Chapter 1:

Chapter 1 - "Unexpected Meeting"

Down to Love

The alarm is ringing.

"It's five o'clock in the morning...ah I need more sleep"

I stood up and left my bed, with closed eyes.

I was trying to get to the light switch and then tripped on something.

"Sh**, what did I trip on."

It was something curled in a ball, I touched it and it began to move, it was...

"My pizza from last week! It was alive!!"


Then I woke up from the shock.

"Oh, it was just a dream. I should get dressed up and go to university."

As I started dressing up, my friend called me.

"Yo, Haru! Huge sales are happening in Akihabara today.

Wanna go?"

"I got college today... whatever, f*** it. Give me a minute."

"Okay, I am already in front of the dorm"

"What...?! Never mind. I am not surprised by you anymore."

I grabbed my wallet and left the room.

I started running to catch the elevator which was closing.

"Stop, wait for me!"

The doors of the elevator were opening.

A pretty brunette girl was standing there with blue eyes bright as the sky.

"Thank you for waiting for me!"

She didn't say a word and just looked down.

There wasn't any floor number pressed on the pad.

So I asked her.

"Excuse me, what is your floor?"

"First floor,'' quietly she said.

I pressed the button and then everything went in silence.

The elevator door opened, and as soon as the door opened the girl started running out of the elevator.

I know that I might be gross to a beautiful girl like her, but still running out of the elevator is a bit much...isn't it?

"What is wrong with her, is she in hurry?!"

I was so confused.

"Hey, Haru. Come here!" My friend called me.

"I'm coming, wait a second."

We went to the nearest bus stop and waited for the bus.

Wait a minute! That's the girl from the elevator! She is with another girl, must be her friend, I presume.

Both of them are so pretty...

"Maybe she is also skipping classes," I said out loud.

"What did you say?" asked Shou.

"Nothing...forget about it."

I should just forget about her and go on with my day, and have fun with my friend Shou.

"Get up, our bus arrived!'' said Shou.

"Okay, let's go, Shou!"

As we took off with the bus I saw the girls getting on a bus.

Where are they going? It's not my business anyway.


"Yes, yes, what?!"

"You spaced out!"

"Oh, sorry, I must've not slept well."

"Did you again play games till late at night? You can't be helped, man. Haha."

"Don't mind me, I just need some caffeine," I said while sighing.

"Then how about we about go to a maid cafe first?"


"Of course! I can go every day to the maid cafe." Shou said it while he was laughing.

"But I can't...! Ah...ok, let's go to the maid cafe, there might be something new on the menu today."

"Yay, I know all the maids' names."

"What..? That's a little creepy dude."

"Not if I love them!"

That's way more creepy...

"Next Stop is Akihabara Station." announced the bus announcer.

"Let's go Haru, to heaven's land!"

"You know, you should talk quieter."

At that moment all the people on the bus were staring at us.

"I am sorry, hehe," Shou said with a low voice.

When we got off the bus, we were in front of us were standing a whole lot of buildings with anime posters on the outside and a lot of anime merchandise on the inside.

And on the horizon, I saw far from me the blue-eyed girl with her friend.

For some reason I can't stop looking at her, she is probably the prettiest one here.

"Come on Haru, this way!"

"Yeah, I'm coming."

I wonder if she is also an anime fan, for some reason I can't stop thinking about her...

We arrived at the maid cafe with Shou and sat at the table in the corner.

Then one maid came to us and asked:

"Master, what would you like to eat today?"

"You," Shou said.

"Shou, that's sexual harassment!! I am sorry for the behavior of my friend. Please forgive him, he just loves maids a lot..."

"It's okay~!" said the maid as she was giggling.

"We'll take two omelets, please."

"Coming right away~!" said the maid.

"Shou, you can't say things like that, you are such an idiot."

He isn't even paying attention to me, he is staring hard at the maids...again.

At that moment the bell on the door rang and the two girls from before came into the maid cafe.

What are they doing here?! Are they following us, perhaps?!

"Your omelets are here, masters~."

"Can you say a spell to make them tastier?" said Shou to the maid.

"Yes, I will do it right away, master~!"

"Moe Moe...Kyun!" she said while smiling at us.

"Thank you so much, Hanna-chwan!" exclaimed Shou.

Then the maid went to serve the table where the two girls sat at.

What should I do, maybe I should talk to them.

"I'm going to the toilet, Shou."

"Okay, but come back fast, the omelet isn't going to wait for you, haha."

It's an omelet, it probably won't move for the next hundred years.

As I was on my way to the toilet I was going past their table, and then by chance, I took a whiff of her smell.

