Chapter 10:

Home sweet Home?

I Planted a Girlfriend

Sakura trudges through the mud-flooded field, her bare feet caked in sludge. Rain continues to beat incessantly against her, and she shivers as the howling wind batters her body.

She is not dressed for such weather.

As strong as she is, Sakura’s affinity is with plants, not water. Even the sturdiest tree can be blown off its roots during a particularly violent storm. Vaguely, she remembers Minato mentioning a typhoon.

Who cares what that idiot says?

Biting her lip, Sakura bitterly braves the elements, not caring that her dress is ruined, not caring that her feet hurt, and not caring that she is as cold as an iceberg.

She barely registers the curious stares of pedestrians scurrying for shelter. No doubt they are wondering why she is heading in the opposite direction, or why she is running toward a wide, open field when there is an incoming typhoon.

She ignores them. Her mind is a mess at the moment. Her cheeks are wet, not just from the storm but also from glistening tears.

I thought I finally found a place I could truly call my home.

Sakura recalls the period of time when she was on the run. The period of uncertainty right after she had fled the castle and before she was welcomed by the villagers. Those times were stained with dark, depressing thoughts too. Her father had abandoned her and sold her off to another kingdom, forcing her to marry someone she didn’t want to marry.

It was back then when she felt an acute sense of loneliness.

Nobody cares about me. The world doesn’t need me. I have no place to go.

For a brief, wonderful moment, she had believed that she has finally found a place she belonged to. However, Sayori’s face flashes in her mind, her smiling features and bright personality.

And Minato’s expression whenever he looks at her. His eyes full of affection and longing.

If they get together…there will be no place for me. I’ll be cast out into the streets again, left to fend for myself.

She hugs herself as she slows to a trudge, sobbing miserably.

Why can’t things go my way for once? I just want…a home. Someone to welcome me whenever I return.

Minato greeting her with a smile when she comes home.

Then she sees herself being replaced by Sayori in her vision. Sayori coming home to Minato. The two of them laughing as they prepare dinner together. Maybe they even have kids, the children bantering boisterously as they wait at the dining table. Granny Haru complaining good-naturedly about being forced to babysit them while their parents are at work.

But there is no place for Sakura. No space for her in a happy family.

I’m not even of this world. It’s only natural that Minato will discard me sooner or later.

Sakura stops in the middle of the field and drops to her knees. She looks up at the roaring heavens, watching lightning flash and snake across the dark skies, and listening to thunder bellow. Tears continue to stream down her face, mixing with the rain that splatters all over her.

Where can I go?

She closes her eyes and waits for the typhoon to claim her.


Something nags at her from the corner of her mind. A familiar sound, repeating itself.

“…kura! Hey!”

She opens her eyes and blinks the moisture away. A heavy sheet of rain cascades over her, obscuring her vision, and the growling thunder makes it difficult for her to discern the direction from which the sound is coming from.

Not just a sound. A voice. A familiar voice.

“Sakura! Can you hear me?! Are you alright?!”

Finally, the voice is close enough. Sakura turns and catches sight of Minato sprinting toward her, an umbrella in hand. Against a storm of such magnitude, it affords little protection and even Minato is drenched. In the end, he gives up and let's go, allowing the umbrella to tumble away in the wind.

“What are you doing here?”

“Why are you here?” She whispers, not daring to trust her eyes. For a crazy second, she wonders if he will disappear when she blinks.

Unfortunately, the rain is making it impossible for her to keep them open for long. Fortunately, Minato remains in front of her, a physical and tangible presence.

“Come on, let’s go home.”

“…is there a place for me?”

“What are you talking about? There’s always a place for you.”

Sakura realizes just how dumb she sounds, especially when she sees Minato’s bewildered features. She accepts his hand and allows him to pull her up. Normally, she is stronger than him, but for once – just for once – she wants to be pampered.

“You came for me.”

“Of course I would, idiot. Who wouldn’t run after a girl who runs straight into a typhoon?”

Sakura laughs softly, realizing how reckless she is. And how reckless Minato is, to chase after her. Unlike her, he is an ordinary person, with no control over plants or the other elements. She can survive far more punishment than he can.

She cannot help but be touched.

“You will not…throw me away?”

“Why would I throw you away?”

Sakura hesitates and looks away, clasping her hands anxiously. Even though she thinks it sounds stupid now, she still feels uneasy. Insecure.

“I just thought…if you and Sayori get back together, I will be in the way. That you don’t need me anymore.”

“That’s not true.” Minato takes a deep breath before pulling her into a hug. She feels cold in his embrace, chilled to the bone, but he hopes that the fiery warmth in his heart can reach her. The both of them stand like that in the rain, allowing their physical intimacy to heat them up. “I…I don’t know how to explain it, but you’ve become someone precious to me, Sakura. Both Granny Haru and I rely on you now. We wouldn’t know what to do if you’re gone.”

“…you need me?” Sakura asks in a tiny voice. Minato tightens his hug.

“We 100% do.” He chuckles. “Grandma sent me after you. She wouldn’t do that if she doesn’t treasure you too. You’ve become part of our family.”

His voice catches in his throat, and he hopes that Sakura doesn’t hear it.

“I…will never lose a family member again.”

“Don’t worry.” Sakura touches his arm reassuringly. She doesn’t know why, but she feels at ease in his embrace. Like she belongs there. Part of their family…they think of me as part of their family. She also doesn’t know why, but she senses the crippling fragility underneath Minato’s stubborn façade, and she longs to offer some comfort. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“You had better not.” He laughs. “If I have to chase after you in the middle of the typhoon again, I’ll probably fall sick.”

“I’ll nurse you back to health.”

He lets go of her and sneezes. Wiping his nose, he grins. “I’ll hold you to that promise. Provided you don’t fall sick too, of course.”

“Who do you think you’re talking to? I’m made of sterner stuff than that.”

“Yeah. I know that better than anybody.” He holds her hand and turns back toward the direction of the floral shop. “Let’s go home.”

That simple sentence sparks something in Sakura’s chest, and for the first time in a long time, she feels…joy.

John Lee H. Wu