Chapter 6:

Chapter 6 - The boy's return

Living on B-612

A couple of days have passed since the caterpillar left to eat the tiny baobabs. She surely took her time to have her meal. It's only natural as her tummy made quite ruckus. I am sure she will come back after she is done eating. Perhaps she will return as a butterfly.

More days have passed and no sign of the caterpillar. That's strange. She should have been back by now. What happened to her? No, I shouldn't jump to conclusions like that. I am sure the caterpillar will be fine. This is a pretty small planet after all. My Little Prince could travel this planet in one day. Wait, but the caterpillar is smaller than my prince. It will take her longer to come back if she hasn't transformed into a butterfly yet. Yes, that must be it.

Suddenly, a terrifying grumble was heard from a distance. It must have been the little active volcano. He must be really upset by the absence of my human companion. I understand how he is feeling: I miss him too.

I hope he found the happiness he deserves. I know  I should be contented, but I can't help feeling a little sad. I suppose it will take a while until I will get used to his absence.

As I was dealing with these thoughts, I heard footsteps coming in my direction. It can't be him, right?

But before I could think of something else. He was already next to my glass globe holding a box with holes while the caterpillar-turned-butterfly was staying on his shoulder. He hasn't changed at all: he looked just like the day he has left. It's like he has never been away.

He smiled softly and said:

- I am back, my flower. And I brought  a friend  into our home! It's a tiny sheep! A grown-up with a plane drew it for me! he said while opening the lid of the box.

- That's the smallest  sheep I ever seen in my life! said the butterfly.

I was so glad that my Little Prince  has returned that I barely noticed the tiny sheep from the box. With a relieved smile I uttered:

- Welcome home!