She smells so good, maybe it is a peach scent. But in the end, I couldn't talk to them...

When I got to the bathroom I started washing my face because I didn't need to use the toilet.

Is it destiny, that we met in the elevator this morning and now she is in the same cafe as I am?!

Hmm... maybe I should ask them if they go to the same university as me.

As I left the toilet with full confidence to ask them, the girls were gone.

What?! Did they already leave?

I started running towards Shou to grab him so we can find where the girls went to.

"Hey, Shou, isn't it time to go shopping for merchandise? The stores might close soon, you don't know!"

"Oh, you are right, totally forgot, we should go now!"

As we left the maid cafe I started to look around like crazy for them.

I remembered that she was dressed in a black sweater and white skirt, and her friend was wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans.

I witnessed her through the thousands of people going into an anime store.

Wait, I think that's her! Going into the anime store.

"Shou, we should check out that store around the corner!

Let's run, I heard there is a sale right now, we should get there fast before everything is sold out!"

"Okay, Haru, but if we are going to run we are going to do it in ninja style!" exclaimed loud Shou.

"Sure, let's go, fast!"

We started running ninja-style like idiots and everyone was staring at us but I didn't care at all.

I don't care if they think I am weird, I just want to see her once again!

We got to the shop and I started looking for them on the first floor but they weren't there.

So I said to Shou:

"Hey, the second floor has more interesting things. I heard there are girls in maid outfits doing some kind of event today."

"Really?! What are we waiting for, let's hurry up!"

We hurriedly went to the second floor and then saw both of the girls.


What?! The two beautiful, most probably very popular girls are doing cosplay in Akihabara!!

The girl I was obsessed with was wearing a pigtail pink wig and a dark dress, and her friend was wearing a gray wig with a school uniform.

"Hey, Haru, look at them! They look so pretty, we should talk to them."

"Eh...what are we going to ask them?!" I asked.

"We can ask them who they are cosplaying as! Don't be scared we are not losing anything talking to them."

I am losing my dignity, though...

"Sure, I guess, let's try."

We headed toward them and they suddenly started staring at us. I was shocked.

Do they know that we followed them?!

The girl from the elevator came closer to me and grabbed my hands, then said:

"Hey, you are the boy from the elevator, please don't tell anyone that I'm into cosplay! I will do anything!"

"Ah, I wouldn't tell anyone! Don't worry about it! Only my friend is here with me."

"Haru, do you know this girl?!"

"Yea...we met today in the elevator."

"So you two are living in the same building?!" asked Shou.

"Yes!" I and the girl from the elevator exclaimed at the same time.

Then her friend and Shou started laughing at us.

"You are in such sync." said her friend while smiling.

"Do you go to the University of Tokyo?" asked the girl from the elevator.

"Yes, I am second year!"

"Me too! My name is Nakano Aki and this is my friend Suzumiya Hanami."

"Nice to meet you. My name is Furuya Haru and my friend's name is Sakata Shou.

So for what reason are you cosplaying today?"

"Oh, we're going to take some pictures at a photo studio!

Wanna come with us?" asked Nakano-san.

"Hmm, wait for a second to talk to my friend if he is okay with it."

I grabbed Shou by the arm and distanced ourselves from her.

"Are you cool with that, you were so excited to come here, right?"

"Haru, this isn't as important as the girls, we can come here every day, but girls like that, you can see only once in a lifetime! Let's hang out with them instead, it's fine!"

"Ok, if you are sure about it we are going with them."

"Yes, one hundred percent!"

We walked back to the girls.

"We don't mind going with you, it sounds like fun!" I said to Nakano-san.

"Really? That's awesome, we are feeling quite shy being by ourselves in these outfits.

So I would love to if the two of you can come with us!" said Nakano-san.

"Sakata-kun, Furuya-kun, would you like to dress up also?" asked Suzumiya-san.

"I don't mind, but what should we wear?" I asked.

"How about ninjas!" shouted excitingly Shou.

"Ninjas sounds like a great idea. I think it would suit you, Shou, haha.

Okay, Nakano-san, Suzumiya-san, please wait for us. It will take only five minutes!"

"Be fast, the studio is booked for after an hour~," responded Nakano-san.

"Be right back!"

I said it while we were running with Shou to find some ninja costumes.

"They are something else." Suzumiya-san told Nakano-san.

"I agree. Furuya-kun seems like a kind person, don't you think?"

Nakano-san said it while giving a bright smile.

"Have you fallen for him, Aki?! I thought nobody could take your heart."

