a close like this feels almost like a breath of fresh air. It’s only a matter of time ‘til school starts back up. So, I wonder how I’ll explain the new girl to everyone. More importantly, how will people react if I tell them that I planted a girlfriend?
The thought of this only makes him smile. Girlfriend? Yeah, like that's ever gonna happen.
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