Chapter 19:

Sakura Kyouko II : I'm fine, Mama, Papa.

The School Life of Tanahashi

What do we do? How can we help Sakura?

I kept thinking but there was only one thing I could think of.

I asked, "Do you guys have extra money?"

Miu replied, "I have."

Yuuki followed, "I have as well."

I suggested, "How much?"

Yuuki replied, "Around three thousand yen."

Miu hesitated, "I have thi— I meant I also have three thousand yen."

I followed, "So we all have three thousand yen but that's not enough."

Miu asked, "What's on your mind, Shin?"

I explained, "I'm asking if you guys have any extra money so we can collectively pay for Sakura."

Miu replied, "I see but it's not yet enough."

Yuuki suggested, "How about we ask Itsuki and Nise as well?"

I replied, "We could try."

Yuuki called Nise while I called Itsuki to get over here at the diner.

A few minutes later, Itsuki and Nise arrived at the diner that we were in.

Nise asked, "What's wrong?"

I replied, "Do you have extra money?"

Itsuki replied, "I have but what's it for?"

Miu answered, "For Sakura."

Nise and Itsuki look confused, "For Sakura?"

Miu started explaining to them about Sakura in the past and why she needs money for the school trip.

Itsuki understood, "I see."

Nise followed, "Why did she keep it a secret?"

Miu explained, "I told her to tell you guys about it but she doesn't want you guys to feel bad about her and treat her special."

I replied, "I see."

Yuuki looked at Nise and Itsuki, "How much extra money do you guys have?"

Itsuki replied, "Three thousand yen."

Nise followed suit, "Same as Itsuki."


I replied, "That's enough for the whole school trip!"

Yuuki added, "We all have three thousand, so it's all even."

Miu suggested, "Let's not tell Sakura about this until the final day of the payment. Can you guys promise that?"

We all looked at each other, "Promise!"

"Mama, Papa..."

The mother and father are hugging a young Sakura with their body covered in blood, "We're sorry...Sakura."

Sakura's parents collapsed.

"Mama? Papa?"

They aren't responding as a pool of blood is flowing from their bodies.

"Please wake up. Mama...Papa!"

Sakura wakes up from her bed.

"What time is it?"

She looks at the time on her phone, it's already passed eight in the morning.

"I'm going to be late!"

The next morning, Sakura was late again.

"I'm sorry, Sensei."

Sensei replied, "I know, I know. I told you, it's fine. Just sit down and calm down."

Sakura sits down on her chair. 

Then, the next class...

The science teacher yelled, "Kyouko-san, it's not the time to be asleep. Please, focus on the lesson."

Sakura was clearly embarrassed, "I'm sorry."

At lunchtime...

Yuuki asked Sakura, "Are you alright, Sakura?"

Sakura replied, "I'm fine, just tired."

Yuuki encourages, "Tired? Whatever it is, hang in there."

Sakura smiled, "I will."

The day after...

Sensei was doing attendance but Sakura was absent.

At lunchtime, Sakura entered the classroom.

Miu was surprised, "Sakura?! Why did you just come?"

Sakura replied, "I fell asleep too much."

I looked at Yuuki, Itsuki, and Nise, and they seemed all concerned about Sakura.

Miu lectures Sakura, "It's already lunchtime, Sakura. You could have just taken the day off."

Sakura replied, "I can't afford to do that. I'm on a scholarship. I need to attend classes."

Damn, I didn't realize that Sakura is burdening a lot, especially financially. It must be hard for her.

Yuuki whispered to me, "Is she going to be fine, Shin?"

I whispered back, "I don't know. I hope she doesn't overwork herself."

It's Thursday, one day before the deadline for the payment for the school trip.

It's after class and we're all walking out of the school, discussing our plans for the school trip.

"Guys, I have something to tell you."

We all turned around and it was Sakura who gathered our attention.

Miu asked, "What's wrong, Sakura?"

Sakura replied, "I...might not be able to go on the school trip."

You can see her shaking and it took a lot of courage to say it to us. It must've been hard for her to tell us since she knows it will be sad for her and she'll be lonely and left out.

I looked at Yuuki and Miu, and I'm thinking the same thing.

Yuuki spoke, "You know, Sakura, we're your friends."

I followed, "And friends always support each other."

Miu is holding an envelope in her hand, "And whether you like it or not, you're coming with us."

Sakura seemed confused about everything we said, "What do you mean?"

Itsuki explained, "Miu told us about it and we cannot leave you alone on this one."

Nise followed, "Itsuki's right, it's our final year already. I know it must've been hard for you to do a lot of jobs while also being a student as well."

Sakura started crying and fell to her knees, "Everyone, I'm sorry guys for not saying anything."

Miu hugs Sakura, "It's fine, Sakura. I know it must have been hard for you."

Yuuki followed, "It's fine to hide a secret but when you need something, we are ready to help you."

Miu added, "Yuuki's right, Sakura. Don't always tell yourself you don't deserve this kindness, let yourself receive this kindness. I don't want to see you suffer anymore."

Sakura continued crying and letting all out. She kept apologizing while Miu was there to comfort her.

I know that I'm really weak but you don't have to worry about me anymore.

Because I'm with these people.


...I'm fine, Mama, Papa.

Please, don't worry about me anymore.
