Chapter 3:


White Parasol

Magical black beans water fades my drowsiness to curiosity.

“Don't you think it's strange?”

“Pardon me but what is?”

“Reishi’s name, that is. How do you think he's got his name? His name doesn't sound German at all.”

“He is from Austria.”


Now, my face is lost.

“Wait a sec, don't they speak German in Austria? So his name must be of German origin.”

“You have a point.”

“So where does it come from? Could it be that his mom was too lazy to think? so she ended up scrambling words. And voila!…”

“No, that's wrong.” Interrupted, an Asian woman who suddenly barge in.

“Miss Thanitree, Welcome. The usual, I presume?”

“Yes, please.”

“Right away, ma’am.”

Oh, yeah. I forgot. It's Saturday today. We’re opening a daylight café.

“You know, in Laos, we sometimes name our children using foreign words, English mainly. You know, Cherry, Apple, Bank, Ball, Duvet.…”

“They named kids ‘Duvet’?”

“My niece’s name is Duvet. Darathong ‘Duvet’ Chanthavong. Just like that, because her mommy thought Duvet was some kind of dessert.”

“That sounds……possible. He he…”

I don’t know what to say about this. 

“Café au lait and egg toast.”

“ຂອບ​ໃຈ​ຫຼາຍ” Ms Thanitree take a sip of her drink. “Hmm! wonderful. So my point is his name could derive from some nonsense foreign words. That’s my thought.”

“No, that’s wrong!” The familiar-looking lady has come in. 

“Madame R? Good morning.”

“Good morning, Mikke. Good morning, Alistair. And, Jasmine.”

“Hello, Rose.”

“Alistair, I'll have a cup of earl grey, please.”

“Certainly, Ma’am.”

“You two know each other?” I asked.

“It's complicated. But let's not prioritise it, shall we? So whose name are we talking about just now?” change the topic, Madame R.

“It's Reishi.”

“That poor boy, always a workaholic.” sighed, Madame R. “Barely having time to live his life.”

And you're the one to talk.

“He might use a Pseudonym. He might also work as a part-time writer. That's possible, isn't it?”

“Yeah, he's a workaholic freak, alright.”

“No, that's wrong!” Silver-highlighted hair bloke has walked in 

Why can’t anyone just walk in like a normal person?

“Good morning, old chap. How’s Adelocosa anops project coming along? The subjects arrived yet?” Asked, Madame R.

“Yes, it has. Drop by sometime if wanna see ‘em.”

“You don’t have to tell. I’ll drop by anyway.”

“Your earl grey, Ms Bédoyère.” The tea was put in front of Madame R.

“O’Rourke! One chamomile on rock.”

What the heck is that?

“Right away, professor.”

“Uh, Madame R.”

“Oh, right. Dear Mikita, this is Professor Mircea, the arachnid bastard.”

“That’s it, I’m doing it myself. Hi, I don’t believe we’ve met. Professor Mircea Penescu.”

“Mikita, pleasure.”

“So back to our conversation earlier, this ‘Reishi’ boy. What’s your connection with him? questioned, Ms Thanitree.

“Well, he works for me during the weekend. I got his work schedule somewhere in my blower. Let me check. 

Monday: Barista, Vespa coffee bar 7.30-14.00 Vet assistant, Animal healthcare foundation 14.30-22.00

Tuesday: Geography teacher, Anjou Kindergarten 5.20-17.00

Wednesday: Cashier, Beast beneath the moonlight 6.00-10.00 Chef assistant, Rau Muong 10.10-20.00

Thursday: Janitor, City hall 4.30-8.30 Editor assistant, Aquimoto Ltd 8.40-11.50 Caddy, Milano-Europa association 12.00-17.00 Aquarist, Aquarium of Poitier 17.20-23.30

Friday: Editor assistant, Aquimoto Ltd 8.00-12.30 German tutor, University of  Blossac 14.00-17.00 Jazz singer, Authentic African 18.00-19.00

And whole weekend working for me.”

He works way too much. Loosen up a bit, would you?

“Chamomile on rock, professor.”

Isn’t that just a glass of tea with sphere ice on it?

“Ah, cheers.” 

