Chapter 77:

The Guards Of The Flame Castle

Ane And His Seames

Boom jumped at Abe who jumped back; avoiding the strike. Boom grinned and launched the mace at Ane who held the mace's harmless areas. The spikes lit up and Ane dove back but still got hit by the huge explosion. He launched out the smoke at Boom who charged into the smoke simultaneously. Ane crashed into Boom; getting spun away. He fell to the ground dizzily and Boom came at him; striking the mace down. "Die!" Boom yelled.

Ane stood in a solid hand of water which held the mace back from him. Boom pulled his weapon away and jumped back to receive a fist to his face. Sid landed; his shadow armor surrounding him. "I'll handle this guy, Ane. You guys go ahead!" Sid shouted. The girls landed beside Ane and nodded. They grabbed Ane and ran off. 

"You better stay alive Sid!" Lisa yelled. Sid grinned and did a thumbs up.

"WAIT!" he yelled; pausing the other teens in their path. A shadow came out of Sid and went to Ane's back.

"I'll help you with the guards' weaknesses." it hissed. Ane nodded.

"That shadow can split up several times." Sid stated; grinning.

"Thanks." Ane said as he and the girls ran off. 

Ane, Lana and Lisa ran into another room where the floor was lava and several iron bridges stood all above the pit. A woman with light purple hair, lime green eyes wearing a breastplate and a brown skirt stood in the middle of the room where she then sat up and exhaled. "That idiot couldn't handle a couple of brats!" she complained as her body began to release steam.

"What is that steam?" Lana thought; holding her chin.

"That's Melly. She has acidic abilities. Being more specific; her entire body can become acid and she specializes with her elemental weapon which is a crossbow. It also shoots her toxins." the shadow stated.

"I'll deal with this fool." Lisa said grinning.

"Fool; huh?" Melly inquired angrily. Lana and Ane eyed Lisa who nodded and the two then ran off; the shadow splitting and hopping onto Lisa.

"Don't you lose to her; got it!?" Lana called back. Lisa smiled and nodded and Lana pouted. She and Ane ran down a hallway and stopped; panting.

"Is that all of them?" Ane asked.

"Not at all. As a matter of fact I think we are trapped in an illusion of Eithan right now." the shadow replied. Ane activated his dragon eyes to see elemental energy soaring around him in the shape of blades. He grabbed Lana and jumped into the air. "I'll counter it." the shadow said as the teens were revealed to be standing still in the hallway. A man with yellow beast-like eyes; blonde hair and a white suit stood there with a cigar in his mouth. 

"Pretty impressive breaking out of my technique." he remarked; chuckling.

"As you probably figured out...Eithan is an illusion style specialist. He has no recorded weaknesses though." the shadow commented as it split in two.

"Lana...can I leave this guy to you?" Ane inquired. Ane nodded.

"Go save Ene." she said; smiling. Ane nodded as he bolted past the demon; the two eying one another.

"Good luck getting past Alice." Eithan said; grinning. Ane frowned and continued running off.

Ane swung the corner to fall down a flight of stairs and roll into a throne room. "Hm? Someone made it here?" a male voice asked. Ane stood up to see a teenage boy with red beast-like eyes, silver and spiky hair who was wearing a brown jacket and blue t-shirt and jeans sat on the throne; picking his teeth.

"Who are you!? Where's Ene!" Ane yelled.

"Oh? So you're after the Prince Of Flame! You must be the dragon or rather...Ane!" Alice yelled as he hopped from the throne and all the way to in front of Ane.

"Where is he!?" Ane growled.

"I'm sorry but you might have to...attempt to beat answers out of me." Alice said; shrugging. "By the way; isn't Ane like a girl's name?" he inquired.

"So is Alice!" Ane shouted; swinging his dragon claws as he summoned them.

An explosion was caused and Sid flung from it on all fours; shadow armor fully around him except his mask. He jumped aside as a spike spat at him which then flashed a light. "A flash grenade?" he thought as his vision was distorted. Sid got smacked across the room with the mace and the shadow's arms stretched to the wall and launched him at Boom. 

"I'll be your eyes!" the shadow yelled as the helmet appeared on Sid as he crashed headfirst into Boom's stomach. The demon flung back but stopped himself using the mace.

"I might have to get serious with you. I wanted to face the dragon but I am content with you as an opponent." Boom remarked.

"So you're holding back huh?" Sid inquired laughing. "My vision's back to normal." he thought as Boom raised his mace with both hands; eyes full red as he roared. Elemental energy blasted from Boom and floated into the weapon. 

"Red Elemental Style: Mace Of The Drowned!" Boom bellowed as the mace enlarged to an insane extent and his body grew rapidly. He swung the mace and the top spat from the handle; launching at Sid. Hands stretched from Sid's armor and held the huge spike ball back which then lit up and exploded. Sid flung from the building; half of his armor gone. It instantly reappeared just before a bare steel ball smacked the teen into a huge hill of volcanic rocks. Sid stepped out ; lava pouring onto him. "So that armor is lava resistant? What an interesting power!" Boom exclaimed as he landed on a hill; cracking it in half under his gigantic body. "Oops." he said before jumping onto the ground.

"Your analysis complete?" Sid questioned.

"No, not yet." the shadow replied. Sid frowned.

"That guy isn't a guard of this castle for nothing." he remarked.