"What are you talking about, obviously I'm not in love with him. We just met today, stop spouting nonsense!"

"But look at you, Aki, you're blushing so much!"

"Ah, that is because I am feeling hot. This wig is tight, also!"

At that time we came back wearing ninja costumes, that we found laying around in the store.

"Hey girls, what do you think?" shouted Shou.

"Oh my god, you look like real ninjas!" said excitingly Suzumiya-san.

"It suits you!" Nakano-san said while looking at me.

Did I just get complimented by the popular beautiful girl Nakano-san??!! I feel like I am truly in heaven, today...

"Ok, let's get going!" exclaimed Shou.

"Yay!!" shouted everyone.

As we left the store, everyone was staring at us cause we were looking like some people straight out of isekai ninja anime.

Then we all looked at each other and started laughing loud.

"We look good, they are just jealous of us!" exclaimed Suzumiya-san.

"Yes, you're right!" said Shou.

"Anyways, let's hurry up guys, let's go to the studio!" Nakano-san joyfully responded.

Why do I feel so dizzy, my heart is beating super fast, too.

I guess It's just me being shy from getting a compliment from a pretty girl such as Nakano-san.

I think today was the first time in years that I've gotten a compliment...and to be honest, I feel happy.

Then all of a sudden Nakano-san patted me on the shoulder and said:

"Don't worry, Furuya-kun, you are looking great in this cosplay!"

Nakano-san was smiling while saying it.

"T-Thank you, Nakano-san, you look great, too!"

As always...she probably would look good even in a trash bag, since she has such a nice body and beautiful face.

We walked like ten minutes through the streets of Akihabara till we arrived at the studio.

But when we arrived, we didn't have much time till the next group's time slot is coming.

"Oh, no...I guess we were a bit late," said Nakano-san.

"A bit late?! Aki, we are late by fifty minutes! What are we going to do..." responded Suzumiya-san.

"I got an idea! Let's all do one group picture and print it out!" exclaimed Nakano-san to us.

Everyone nodded in agreement and went to the lightning room.

"Let's all do cute poses!" Nakano-san suggested.

"Eh, since we are new to this, should we just start with a peace sign?" I replied.

We took the group photo and then went to the waiting room to wait for the photo to be printed out in four copies.

We were all sitting silently until Shou spoke out loud.

"So...I know that Nakano-san and Haru are studying at the University of Tokyo, but where are you studying, Suzumiya-san?"

"I am studying at Tokyo University of the Arts, a vocal major."

"You are training to be a singer?! That's incredible, I wish you good luck in achieving your goal!" shouted Shou.

"Do your best!" I exclaimed.

"Thank you so much, guys, I will do my best!" responded Suzumiya-san.

"By the way, In what major are you studying, Nakano-san?" I asked Nakano-san.

"I am in the "Faculty of Letters", my dream is to be a writer and I am also writing light novels from time to time!"

"Wow, you are so amazing, Nakano-san, do you have a publicized novel?" I asked.

"No, they are just laying around in my room, I can give it to you some time if you would like to read one of them?"

"For real?! yes, of course, after all, I am also a novelist, so I would love to look into your novels!"

"You are also a novelist, Furuya-kun?! We have so much in common, haha.

What about we meet tomorrow and I will give you one of my novels to check out for yourself!"

"Your prints are ready, come get them." said the worker at the studio.

"We'll go take them! You two stay here and figure out where you are going to meet, hehe."

said Suzumiya-san while giggling.

"Okay...I guess?" replied Hakano-san.

Why was Suzumiya-san laughing, what's that about?

"Why was she laughing?!" I exclaimed while being confused.

"Honestly speaking, I don't know, she is just like that, haha. Don't mind her."

"Haha, I see..."

I guess I have to just ignore her.

"So, Nakano-san, where would you like to meet tomorrow?"

"Do you by chance know the cafe right next to the university?"

"Yes, I've been there a couple of times! At what time should we meet?"

"Around noon, is twelve o'clock okay with you?"

"Sure, will be there!"

We were smiling at each other, and then Shou and Suzumiya-san were coming with the printed-out photos.

"Are we interrupting you?" asked Shou.

"NO, NO!" We shouted at the same time.

"Okay...check out the pictures, Aki! They are so pretty, right!" exclaimed Suzumiya-san.

Suzumiya-san gave out each one of us a copy and we decided it was time to head back home.

While we were walking home, a crêpe store appeared.

Oh, a crêpe store, maybe we should get something, I haven't eaten anything all day.

"Guys, should we..."

"YO, a crêpe store! Girls, would you like to get a delicious crêpe with us?"

