Chapter 2:

Attending an interview. What could go wrong?

Valor: Promise of a Primal.

It was not just another normal day, both Cassian's weather and his day were unpredictable.

“No... I'm sorry mum. Please.” Yuri groaned in his sleep.

“NO!” he woke with a start, crying. He didn't want to get out of his bed, even though he realized that it was a nightmare.

My log. He pulled out a spiral notebook from underneath his single-sized bed.

He scribbled down what he could remember.

31/12/05 DY. Nightmare.

Was back at home. Mum was making miso soup, father got back from maintenance store, Sayu was not there. Then it happened. The proximian ship crashed into our city. I saw more than that this time. My mum grabbed my arms and coughed blood clots onto my face. Said that she wouldn't forgive me for this. Her eye fell off her face. I know mum wouldn't have said that but...

That was four years ago. Sayu is going back to boarding today. Uncle's been busy at the Adelta academy. I haven't attended any classes this week. I don't want to.

He wiped his eyes and closed the book.

Yuri had a big day ahead. Today marked his third interview this month.

Just as he got out of his comfortable bed, the ambient silence was hindered by his sister's unrhythmic knocking.

“You're going to be late.”

“The sun's not even completely out yet!” he said whiningly.

He got out of a drowsy shower and started collecting his documents for his interview that evening. He hurt himself by smashing his pinky toe against an extrautor figurine that was laying on the floor.

Not a good start.

“You aren't going to eat?” Sayu asked as she set down the last Ouro magazine in her briefcase.

“I'll eat on the way.” He ignored his sister smuggling magazines to her boarding school to put them on sale.

He gazed out the window next to the common room table. The cold morning breeze caressed his dry face and pushed back his hair. Along the edge of Adelta, Yuri could see the sunrise lighting up what used to be the small city of Hisantrost. Now it's just the ruins left after the attack. He could never get that sound out of his head, the proximian ship crashing.

Even if the sun just arose, Adelta was already awake. Yuri could see people getting to prepare for the Delax festival.

Could be a busy day at the shop.

“We should get going,” he grumbled.

“I'm waiting for you!”


Yuri spent all of his mornings traveling in the hypercoil to get to his store. Moving to Adelta certainly had its merits. The hypercoil station was only two blocks away from their home.

They both expected a heavily crowded coil station. They didn't have to wait at the counter since they already had their passes.

“Class doesn't start for another three days. I don't know why you had to leave this early.”

“I promised Takashi and Yuma to celebrate with them.”

“If you stayed today, I would've let taken a week off from school.”

“I'm not like you! I care about my grades.” She mocked him by sticking her tongue out.

Unbeknown to Sayu, Yuri was planning a Delax evening celebration with his sister and uncle. That was down the drain since both Sayu and his uncle were unavailable.

Hypercoil D16 from Pelgus to Tefot arriving now. The speaker announced.

“That's for me. I'll see you next month.” She readied her briefcase, making sure that it was not falling apart.


He didn't have to wait long for his, it was the shortest coil route. As he got on his hypercoil, he was greeted by a familiar voice from behind.

“Yuri. Early morning?” Yazuki got on with him.

“Had to drop off my sister. Might also be a busy day at the shop, hopefully.” He didn't meet her eye.

They sat down next to each other. The coil was transparent, except for the few wire lines, the passengers could see the city as they traveled.

“Haven't seen you in class this week.”

“Yeah. Shop. Busy.”

“Don't tell me it's because Professor Hakada asked you to shorten your hair.”

“No, I need the money.” He hid behind his hair as he blushed.

“What would you need that much money for?” asked Yazuki as she chuckled.

“Because.” He sat up straight.

“More action figures?” She taunted him.

“No. I need to save up for renting an apartment.”

They didn't talk for another minute or two. The silence was broken by Yuri's datapad notification.

“Anything important?”

“Just my uncle. Apologizing for his busy week. I can't keep bugging him anymore.” He closed the datapad and slipped it into his bag.

“So you want to move out? You could just keep studying and get a job later.”

“I would but what am I going to become here? I enjoy being at the store. I like repairing stuff. I know it sounds skeptical but I'm searching for a paid internship right now. I'm so close to saving up enough for upgrading the store. I could eventually afford to rent an apartment.”

She stayed silent for a few seconds.

“You're still going to attend class right?”

“After the whole delax season blows over. Yes.”

Would it be weird?

Yuri couldn't bring himself to ask her, but he also knew that he would regret wasting the opportunity.

“So. Any plans today?” His heart started crawling out of his chest.

“Not much. I just have to buy groceries for mum. Why ask?”

She's free on Delax eve? What?

“I bought two tickets to the afterzone for my sister. She had to leave early. Would be a shame wasting it.” He purposefully left out the third ticket he brought for his uncle.

“Sure. After your store closes?”

“I have an interview after that. How about the evening?”

“Oh. Cool.”

What?? Sure? Cool? She didn't even. Ahh!!!

He was dazed to the point where he almost forgot that the coil had reached his destination.

“Shoot me a text when you..?” she asked gleefully.

“Yeah.” Yuri skipped out of the train. He couldn't believe what just happened.

Did I ask a girl out? Is it even a go-out thingy?

He was absorbed in his own reality to the extent that he knocked into one of the bypassing passengers, who was holding a brown cardboard box.

“Hey watch it ki-” The passenger turned around to get a clear look at his face.

