Chapter 13:

Delivering The Report

Ludicy - Reaching Out

Daniel couldn't shake off the heavy feeling during the entire trip back. Upon returning to the outpost, the scout got right to writing up a report. The head guard tried to convince him to get some rest first, but he refused. During that time, Daniel was helping with blocking the door. The scout was writing at an incredible pace and with very legible handwriting to boot. Nervous about the full contents of the report, Daniel went to get some protective measures with the head guard. "I never did hear your name, sir. It would be rude of me to keep addressing you as I am now." Daniel spoke. The head guard turned around, as if confused and said his name was Jonah. He chuckled a bit at the thought of Daniel being concerned by such trivial matters. "Now, onto the matter at hand. You will need to protect yourself somehow if and when those things get to your home. Here, take this." he said as he handed Daniel a snubnosed revolver. He continued to tell Daniel about his theory: "It's very likely these things aren't much tougher than healthy humans, so even this ought to do well against them. Besides, I don't think you should have anything more powerful just yet. I doubt you have any gun training so it would also be unsafe. I noticed my guy was making 2 copies of the report. You will take one with you and deliver it to Sarge. He must get the message. With it, he'll be able to decide on the course of action we all should take going forward." After that exchange, there were a few minutes of rest while the scout was writing up the reports. As soon as the reports are done, Daniel takes one and heads off to Parks. He walks at a hurried pace. He feels uneasy when he thinks of Alex and Jean who were left back at the house. It takes him a while to get back to the police station. The sight of the park on the way back sends shivers down his spine when he gets close enough to the gate to smell the stench coming from the bodies he'd found earlier. After a while, he finally gets to the police station. He enters calmly, so as not to look like a child in front of Parks. Parks greets him in a friendly way, but then notices the blood on his clothes: "Son, what is that blood on your clothes? Did something happen while you were with my boys?" Daniel explains that the blood came from the mangled bodies at the park, presenting Parks with the wallet he'd found on the man. "It says here his name was Joseph. I didn't find anything relating to the woman who was next to him" he says. He continues to recall the story about Astrid's husband. Parks goes pale and says: "I'm truly sorry to have made you go through all that-" Daniel cuts him off with: "Sir, there's more. My time with the guards was interesting, to say the least. Here, take a look at this." With that, he hands the report over to Parks.

Ludicy - Reaching Out
