Chapter 63:

The Zypher: The Four Season Finale (2/5)

The Zypher: The Four Season

"my,  my,  I expected better from the lost child but I have been told lies, no matter! TAKE THIS!!" he threw Cal high in the sky and watched as he came falling from the sky,  "haha haha haha!!! This is child's play!! Come... One of you has to be better than this sorry excuse." Macro and Erin stood up and attacked Radneg,  he dodged most of their attacks and they were both beginning to lose their energy,  "tsk tsk tsk,  I'm still not satisfied." he grabbed Macro and Erin and threw them on top of Cal,  "I'm bored... Forget the doctor and the Shaman,  you three aren't that great... Unlike the Order... They were greedy." Erika and Azriel stood up and asked what he was talking about, "oh but of course... You three have had your memories lost while you two... You weren't active with them so you haven't got the faintest clue of how the Order killed their own,  just so they could get the answer to the everlasting power of the Myst. Still, they died in a blaze of glory and deliciously as well."

"wait... You're telling me that my master,  Azzam Jharothapal betrayed the Order?" Radnag replied,  "well it wasn't just him, grandmaster Wu was a part of it, Zthen was too and then there was that fox warrior... Not Fennik, his sister Felacia... Man, these four were willing to eliminate the children just so they could ascend as gods... They were the founding fathers and their purpose was to find the Lost Child... They were close to succession but then came Rekxzan, Bertha, Echo, and Reeve, they killed Azzam, and Felacia, but Wu and Zhen managed to escape... It was sad to hear that the fox was willing to kill her brother just to be a god." they all looked stunned, and they started to realise that the memories that they were given were built by lies and that they saw no value in rebuilding let alone helping Cal, they didn't know why... But all they knew was that they were fed with lies. "ah come on you guys! Don't be so negative! Come on... Someone at least come and attack me..." Cal came flying to Radneg and directly ripped into his stomach as he did to Attic, he started to vomit blood and his eyes were covered by his blood, "Finally!!! You show me..." Cal punched him in the face, leaving a scar, "you..." Cal didn't give him time to talk as he continuously beat Radneg until he was choking for his life, he ripped out a tentacle and threw Cal away from him, "you're ... Crazy... This energy shouldn't be used on me... (coughs blood) it should be used on the Purgists... I'm... Looking forward ... To seeing you again." he left at tremendous speed, Cal looked around at the others and saw how Erika and Erin were shocked to learn the truth, he tried to approach them, "don't come near us..." he stopped walking towards them. "I can't believe it... Everything that I have done to help stop this Myst beast and rebuild the Order but the truth was that... It was built on lies... There's no point in tagging along... We're leaving." Cal begged them not to leave, "Cal open your eye!!"

"look at us, everything that we knew, everything that we thought we knew about the Order was built on lies!!! We are better off dying knowing that what we did was pointless from the start!!" the glowed markings on Erika and Erin started to fade, "they're right..." Cal looked at Azriel, "I have served the Order for 10 years and never in my life did I not realise this... I helped them in this endeavour... And this is a mistake that I would rather die for than help worsen." Cal looked at Macro but he had already entered the ship, "I'm sorry Cal... But it's not worth the damage we have helped cause." Erin, Erika and Azriel entered the ship, waiting for Cal to enter but he refused, "no! I'm not a quitter... So what if the Order was a lie... We all didn't know about this... It's not our fault... It's the one that truly caused it... I'm not going to give up!!! You all have superpowers but what about me?! I want to be special like all of you... But now you act like nothing was meant to be... I don't what you all say... I'm staying here." Cal turned around sat down and closed his legs, Cal turned to watch as they left him all by himself...
