Chapter 10:

Saturday, 4/13/2216, Part 2

Help! I'm Addicted to Cyber Drugs in a Dystopian City

11:34am - Hey T, I’m really really sorry about that text last night. I had just had a really weird night drinking with my actual boss and was really drunk and didn’t think about it. I’m sorry if that came off as rude. I’m really glad you contacted me and definitely want to talk!

11:36am - Hey! No worries man. I really didn’t take it any type of way. I just wanted to check in with you and see how you’re doing. That sounds crazy with your boss. So you’re still working the same job then?

11:39am - I am actually so relieved to hear that! And yeah, still at Caliber, still thanking my lucky stars that I am employed while despising my bullshit job. How are you? Did you get the supervising gig at the smoothie place?

11:42am - Haha, that’s tough. And I did actually, which blessed my life up, but it was temp so my position is back to U. Unemployed life isn’t so bad though, I’m doing some traveling.

11:42am - That sucks. I would’ve bought one of those expensive human labor smoothies to support you. Isn’t traveling unemployed really hard with the Productive Citizens Decrees and whatnot?

11:43am - Don’t get me wrong it’s a bitch and a half and totally dehumanizing getting stopped at the door if there’s a PCD, but if you look it up on Plex ahead of time you can usually find some cool spots that don’t go for that.

11:45am - Yikes! Yeah, that shit never made sense to me. UBI money is still money, and how many employed citizens are really productive anymore. Certainly not me (don’t tell my boss tho).

So where are you traveling?

11:49am - It’s all just the same divide and conquer bullshit they’re always on, you know? The more classes of people a society can create the more insulated capital is from the proletariat. Tale as old as time.

And ok, don’t get mad at me, I’m actually in your city right now. Surprise!

11:52am - Ayeeeeeee! That’s awesome! Where at?

11:54am - But actually tho. So I was staying in Queens for a minute but that situation is over with so I’ve been couch surfing with a couple friends. Nothing crazy, nothing solid. I was actually hoping we could meet up if you have some free time to get a beer or a coffee (you might have to plan around me cause I’m U, sorry).

“Mr. Popular!” Ami yelled from the other side of the room.

“Shut up, shut up!” I yell back, throwing a pillow at her that passes right through.

She giggles and runs off.

“And don’t read my messages!” I yell after her with a big smile on my face and blood pounding in my cheeks.

11:56am - Oh my goodness! Yeah! I’d love to! I’m free whenever (outside of work hours of course cause I’m wagey trash ;-; ). How about tomorrow?

11:58am - Soooo I’m actually gonna be busy tomorrow, unfortunately. I have some plans locked in. If this is too sudden it’s totally cool, but can you meet up tonight?

11:58am - Hold up, let me check.

I stand up and stomp around in a circle in my living room. I know damn well I don’t have anything to do on a Saturday night except play games and load shock. Here’s my chance to make real memories, with real people, the real Ontivia, for real.

But also it’s so scary. What if she doesn’t like me in person? What if I get too drunk and say something stupid like I did to ChingWei? I don’t have enough friends to lose one. What if she has a lot of friends? She probably does if she’s couch surfing in a city she doesn’t live in. Her friends are definitely way cooler than me too.

I grit my teeth and stomp around like a mad man, shaking my hands like I’m trying to dry them.

“Busy weekend for mr popular,” Ami starts mimicking my crazy person dance next to me, which makes me laugh.

“If having two friends who want to hang out for the first time in forever around the same time makes me mr popular,” I say, smiling shyly, “then I guess I am.”

“And your boss!” Ami adds in helpfully, “you hit your popular phase now everyone wants to hang out with you.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I say dismissively, but my heart is beating up a storm.

Internal Notice: Heart rate unusually elevated. Do you require assistance?

Select no.

Select main menu, select body, select emotions, select stabilize.

Select pre-loadouts, scroll to ‘calm’, select yes.

That’s better.

12:06pm - Hey, turns out I definitely can hang out tonight. I’m excited to meet you in real life!

“Just don’t forget who wanted to hang out with you before your popular phase,” Ami said with a cute pouting face.

12:09pm - Great, I’ll send you the address of a bar I know doesn’t implement PCD, does 8 work? And me too! Very excited!

“Woooohoooo!” I yell, like an idiot.

I jump in the air, like an idiot.

I have plans tonight, like an idiot.

I turn around to see Ami standing behind me with her arms crossed. I wink at her, like an idiot.

“If you kiss her I’ll kill you both.” She says before turning and walking into the bedroom.

“Yeah yeah, whatever.”

Kriss Blain’s popular phase began on 4/13/2216 (hopefully), I think, saving it to a text file. That's going in the memoir for sure.

I don’t stop smiling for a whole minute.