Chapter 20:

July 29

From my Drafts!

Hello everyboddddyyyyy

Today I would like a few things regarding my work that is currently displayed. As you may know or not The Way of The Sword has gone on a one month break preparing too release it's very next arc! It's one that won't disappointment and shows a lot of depth and of the world building in the story. It has a load of action, backstories, and a few connections for future volumes. This is an arc I've spent the last three months working on and I'm hoping no I'm praying that all of you show love too it and give me reviews! Much needed!

With the return of My 1st which was on hiatus I will say expect chapters weekly and expect cover stories for each council member every now and then. I wish too close this story early or the middle of 2023. Although knowing me it could drag on due too whatever is going on in my life at that time.

Today marks the ending of a work I'm quite proud of called Something to Talk About and it was an amazing experimental novel. I think it's my best work right now and will be until The Way of The Sword reaches it's best!

Enough about ongoing projects though! I would like to say I have in the works a one-shot novel coming out hopefully next month and another novel also in the works that I might hold back until November. I'm also in the works of developing my next big project that I might post here a version of it just for review and feedback. It might be canon or non canon depending how the development phase goes. As for the release date of that one I wouldn't expect so soon compared to the others!