Chapter 19:

chapter 19 : Jean Jacques François Robespierre pain part 2


Both Frederick Jacqueand François Rousseau and Sophia gather every single one of the folks they know or even met, like the first person who's just a CBC journalist affiliate by the name of Infinity down the street. This young man with spiked hair with four eyes of curiosity was the person the two met. The young journalist sets off from the darkest and most grotesque part of downtown Montreal. He noticed more people living outside of shelters pleading for money. Others see him only as a prey for their theft.Infinity Corp employees are present in the Infinity Spot. He came near them with

"What are you guys doing here?"

"Well, we just need you to do something for us."

The two escort the young journalist into the underbelly of downtown. The tree sits in an abandoned webbed house.

"So, what do you want me to do, guys?"

Sophia says, "Well, technically! I and my father, Frederick, suspect that there are homeless people who will be used for roboticization.

"Okay, but who did all of this?"

Frederick adds, "It is the Trinity corporation." This led to a huge burst of laughter, with the android saying,

" Lord Trinity would never do that." It sounds like some conspiracy theory. "

"Well, how about you spy on each Trinity facility on the island of Montreal?"

The man replies, "So, what, how much are you going to pay?" pay"

"One thousand dollars each time you find brand new evidence of this facility."

OK, but I discovered that everything is a conspiracy, and I will pay you a million dollars to find out." The Ridisculus Conspiracy "

"Deal," both of them replied, and Infinity walked out of the facility, saying

It will take a while for me to find your weird conspiracy.

The android venture from the first facility near Montreal, N. He examined the whole place after climbing down from the wall. Without noticing him, the man rushed toward an exit door. Upon entering the door, he inspected a lot of cars. He opened. He thought that all he had proved was that those two humans were just moronic, but now he saw a lot of kidnapped homeless people tied up and agitated with dread and anxiety. The man jumped and lost his metalic string. Each of them told him that there had been many other people who had been captured for the robotization. He also went deeper and witnessed the horror of homeless people screaming in pain when a liquid nanomachine fell into them, as well as the massive extermination of criminals so that their bodies or limbs could be more easily used to repair or replace a robot limb. The man wished to leave, but upon entering that darker desk room. He noticed that most of the major news networks are like Trinity. Even CBC. Infinity looked deeper and deeper until he discovered an architecture of massive roboticization. The android takes a lot and lots of pictures of all of it. Upon leaving, with not a single person spotting him. He saw that the homeless that were free were getting shot at.

He jumped and sank next to another man, ready to fire at a little homeless person until a faster punch in the gut incapacitated him. Wiseman glanced at him with a smile.

"To think the CBC sent a shitty journalist here"

