Chapter 3:

Chapter 3 - A new guest

Living on B-612

I don't remember how many days have passed since he left. It's not like I would have known anyway. My young companion did not need anything to measure the passage of time: he just knew what he had to do in order to make sure that our home was clean and healthy. I thought those were just some excuses to keep himself busy as there was not much to do here. How silly of me...

Without his care, the planet started to show changes as well: the poppies were sleeping more often as he wasn't there to talk to them, some baobabs started to poke holes into the shell of the planet, and I think I heard one of the volcanoes rumbling. I couldn't see those events up close, but I could feel them in my roots.

I wish I could do something about it, but I am just a flower in a glass in a glass globe. I could only look at the stars and hope things will turn out for the better. I am not expecting him to come back. It was my own absurd demands and lies that made him leave this planet in the first place. That's why I have to support his journey to happiness no matter how dangerous this place might be in the future. I am a flower blessed with four reliable claws. I can handle this situation on my own.

As I was finishing these encouraging thoughts, I heard some knocks on my glass globe. I looked down and saw a caterpillar hitting my screen. It was a chubby one and her hits were making a pretty unsettling sound. I had to talk to her.

- Hello! 

- Hi! said the caterpillar cheerfully

- I don't want to sound rude but what are you doing with my glass screen? 

- Oh, is it yours? I thought that you were trapped in here and I was trying to help you out.

- But I wasn't in any danger.

- Really? It didn't look like that to me.

- What do you mean by that?

- You had such a miserable look on your face that I thought you were suffocating under this globe.

- Actually, I chose to be put in this glass screen. No one trapped me in here.

- Huh? That is strange, said the caterpillar in a bewildered tone. A rose who prefers to stay locked under a glass globe instead of enjoying the fresh air. Why would you do that? Plants need air in order to resist longer.

- Because the wind drafts might blow me and my petals away. 

The caterpillar started to giggle and raise her bushy eyebrows. What a rude reaction to my valid concerns!

- What is so funny? I indignantly asked her.

-Because there are no wind drafts here. It's just some nice breezes. They can't hurt you because if they did, those poppies would have been long gone.

- Ah... I see

- You seem troubled. said the caterpillar with a cheeky green on her face.  Is it because I said something that offended you or was the fact that I was right?

- How dare you!? From the place I came from the winds were quite dangerous.

- Oh, and where is this place exactly? Is it far from this planet? Is it close? Please, tell me more about it. You really piqued my interest.

-Um... I don't know exactly to be honest. It has been so long since I came on this planet that I can't remember the details quite well.

- That's true, but you must remember something, right? You were born in the core of that planet so you must know something about it.

- Why are you putting so many questions? You are getting a bit exhausting.

- Because you are not answering them. You just make up excuses. Was your home planet such a bad place that you don't want to remember it or there is no such spot?

- Uh... I

- What happened? Cat got your tongue?

I couldn't say anything in that moment. My mind was blank. This creature figured out my lie immediately and no matter what I will say I will look even more ridiculous than I am. I think it's best to just let this caterpillar have her laugh. I deserve that for trying to trick her like I did to him.

What happened next was unexpected: the caterpillar didn't laugh at all. She was just looking at me and giving me a warm smile. What was going on? This is a strange insect.

- Why are you not laughing at me? How come you are not mocking me by now?

- Because I don't see a reason to make fun of such a lonely and sad plant.

- I am not lonely! I have a kind friend who takes care of me and listens to my stories without looking down on me. He is someone who loves me the way I am. 

- And where is he now? I don't see this him right now. 

- He is not on this planet anymore. He left... because of me.

That was the last straw for me. I couldn't hold my tears anymore. Who cares if this hairy creature mocks me? It is what I earned for my awful behavior towards the Little Prince. It's only logical for this insect to want to leave my side too.

The caterpillar hasn't moved from the globe. She was just staying there offering me a sad smile. Why?

- Hey, I am sorry for being mean to you earlier. I went a bit too far with my questions. I have the habit of finding the truth even if that means hurting others. I should really work on my tact, huh?

- It's alright. You didn't do anything wrong. I was the one who lied to you. Well.., for the most part, at least.

- So the part about your friend was true?


- If it's fine with you, can you tell me more about him?

- Of course.