Chapter 7:


The Equipoise

As big as a football stadium, that’s about how big the training hangar is. And the sparring ground takes up most of it. Alanka could see the rest of her class on the balcony as she stepped into the ground.

“Are you ready?” asked Asih who was standing just outside.

Alanka nodded. She gripped the tilt of her sword tightly while she shifted her gaze to her opponent. Dianka, Karangka, Kertanegara, and a young man named Cakra are going up against him, and they’re all wearing the same exact exoskeletons that he was wearing.

“I repeat!” reminded Asih. “This is just a mock battle. While I want to see you fight to the fullest, maiming and the like are forbidden! Other than that, you can do whatever you like. So… Do your best!”

Alanka gripped her sword even tighter. She could feel it, all her muscles tightening. Her palms were covered in cold sweat. Her feet felt like they were floating, as if the ground she was standing would collapse if she took a step. It was simply impossible to focus on her opponent, knowing that she was as oblivious as a newborn.

Fortunately, for some time they just stared at each other.

“Instructor!” shouted Karangka.

“No need to shout. I could hear you loud and clear.”

“A-Ah, sorry. I got too excited.”

Asih sighed. “If you had question, go ahead!”

“When the fight starts?”

“Hm? It has already started.”

Not just Karangka, but everyone looked surprised. Even Alanka could feel her eyes widen in shock.

“W-When is that!?”

“Just as I said, do your best. Didn’t any of you hear that?”

“How did I know that it would be the sign to start!”

As shocking as it was, what happened somehow made her a little calmer. While waiting for the signal from Asih who was now scolding Karangka for her explosive behavior, she took advantage of it to watch her opponents.

Starting with Karangka. Like her explosive demeanour, her weapon of choice was a hand axe with a beak on the other side. At a quick glance, there was nothing special about the hand axe. With a limited range she could handle her if she just kept—

In a split second, she was already within her attack range. She noticed it, a grin on Karangka’s face as she swung her axe from above. Alanka instinctively tried to dodge and swung her sword in the opposite direction. Yet, as if she knew it already, Karangka grabbed her wrists and stopped it. Knowing that it only slightly alter her fate, she tried to step backwards. At least now she could avoid being crippled and come out with only broken bones. She gritted her teeth and braced for the impact.

But nothing.

Her body simply stopped, as did the hand axe.

“What happened?” Asked Karangka while trying to swing her hand, looking irritated.

“It’s that suits safety system,” answered Asih.

“What safety!?”

“One of several features of that suits. It will stop any movement that deemed to cause harm to others, even the slightest harm.”

“Wha—Then how do we determine the victor!?”

“Simple. I’ll decide.” Asih’s attention was quickly drawn to Alanka. “She got you for good, didn’t she?”

Alanka nodded. For good? She dominated her.

“One more time,” said her.

Asih looked at the other four. “What about you four?”

“One more time,” said Karangka.

Dianka and Kertanegara nodded silently. Both looked disappointed more than anything else, unlike Cakra who seemed shocked and had yet to give his answer.

“Cakra!” shouted Asih.


“What about you?”

Cakra frowned. “If I can be honest, I was totally surprised. From her stance to the energy she puts into every step, Karangka should be able to move even faster than that. Like a lot faster. And… she looks so cool! Dashing that fast! Quick to subdue Alanka! And she would have precisely cut Alanka clean if that suit hadn’t stopped her.”

Everyone was silent as they stared at Cakra.

“And for Alanka,” he continued. “As a first impression, she was more like someone who was not used to fighting. A first-timer. And I won’t lose to a first timer.”

Asih sighed her laughter. “I didn’t ask your opinion about the fight.”

“I-Is that so? …Sorry.”

“I’m not asking for your apology, but your answer!”

“E-Eh!? What an—”

“Your answer!”


“Good.” Asih looked back at Alanka. “Whenever you are ready, the fight will resume.”

Alanka breathed out, trying to calm her muscles. “I’m ready.”

Again, in a matter of seconds, Karangka plunged herself forward. She was much faster than before. But this time she was ready. As soon as she saw Karangka swing her hand, she used her left wrist as cushion for her sword, ready to withstand the impact of the hand axe.