I was expected Shou is always the loudest in the group.

"Sure, I love crêpes!" exclaimed Suzumiya-san.

"Great, then what crêpe would you like to eat all?" asked Shou.

"For me strawberry!" said Nakano-san.

"Me also," replied Suzumiya-san.

"Haru, what do you want to get?"

"You choose, I trust you."

"Okay, two strawberry crêpes and one kiwi crêpe."

Shou went with Suzumiya-san to queue and a moment of silence started, then Nakano-san pointed her finger up to the sky and said:

"Look, how beautiful is the sky today, dreamy orange - my favorite color!

What is your favorite color, Furuya-kun?"

"Um, mine is mint green, I guess, it expresses the new start or beginning of something."

"Woah, you have such a good mindset, as expected from a novelist as yourself, haha."

Nakano-san started laughing.

"Haha... so Nakano-san why do you like dreamy orange? What is special about this color?"

"It reminds me of the true childish dream; when we dreamed about being anything we wanted to be. It shows that there is no end to human possibilities. The end that is never near. Dreamlike, right!" exclaimed Nakano-san.

Hearing her talk about her past; reminds me of a story of my past, I was reading a novel about a girl and a boy who wanted to be together but they couldn't.

It was such a tragic but very intriguing and beautiful story, actually after reading that novel, I started dreaming of becoming a novelist.

That is my childhood dream.

"Haru? Did I say something wrong?" asked Nakano-san.

"What?! No, no! I am just so tired from sleep deprivation. I am sorry, Nakano-san."

"There is nothing to apologize for, you should go to bed as soon as we get back to the dormitory!"

"Thank you for worrying about me, I have to take better care of my health."

Even though I am saying that the new "Holy Souls" game just came out, I ain't got no time to sleep.

Oh, here they come, Shou and Suzumiya-san with four deliciously looking crêpes.

"Woah, they smell really good, I got no patience, let me take a bite!" exclaimed Nakano-san.

"Should we eat the crêpes here?" asked Shou.

"No, let's eat while we are walking to the bus stop," replied Nakano-san.

"Okay, let's go guys!" shouted Shou.

Why did Nakano-san respond like that, was she worried about me not getting enough sleep today?

Maybe she has her reasons, what if she has a boyfriend and he waits for her right now in her she is in hurry because of that.

She could have one, in the end, Nakano-san is a kind and pretty girl, after all, she probably has a boyfriend...what does it have to do with me anyways, a girl like her is too good for me.

I should just stick with my 2D girls. They would never betray me or desert me.

We arrived at the bus stop and then Suzumiya-san and Shou said that they have to go home, so we separated.

"Furuya-kun, Sakata-kun, it was nice meeting you! Hope we see each other again soon. Bye, everyone!" - said Suzumiya-san.

"Yeah, definitely would like to meet again, it would be lots of fun!" responded Shou.

"Same for me!" I replied.

"See ya, Hanami, talk to you later!" said Nakano-san.

"Okay, then I have to go too, was a pleasure meeting you, Nakano-san.

See you, Saturday, Haru!"

After Suzumiya-san and Shou left I was all alone with Nakano-san on the bench waiting for the bus to arrive.

Should I ask her if she has a boyfriend? No way, if I ask her that she is probably going to think that I am some creep, I should just not say anything...

Wait, I got an idea, I can ask her and then tell her that I just wanted to ask this question for reference for the new novel I am writing right now!

I am such a genius.

"Hey, Nakano-san, can I ask you a question? I just want a girl's opinion on something for my novel."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Um, Nakano-san, do, d-do you have boyfriend?!"

"What?! Why are you asking that, are you writing a romance novel by any chance, Furuya-kun?"

"Yes...I just wanted to ask some questions about relationships from a girl's perspective."

"Nope, unfortunately, I don't have one right now."

"Then, have you had one before?"

Nakano-san's eyes opened up and she looked away, just staring at the horizon.


"Look the bus is coming!" exclaimed Nakano-san.

"Oh, right, let's get in!"

Did she ignore my question on purpose, was her ex-boyfriend, someone Nakano-san doesn't want to even think about?

We got on to the bus and during the whole ride, she didn't say anything.

When we arrived Nakano-san just said:

"Furuya-kun, see you tomorrow at the cafe." with a grin on her face.

Afterward, she headed to the local convenience store.

And I headed towards the dormitory.

Today was an eventful unexpected day, I am really happy I got to meet Nakano-san!

For the first time in a long time, I am truly happy and the reason is that I am meeting with Nakano-san tomorrow!


Taylor Victoria

Down to Love
