Chapter 9:

Act 9: Escape

The Last Human

Shivers ran down her spine as the two of them walked across the empty streets of the old human district. Whipping through the gaps and holes of the abandoned structures, the wind sounded like the whispering of its old inhabitants. Cursing their murderers and pursuers. Spes' grip around his hand tightened.
"This place is creepy. Can't we take another route?" Asked the girl with a trembling voice.
"Mechanoids usually don't pass through here since there is nothing to do here. So, it is the best choice if we don't want to get caught." He kneeled down to her height. "You will have to bear with it until we arrive."
"Where are we even goi-"
Silus put one hand in front of the girl's mouth and lifted her up with the other one as if she was a feather. Holding the girl like a sack of potatoes, he sprinted to the next house and jumped through the entrance, knocking down the door with his shoulder.
Both peaked over the edge of a broken window. A group of enforcers came walking down the broad main street of the district. Their pace was slow enough so that they could thoroughly scan the nearby environment with their eye sensors.
"Shit." Whispered Silus, the gun already in his hand.
"I thought nobody would come here?"
"That's what I thought too, but apparently they know that we are hiding here." He looked over to the streets to the left and right. "And it looks like there is no way to escape either." Silus leaned his head against the wall, looking up at the ceiling covered in a hair gray substance.
"You are not giving up already are you?" Spes looked him straight in the eyes.
He could already hear the beeping sound of the scanning devices coming closer to their position.
"No, I haven't given up yet, and I never will. I promised Zero to protect you and I will keep my promise to him. Now listen to me." Silus grabbed her by the shoulders. "You see that house at the end of the street?" He pointed towards a small, one-family house whose roof had fallen onto the street.
"You mean on our side of the street?"
"Yes, exactly that one. You will go up until you reach the rooftop and jump from building to building until you reach it." An enforcer looked their way and both ducked immediately under the window.
"And what about you? What are you going to do? I don't want to be left behind again!"
"Wait for me there, I promise I'll come. Now go." Silus gave her a small push towards the stairs. "And whatever happens don't look back!"
While Spes disappeared on the upper floors of the building one of the enforcers had reached the entrance door to the house in which they were hiding.
Three shots blasted through the door at the exact moment one of the enforcers wanted to kick it in. Splinters and metal fragments flew through the air as two of the three mechanoids fell to the ground. All the other enforcers in the vicinity noticed the commotion and immediately opened fire in his direction reducing the hole entrance to a pile of rubble.
Silus used a brief moment of silence from the bullet-spitting weapons to jump over the destroyed bodies of the enforcers and started to sprint to the other side of the street. He threw a quick glance over his shoulder seeing Spes jumping on the rooftops and dozens of enforcers in the streets below, pointing their guns at him. With bullets hissing by and missing him at a hair's breadth, he jumped into the still intact window of a building.
Lying on the shattered glass, Silus jumped right back up and saw two enforcers standing right and left of him.
"Shit!" He cursed, glancing at the pistol which was still lying on the floor.
A swing with the stock of the rifle, from the enforcer on the right, initiated the fight. Silus jumped back and felt the wall behind him closing any escape routes. The other enemy pointed his weapon at point blank at Silus who ducked under it, avoiding the fatal shot. In a squatting position, Silus launched himself forward onto the enforcer holding the rifle, landing on the floor together. Using his defencelessness his other opponent pointed again his gun towards him, the finger already pressing down on the trigger. Silus clamped his feet onto the body underneath him and rolled over the floor so that the enforcer was above and in front of his colleague's weapon. Exact in that moment the weapon fired blowing his own mate's head away without being able to react in time.
Feeling the weight of the destroyed mechanoid on his upper body, Silus tried to push him down with his arm but quickly came to realize that it didn't follow his instructions. He looked at his shoulder where Zero had attached the enforcer's arm and noticed how sparks were spraying in all directions.
"Why now of all times!" Using his other arm he pushed the destroyed enemy from his chest.
Supporting himself on the rifle he picked up on the floor, Silus tried to stand up but the remaining enforcer shortened the distance between them to punch him in the face and throw him back to the ground followed by a shot to his hip. Unfazed by the hole in his body Silus leaned against the wall behind him to stabilize his body and fired the rifle in his one arm. With a hole in his chest, his last opponent dropped to the ground.
But for Silus the chase was not over. The enforcers outside had approached the new house by the time he had finished his fight. Before they could enter he limped to the basement of the house where hidden behind a certain part of the wall was an entrance to a tunnel system.
The door blocked any kind of scanner and was therefore impossible to find without knowing that it was indeed there. 
With the passcode given to him by his deceased wife, Silus opened it and entered the tunnel, closing the door behind him. Not long after he followed the tunnel, he reached a bigger room in which stood giant pods with frozen bodies inside them.
"What is this," He whispered into the darkness.