But this time Karangka did not immediately followed her attack with a slash like before. As quickly as she plunged forward, she stopped. With swift motions between her right and left foot, she leapt to the side and creating a spinning motion. Alanka could have slashed at him, but the distance was too close and her sword position did not allow her to make a thrust.

But this time she had an opening. She simply needed to step to the left, she would completely dodge the attack without a scratch. Just one or two simple steps and she would have the chance to counterattack.

In that moment, she realised it, a feral grin graced Karangka’s face. She could feel something blocking her feet. And the next thing she knew she was lying on the ground, staring up at the high ceiling of the hangar.

“Did you see that, Cakra!?” Karangka shouted full of pride. “But that’s not my full power! I can go even faster than this!”

“Really? Can you show me?” Cakra replied in a made-up tone as if he was interested.

“Depends. But I don’t think we’re allowed to use our designated suits.”

“In other words, you can’t go any faster without the help of your special suit.” This time, it was Cakra who looked prouder. “Then I’m faster than you.”

Karangka laughed. “How about we tested it?”

“Although I love the enthusiasm that you two are putting out, we still have other things to do,” Asih interrupted then shouted. “Maidengard!”

When her old title was called, Alanka stood back up. She could feel her muscles, they remembered how she used to move, how she responded in a fight, but none of them could help her. None of them move the way she wanted them to.

Did her muscles really remember all that? Or was it just a reaction from seeing someone with the same face as her that capable of such incredible movements? Then what about the tingles she felt? Is it real or just an illusion?

During her time in the hospital, she never did anything that trained her muscles to do this, only rehabilitation to help her recover. She had only ever seen the documents or files given to her by Doctor Lika, to prepare her for her return to a social life. Of course she thought of going back to school or at least dropping by the school that used to fulfil her daily life, but she never thought of picking up a sword. She never thought of wearing an exoskeleton suit. She never thought of standing on the sparring ground. She never thought of competing with others. And she never realised how disgraceful she was.

“Excuse?” Asih asked. She only looked at her for a brief moment before her attention returned to Karangka and Cakra.


“Then you can rest by the side. We still have to—.”

“One more time.”

She turned her back, looking directly at Alanka. A word was about to come out of her mouth but she swallowed it back. “It’s a disgrace and an injustice to the title you hold.”

“One more.”

“…Suits yourself.”

She could not feel the change in expression on her face, but she could feel what was inside her. And she wanted it. She craving for it. “One more.”

They were no longer interested in her but those words caught their attention.

“Are you sure?” Dianka asked.

Alanka nodded.

She looked at the others. Kertanegara, as did Cakra, remained silent and devoted all their attention to her. Whereas Karangka giving her back a look and shrugged.

“Then one more time.”

“Thank you.”

“Just say it whenever you’re ready.”

Alanka looked down at the sword in her hand. What should she do? What would Alanka have done if she were in her shoes right now? No, she could not rely on her memories, but there was nothing she could do. She could not suddenly match, not even replicate what the old Alanka had built up over the years. Then what could she rely on? Rely on… Rely? But why should she rely? Who should she rely on? Why should she rely on? Why did that word keep popping up in her head? Why rely!?

Alanka fell silent. Both of her hands grasped the hilt of her sword tightly, then raised it above her head. She moved her left foot forwards and planted her right foot on the back. She looked at them simultaneously then…


Karangka looked at Alanka as she twirled the axe she was holding and then stopped. As soon as that grin appeared, she lunged forward. Just like before, she tried to find an opening and build her attack from there. Which one should she tear apart this time. The throat? Or the stomach? Or maybe she could play a little more like before? So many choices from so many openings, but she needs to choose. But which one? Which one should she—

Suddenly Karangka crashed to the ground. She quickly used her axe to break herself from tumbling and then looked back into Alanka’s eyes. No, there must be a mistake! The eyes she looked into were vacant, staring at him blankly. There was no trace left in those eyes, yet she still could feel it. She felt it and the cold sweat that flooded her face…

She was terrified.