“Oh. Yuri! We were just going to your shop! Want a lift?” asked the plump man who was wearing a ragged sweater and tarred shorts.

“Koro!” Yuri replied monotonously.

“Boss! over here.” He handed the box to Yuri.

“I told you guys. I can't keep doing this.” Yuri complained.

“Now now Yuri, there is no finer modifier than you. Also, we have a good deal going on, Don't we?” interjected Bronks, the tall bearded man who entered the conversation.

Because no one else does this stuff for you.

“Do you know what that is? The box in your hand? I had to get it out of three stores to refine it. It's still dead. Say, I'll pay you three thousand dexels if you make it work. That oughta do it for you eh?”

“Three thousand-”

Store. Apartment. Figurines. He could picture it coming. He couldn't pass up on this .

“What even is this?” Yuri asked trying to hide the grin on his face.

“That's what I like to hear. We'll give you a ride. You should open it in the store and see it for yourself.”


“A 760 RR? WHERE DID YOU EVEN GET THIS?” He screamed into Koro and Bronks' faces as he opened the box.

“Beauty, isn't she? Can you fix it?” Bronks asked eagerly.

“There is only a drop of life left in it. It won't be good as it used to be, but I'm sure I can make this work.”

“That's alright. The thing's an antique anyway. Do whatever you can. We'll come by this evening to pick it up.”

“This evening? I won't be here this evening. I'll leave the key to the store under the mat. Close up the place after you take it out.” Yuri looked at him confidently.

“Sure. We'll get going for now. I'll give you the money tomorrow.”

Coming in early was not a bad idea after all.

Yuri left the closed door sign in place and worked through the whole cloudy afternoon. His garage was small but well organized. Every screw, nut, and cord had a fixed home. He left a note next to the almost completed but working engine before leaving for his interview.

He changed his attire while recollecting his preparations for the interview. Yuri didn't exactly love the idea of doing outlawed modification for Bronks's swiftzer bike company(well mostly), since his uncle works in the Adelta military. Even then, he trusted Bronks with all his heart. He was his father's business partner after all.

Three thousand dexels. Afterzone with Yazuki. Why is this getting suspiciously better?

Except for the slight outbreak of drizzling in the city, taking another hypercoil to interview was no inconvenience. He didn't have to take another coil after the interview since his home was not far from the CMM (Cassian Motor Maintenance) building.

Let's see. CMM Internship assistance program. 3rd Floor CMM Building Adelta.

He took a quick glance at the flyer in his hand before entering the CMM building.

Eh? The Third floor? I could swear that I read it as second floor yesterday.

The intense aroma of gas oil burnt his nose as he sped up the stairs.

“You're late.” The elderly grumpy lady spoke without looking up.

“No, I-”

“File?” She extended her frighteningly skinny arm.

He obeyed without saying anything.

“Daro Yuri. Age fifteen. Hisantrost-Proxima survivor. Currently residing in Adelta. Oh, that is one pitiful attendance sheet. Licensed in C-6 engine at age 13. Cassian K6 model of 06D?” She looked up at him for the first time, questionably.

“You can find the manager's office on the left. Good luck.” She handed him the file back and assumed her previous head-down position.


“You're late.” She said to the next person who just entered the room.


He entered the room to his left. It was painted golden with trophies and medals hanging on the wall.

“Good evening.” The manager forced a smile as he reached for Yuri's file.

“Take a seat.” He gestured to him.

“Daro Yuri. Residing in Adelta. Attending Dolo Academy. Histrost-Proxima survivor.”

“I'm sorry about Histrost. That was a terrible day for all of us.”

Yuri remained silent. The manager skimmed through the rest of the file.

“That indeed is a pitiful attendance sheet. We have thin walls here. Other than that, I think you are overqualified for this position. Your father sure taught you a lot.” The manager rested the file on the table.

“I'm sorry, my father?” asked Yuri, who was baffled by the remark.

“ Yes. Daro Tasashi was and always will be a popular figure in the swifzer industry. We are just looking for interns can help out the senior maintenance workers in a few stuff. Do you think you can enjoy that?” He leaned back against his chair with his fingers brushing his chin.

“Yes. I will.”

“I seriously doubt that. Well, it's up to you. The internship starts tomorrow. Thrice every week, second floor, four to five pm. You don't have to skip school.”

“I will take it.” He got up from his seat and shook the manager's hand. His palm sparkled with energy as he held his hand.

He fell to the ground from the pain. His whole right arm from the shoulder was comparable to a burnt up sausage, he felt as if it was about to fall off. When Yuri got back up, the manager almost looked like a different person. Laid back hair, earrings, and a vicious look on his face.

“Huh? You awakened today? Rotten luck. Well, I can't disappoint my master, So.” He grabbed Yuri's face, almost crushing it.


“That's all I remember. I blacked out for a few minutes and when I woke up, the CMM building was collapsing on itself. The soldiers. They started chasing me when they saw the blue glow all over my body. I didn't mean to melt down an entire statue.” Yuri was on the verge of tears.

“I believe you kid. You don't have to worry anymore.” He got up from the table and headed forward to unlock Yuri's lock.

“Then what do you think happened?” He sounded a little relieved.

“This might come off as a shocker to you, but CMM told me that you never met the manager.” He paused to look at him.

“What? No. The receptionist. The manager. They talked to me. I was on the third floor.” He started to panic.

“The receptionist did talk to you. You never made it to the manager's room.” He unlocked Yuri's handcuffs.