Chapter 1:

Home Invasion

The Nice General

There were two countries at war. Several buildings were on fire; black smoke rose to the air for all to see within a mile radius. Villagers fled, as soldiers marched through the scorched small city. The villagers carried suitcases with them; some did not have time too bring anything with them, since they were unprepared for war. Most people are not. The afternoon sky was shrouded in darkness.

North Country was invaded by South Country. General Li (李) led the South Country troops to victory, as he and his soldiers conquered 25% of North country on their own. The South Country troops wore grey medieval armor, carried sheathed katanas, and they were very trusting of and loyal to General Li.

General Li’s goal was to reach the North Country’s capitol and capture it, in order to win the war for South Country.

And of course, without fail, eventually, General Li and his army reached the capitol. The capitol was important because here is where the king and queen of North Country lived. There was no resistance; General Li and his army located a large palace, which looked very clean and brand new, compared to the surrounding buildings, homes and structures. General Li and his men decided to March towards it. The king and queen definitely had to live there, considering the ostentatious appearance of the palace.

The men entered the palace. Once again, surprisingly, there was no resistance; the opposing army was nowhere in sight. This made General Li suspicious.

After climbing a couple of flights of stairs, General Li stumbled upon a gargantuan door that appeared to be made of shiny gold; it was a little heavy to slide open. He cautiously entered the room, which was adorned with expensive and colorful silk cloths, and included a large bed fit for a princess.

General Li lifted up the mattress to see if someone was under it and surprisingly... the general saw...

A pea!!??

“这个必须是一个玩笑。。。”, pondered General Li.

(This must be a joke...)



screamed a well dressed woman that held a small dagger. She charged at General Li and tried to stabbed him, but he simply stepped to the side with grace, and the woman fell flat on her face.

“Judging by your figure... You must be the queen”, surmised General Li.

This queen was beautiful and feminine on the outside. She had long black hair, and a slender body frame. She wore expensive red and pink garments fit for royalty.

“Never talk to me like that, you peasant!”, angrily ordered the queen.

“Oh, and what will you do to me, if I continue to talk to you like this, your highness?... Beat me up? Ahahahaha!”, teased General Li.

“我要!”, shouted the Queen.

(I will!)

The Queen tried to slap and kick General Li, but she missed over and over again. General Li then caught her arm and pulled it behind her back, as if he was arresting her; the queen was manhandled.

“那个不太错。。。But, give up”, complimented and demanded General Li.

(That is not too bad...)

The Queen was completely dominated by the skilled general. Having someone take over her will so easily made her feel helpless, however, this helplessness gave her excitement. The Queen felt alive, and she was on her own for once—not being pestered by her subjects and the public eye.

“把。。。把你的手去从我!”, commanded the Queen in a rough manner.

(Take your hands off me!)

“您是一位女王,是吗?”, General Li questioned, as he looked at the queen with a skeptical face, considering her unladylike behavior.

(You are a queen, right?)

The Queen nodded “Yes”.

“您叫什么?”, asked General Li.

(What is your name?)


(Why don’t you know who I am? No queen is more beautiful than me. I am called Zhang Wen.)

“Okay. Queen Zhang, you are now my prisoner. Let’s go.” General Li grabbed the Queen by the wrist and she reluctantly followed the him.

Once General Li returned to his soldiers, it was unanimously decided that since she was such a high profile person, Queen Zhang should be personally watched by the excellent General Li.

“Ughh... Are you kidding me? This will become troublesome”, thought General Li, as he facepalmed himself.