“Poor boy, I can't believe he works for that silly foundation.”

“Oh, I’m sorry but that silly foundation happen to be mine.” replied, Ms Thanitree.

“Why can't they offer him any high-paid full-time job, I wonder?” 

“You know you could just ask, right?” sigh, Ms Thanitree. “Professor, do you still have his CV? I’d like to review it right away. So later, I could ask him to visit my office for an interview.”

“Give me a minute.”

And then silence has taken place while Professor Mircea was looking for the cv and two ladies quietly intense rooted for him.

I don't like this. I gotta do something to silence this silence…ness.

“Uh, Alice. Could you teach me how to make this thing?” I pointed to the professor’s glass.

“Of course, sir.”

“Please, we already talked about this. Use the nickname.”

“Of course, A stór.”

“That's more like it.”

I go join Alice behind the counter.

“So what's first? Pour chamomile tea into a glass then add ice.”

Yeah… probably just like that. A piece of pie.

“Apparently not. First, we shall begin with our components. Chamomile tea, powdered chamomile, lemon, honey and ice.”

“Okay, all check!”

“Now, we're ready to prepare. Put in two jiggers of chamomile tea and two teaspoons of powdered chamomile in a shaker.”

“Ah… what’s a jigger?”

“Here you go, A stór.” Alice handed the thingy with shimmering eyes.

Oh my god, my heart's throbbing so magically speedy. Am I gonna die? I start to see sparkling light everywhere and now my head feels sizzling and woozy.

“Are you unwell, A stór?”

“No! No no, I’m fine. Give me the thingy.” I snatched the thingy. “Two tea and two powder! What's next?” I quickly threw things into a shaker.

“Stir until dissolved then add some ice cubes.”

Stir until dissolved…… then some ices.


“Splendid, now close the lid, afterwards rapidly shake the shaker it back and forth.”


This is a piece of pie. Rapid is running my vessels, don't you know? After all, I’m a magician, a trickster of mind and the magic-less Morgan le Fay. 

*one minute later*

“Hey, Alice! How long do I have to shake this?”

“That should be adequate by now. You can open a cap on the top and pour the drink into a rock glass there.”

“You should've said anything earlier.”

“My apologies.”

Your formality is getting on my nerves. Can't you be a little causal to me for once?

With all annoyance, I’m done listening to him and keep on making a drink on my own. A spoonful of honey, some squeezes from a lemon and a finishing touch of ice sphere. Voilà!

“Taste this for me, would you?” I shoved the drink to Alice.

“As you wish.” 

He hesitated a little before he downed it in one shot. I’m not wondering why he hesitated. It wasn't a perfect recipe, I know. But I believe it’ll turn out good, magically.

“Mmm! Sweet.” 

“Too sweet? Ah! I knew it.”

I thought it would be fine. Something must be wrong with his tongue.

“No. I mean you. You are very sweet.”

Wha! Wha! What?!! Was he just… flirting with me?

*Alistair’s thought: God forbid. If it wasn't honey, I would have lost both my legs.*

“You lads know that we’re still present here, yes?” 

 “Oh, Miss Thanitree. Have you…”

“Already finished. If you see him, tell him to call on me at the office. Well, I gotta move. Ta-ta!”

“Yeah, yeah. Goodbye. Now. Shoo! Shoo!”

“Don’t you shoo me, Rose! Oh, right. Before I go. My business card, give it to the boy, will you?”

“Sure, Miss Thanitree.” I picked up the card and examine it.

Thanitree Khamphoui

CEO & Founder

Xaignabouli International Education

8/11 Sanguine St. 86000 Poitier Aquitaine

Animal healthcare foundation

16 Rossignol Rd. 86000 Poitier Aquitaine 

Email: jasminexaigna@mail.qu

Telephone: +428 2-270-1212

Seems like a wealthy woman. Judging from this. But what’s the point of all this? How come solely my curiosity led to this? It's good for Reishi though. Still my curiosity stand. How did he get his name?

“Umm, excuse me, Professor Penescu. May I ask you something?”

“Yes, you may young man.”

“Do you know how Reishi got his name?”

“No, young man…”

“But I do!” shouted in extreme confidence, the chubby lady with many bags.

“Oh, it's lovely to see you again, Serenity. How’s your holiday?”

“Nice to see you too, Rosey! The holiday was absolutely marvellous. You must come with me next time. Japan was jolly magnificent. The food there was exquisite.…”

“Is that a kimono you’re wearing? It looks stunning on you. Where did you get it?”

“I knew you’d ask.”  She placed her bags on the nearest table. “Let's have a look here.” She searched the bags. “Ah, here it is. For you, Rosey, my dear.”

“Oh, you shouldn't have.”  

“I got this for you as well, Alice dear. Aramasa sake from Akita.”

“You have my deepest gratitude, Miss Truffle.”

“And this is for you, Professor. A baby macrocheira kaempferi.”

“A spider crab?”

“No, it's a crab spider.” Miss Truffle brought out a crab from one of her bags.

“No, it’s crab.” insisted, Professor.

“Is it? I thought it was a sea spider.”

“It's a crustacean, not a Pycnogonida. What's your opinion, Bédoyère?”

“It's a crustacean, obviously. Macrocheira, to be exact. No need to call a crustaceologist to confirm that.”

“Aw, what! I’ve paid thousands of euros for this baby. What am I supposed to do with it? Boil it?”

“Don't worry, I’ll call the crustacealogist. He’ll deal with it.”

“Much obliged.” thanked to Madame R, Miss Truffle. “Alice dear, affogato double espresso with chocolate syrup. Chop chop!”

“It shall be done.”

“Ah, right! The answer to your question, my Nipponese friend.” Miss Truffle showed me some kind of exotic thing?

“Umm? What on earth is this reddish rough orb?”

“I believe it is called litchi? If I’m not mistaken. Penny for your thought, old chap?”

“Don't ask me. Ask the botanist.”

“Well, it's Reishi, apparently. I got these from Okinawa. Pretty rare, in fact. Rather costly too.”

“Did somebody call me? I think I heard my name.” 

My favourite lad has finally come.

“Oh, look at that. The solution to your answer is here himself. Hello, Reishi, my boy.”

“Serenity-san! You’ve returned. How’s your trip to Japan?”

“Marvellous, my boy. Here! Your souvenir from Okinawa.”

“Oh, my namesake. Thank you kindly, Serenity-san. But I cannot accept these….Monstrosity. Just looking at it make me off.”

“If that so, I’ll give it to my sister then.”

“Alice-nii, Vienna coffee to go, please.” Reishi passed a vacuum flask on the counter.

“Certainly. Miss Truffle, your drink is ready.”

“Ah, thanks dear.”

“So! You name was name after that thingy, huh?” I cling to Reishi.

“Oh, no…”

“Don’t oh no me, sweetheart. Now let the rabbit out of the hat.”

“It’s ‘let the cat out of the bag’. But well….” heavily sighed, Reishi. “Back when I was newly born. My aunt, Maddison-oba and her fiancé, Sakae-san came to visit Mutter  at the hospital right after their honeymoon in Vietnam. And coincidentally, right after my birth. They’d brought tons of gifts for both Mutter and me and one of them happened to be that monstrosity. While Mutter and Oba-san was discussing what should I be named, he chipped in, Sakae-san, asking Mutter ‘Madeleine, Reishi?’. She thought Reishi was a name so, she named me Reishi. End of the story.”

“Aww, my poor boy.” I affectionately tousled Reishi’s hair.

“Stop it, I’m not a child.”

“Vienna coffee.”

“Thank you, nii-san. I’ll get going then. See you!”

“See you soon, sweetheart.”

And that’s it, ladies and gentlemen. The end of my curious morning. Ending with heat-less coffee in front of me. 

Oh bugger, I almost forgot.

“Reishiiiiiii!!!!!!” I hared speedily after Reishi.

“Ja? What’s up?”

“Here, take this.”

“A business card?”

“You got an interview…… with Miss Thanitree…… full-time job……” 

“A full-time job? Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Nii-san, thanks.”

In the end, the young boy hugged me in the most joyous way. Thanking me who literally did nothing to deserve this appreciation. But all I did was embraced it without a word uttered from my lips.
