Chapter 56:

The Error and Quantyan (3/3)

The Zypher: The Four Season

Alright... but there isn't much to talk about me... it had been years since I retired from the Order and I was living my life quite pleasantly, my lover and I were happy but the day before we heard about the Order's destruction... my lover had announce that they were pregnant... I was happy but then came my dangerous disease and I was left with an option, peace my lover and run to the planet of... I strangely forgot the planet... anyway... but while I was sleeping, I had this calling from a great spirit... it was a girl, she told me of dangerous forces and that I was meant to help find and fight alongside the Lost Child, she never told me her name... all I knew was that I had a purpose, when I woke up, my lover gave me the news about the Order destroyed, I knew that it was my opportunity to go into hiding but my lover, they couldn't come with me because if they were to be frozen unborn, then the rate of their survival would decrease incredibly... that was why I told her to go into hiding until I returned, I made her that promise and I intend to keep my word... I left my lover and my child behind and travelled to the planet where I could freely be frozen in time... it took me 15 years just to return and much has changed but the side effects that I'm aware was that... my life span would go worse but nonetheless, I chose to be patient. The last thing I left for my child before leaving was my amulet, It would be a symbol of who I was... I should have accepted my fate 15 years ago but... I wanted to spend time with the child I was never there for and I was willing to wait for even a hundred years... I wonder if they ever forgot about me."

A blue beam of light came washing from planet to planet until coming into contact with the ship, "we're under attack! By... water?! I understand... I thought it was extinct." It rigorously attacked until it broke open the ship and came into contact with Azriel, the tattoos embedded on Azriel started to glow blue, as he stood up, he felt healthy but it wasnt going to help the others since they were going to die breathless, Azriel created a bubble around the ship, Cal and Erin breathed aggressively while Macro and Erika were barely breathing, "what... just... happened?!" Erin fainted after asking that question. "Whatever it was... it was coming for Azriel... it could have killed us!" Azriel ditched his shaman clothing and showed the tattoos that were glowing.
"What... in the actual... Ass... is that?!" Cal pointed at one of Azriel's tattoo that was embedded on the chest, "this is shaman word for the way of patience..." Azriel controlled the water and instructed it to take it to somewhere in which they could have a chance to repair it. The bubble took them to a small farm that was familiar to Azriel, "it's my home... it brought me back to my home!" As the bubble gently brought the ship down, it exploded, splashing towards the plants that were growing, Azriel jumped out of the ship and screamed with happiness, "it's been so long... and yet... so little..." Azriel looked at all the details in the farm and was amazed to how it was extravagant. The others looked Azriel with some sort of frustration but their expressions changed when Azriel was attacked, "Go away intruders or..." The figure showed himself to be a 15 year old boy, he saw the man he attacked and realised that he looked similar to him.
