Chapter 15:

Jealousy and Feelings!

The Significance of Love

" You haven't had breakfast yet, have you?" I asked Ryuji who was staring at me instead of answering my question. It was like he was lost in another dimension.

" Why are you staring at me like that?" Is there something you want to tell me?" I asked him which brought him back. He looked away as if embarrassed.

" I haven't eaten anything yet, Sakamoto-San." He finally answered me while keeping his gaze away. Something was wrong with him but I didn't want to pry as it was surely something personal.

I handed him the bento box I brought him for breakfast. He was happy to receive it. It looked like eating hospital food was quite unpleasant for him. As he was taking the box from my hand, our hands slightly mingled with each other. There was some kind of breeze that didn't last long as Ryuji broke free and focused on the bento box instead.

" It's delicious, Sakamoto-San!" He uttered as his eyes looked at me with an enjoyable smile full of admiration and maybe something more which I didn't quite understand at the time.

" I'm glad you enjoyed it." I saw your father leaving the hospital on my way here." I intended to ask him how things had gone with his father after I left yesterday, but I didn't want to pry too much.

" I know what you want to ask me, Sakamoto-San." He startled me as he said that. Looking innocently, I wondered if he had always been like that, so simple and full of life. Somehow, I was content that I was the only one that got to see this side of him. However, when I thought of his fiancee, I kind of blacked out.

" Are you okay, Sakamoto-San?" Ryuji stared at me with worrying eyes. The bento box I had given him was already halfway done.

" Yes, I'm fine!" Tell me instead how it went with your father yesterday! Did you reconcile?" I had to change the subject of discussion at any cost. As I smiled lightly, Ryuji finally believed me when I told him I was fine.

" He apologized to me for everything; He apologized for neglecting me in my childhood and for everything else." He asked for a second chance."

" What did you say to him?" Did you accept?"

He gasped and answered, " I didn't give him any answer. I'm confused, Sakamoto-San. All my life I needed him but he was never there for me and didn't want to make time for me."

" I got used to his indifference and lack of attention all my life and now, he wants to restart our relationship from scratch. This isn't an easy decision to make.

I could understand what Ryuji was going through. It's not easy forgiving someone who had never been there for you and had treated you as if you were a burden. I wouldn't have acted any differently if I were in his shoes.

We cannot forget something however and that is a definite truth. For Fujimiya-San to suddenly decide to rebuild their relationship, he might have realized his past mistakes and thought of correcting them.

" Answer me this, Ryuji!" I could imagine it wasn't easy for him to make a decision but he had to at least give it a try.

" Yes!"

" Do you love your father?" I know this is a stupid question to ask but, there's a reason behind it.

" Yes!" I love him a lot. I love him immensely." He answered the question without an ounce of hesitation in his tone. I was content with the answer provided.

" Then, what are you worried about?" You've waited for this moment all your life. You've patiently waited for your dad to come back to you, so don't push him away."

" I can imagine how hurt you must have been all these years but you shouldn't judge him too harshly." He was having a hard time too. I'm sure it wasn't pleasant for him either, ignoring you like that as if you didn't matter to him." I was doing my best to pass my point across.

" It's not my place to interfere in your family affairs but everyone deserves a chance to rectify their mistakes." Wouldn't you agree?"

Ryuji tugged at me with the blue shirt I was wearing and rested his head on my shoulder. He gasped as he said, " You're right as always. I'm very lucky to have you in my life. You always make things easier than they are. You're like a lucky charm to me, my exclusive lucky charm."

(A lucky charm, huh? I like the sound of that.)

" I see that you finished the bento box entirely." I noticed the bento box was empty.

" Why wouldn't I finish it?" You have magic in your hands and everything you make turns increasingly delicious." His compliment made me blush a little. More than that, I wished to be the only one he would act so sweetly towards.

" You say that as if I'm a genius or something." I chuckled slightly. Ryuji wasn't resting on my shoulders anymore.

" That's exactly what I'm implying, Sakamoto-San. You're one of the best students in school. Not only that but you're incredible at sports, especially Martial Arts." Ryuji was making me embarrassed with all the compliments he was giving me. There was no way for me to make him stop than to let him finish by himself.

" You'll be taking part in the Martial Art Tournament that's taking place in a couple of months." What's there not to like about you?" The word like almost made my heart skip a beat for some reason. I was feeling weird and I didn't know the reason for it.

Unbeknown to us, there was someone on the door, listening in on us which we had no idea. The sound of something falling alerted our attention.

" Sasaki?" Ryuji's fiancee was standing by the door. By the angry look on her face, I guessed she must have been listening to us for quite some time.

" Why are you by the door?" Come in!" He invited her inside but she didn't budge. She was looking in my direction instead. Subconsciously, it didn't take me much time to understand what the issue was.

" I should leave you two alone so that you can talk." I stood up but Ryuji grasped my hand firmly. As I looked at him, I read that he didn't want me to leave.

" Ryuji, please let go!" Your fiancee is staring at us." Not only was she staring at us but the fact that he was holding my hand upset her even more.

" Sorry, Sakamoto-San!" Did I hurt you?" His voice was very sweet and caring. Sasaki, who was still at the door, was waiting for me to leave the room.

" Not at all!" You could never hurt me, Ryuji." I walked past Ryuji and as I met Sasaki at the door, she glared at me coldly. When I was out of the room, she shut the door behind her.

I went to sit on a bench, waiting for them to finish so I could get back inside. I received messages from Patricia, Sabrina, and Anthony who implied they were on their way to the hospital to see Ryuji. I was somewhat happy as I wouldn't be alone and my friends would soon join me.

Inside the ward, things were escalating quickly and at a fast pace between Sasaki and Ryuji.

" You were quite friendly with that girl, weren't you?" Who is she to you?" The first thing Sasaki did as they were alone together was show off her jealousy. Ryuji wasn't the least bit surprised by the show display.

" Sakamoto-San is my friend and I care deeply for her in that regard."

" Friends?" Since when do you have friends?" Sasaki begins to lose control over her words without her realizing it.

" Besides Anthony who was willing to be your friend, you have no one else in your life who's willing to be with you."

Outside the ward, Patricia, Sabrina, and Anthony finally joined me at the hospital. I was happy to see each one of them.

" You're here at last. I was eagerly waiting for you." I hugged them lightly. Not to forget, Anthony as he was now part of our group of friends.

" How's Ryuji doing now?" Anthony asked as he wanted to go see him but judging that he was busy at the moment, I didn't know if it was the right time to let him in.

" He's alright now but he can't receive any visits for the time being." My response rings an interrogation in their mind.

" Why is that?" They all wondered.

" Sasaki Sono is inside with him." I didn't want to refer to her by a formal title so I used her name instead.

" His fiancee's here?" It kind of hurts when Sabrina refers to her by such a title. The worst part was that I didn't even know why it hurt so much.

What none of us knew, however, was that we wouldn't stay outside for long.

Right inside the ward------------

" Just so that you could escape our engagement and be with that girl, you went ahead and got yourself sick on purpose." Sasaki was out of her mind; she had lost all sense of logic and we could hear screams coming from inside and they were quite loud at that.

Right outside the ward----------------

" Something must be going on in there." Let's go and check!" Patricia suggested and we all agreed with her.

" It's not normal to hear such screams. We better make sure nothing's wrong before the doctor intervenes." We went inside to see what the issue could be but none of us would have guessed what was truly going on inside.