Chapter 9:

A House Visit

The Only Female

"Hello and good day, Mrs. Vakross." said an unknown guy in front of her doorstep. