Chapter 1:

the female skaters first tournament buildup!


“ hey tomiko wassup!”

“ yo reichika!”

I’m Tomiko, your average high school girl, decently popular and I have lots of friends from all over the place but my difference is I’m a skater, so is my friend reichika we’re two peas in a pod we do almost everything together.

But we both love skateboarding, that's why we became friends one day…

“ hey you using this ramp?” she said to me I was not actually using it so I told her

“ oh no I’m sorry it’s too big for me right now” then what sparked our friendship came up.

“Well you want lessons? I can teach you.”

“Huh? You can ,well I’d love to I’m tomiko 16 middle east high school nice to meet you”

“ oh so you accept huh? Well, I’m Rechika, age 16 and also from East high school.”...

“O-oh wow that’s so cool!, we had such a good skater at our school!!!”

And that’s how we met. Of course now I can go down that ramp. but we’re about to enter our first skating contest for the first time. I feel like I can beat all my opponents in skating! Well this is also my first time having oppentes so this is contradictory oh well as they say “don’t sweat the small stuff”

Looking back now the ramp wasn’t even that big it was only 7 ft higher than the average

(the average “ according to google”is 11ft so that’s 18ft)

Me and Rechika meet up everyday before and after school to skate. When she taught me to skate is when the spark of competition lit within me that’s why I’m going to win this competition, the open red tournament. Rumors say It’s called the open red tournament because of how much blood stains the ground there they have… THE ULTIMATE SUPER MEGA RAMP!!! It’s the second tallest in the world at 55ft. All the kids who go down with no helmet go up if you know what I mean. Hahaha.


