Chapter 1:

Chapter 1 - Colorful Cornerstone


August 3rd
In life nothing has value, atleast thats what Chikao thought when he was born. People avaluate the odds of change on a low level hypothesis where not everything around you is realised. The people of this world live a wasted life full of drinking and regret. Chikao wanted to take a different approach. Instead of counting down the numbers until school started again, he counted down the numbers of wasted days or opportunities.
Chikao was a highly intelligent adolescent who had extraordinary memory and was conscious from the day he was born. He could never find out what his purpose was or what he was doing here. 
On his 16th birthday on August 3rd he wished for a new life that wasn't as boring as this one.
When he woke up the next day he found himself in a new world. A magical worl- nevermind. It was just another weird dream of his. He went out for a stroll. It was around 4 PM and the streets were very quiet. On his way to the local 7/11 he felt a weird wind. It felt as if something was stroking his neck. It didn't bother him at all and kept walking on. On his way back he noticed a pattern occuring. He saw weird posters hanging on every third lantern he saw.
On the posters there was a weird cult-like logo. Eacht time he walked by a poster he felt the wind again and it got stronger everytime. Before he knew it he was following the poster to a weird alley. He thought might aswell check it out. When he passed through the entrance of the alley he saw weird color-filters flashing before his eyes. Before he knew what was happening to him he started running. This time on his way back something seemed different but he didn't know what. When he got back home his mom was furious and started shouting at him. Chikao was shocked and went back to bed. Things seemed totally different but not so much at the same time. He got a good night's rest and woke up full with energy. Everything felt normal again, until Chikao saw his mom.
She wasn't angry at him whatsoever as if nothing happened. Apperantly she did remember it but didn't mind him coming home late. Chikao knew his mom wouldn't get angry about him leaving late at night but if she ever gets angry she stays pissed for the whole day. Things seemed off and he completely forgot about what happened in the alley. He went back to look but to his surprise, there were no posters and no wind. But when he stepped into the alley his sight began flickering again and weird color filters started flashing before his eyes. He immediatly stepped back but it didn't stop. He was scared and started tearing up. Colorful tears fell from his eyes. He didn't know why he was scared or started crying because he never cried. His vision reverted back to almost normal. Everything was more colorful this time and bright. He actually kinda liked it and wiped off his tears.
Chikao didn't really believe in paranormal stuff but now that this happened various different concepts started flickering through his mind. "Can I control time? Nah, that can't be it. Maybe telekenisis!? No that would be impossible I can't move things. Hmmm... maybe manipulating abilities." He started doubting what happened and thought that he was going insane. He rushed back home again to search on the internet about his experiences. He was almost convinced that he was gone clinically insane, but 1 idea stood on the back of his mind. It had to do something with the behaviour of his mom.
He went outside for his daily stroll through the park. This time everything was more colorful.
He always found nature beautiful but this was on a whole new level. (Everything seemed a little grey-ish before.) 3 people suddenly starting walking towards Chikao. The closer they got the more unstable his vision became. His vision started twitching. The appearances of the people started shifting too. He tripped and fell forward on his head. Everything went black and a single thought went through his mind before he fell unconscious. "Can I... shift between dimensions?"

Shift Cover Art (placeholder)

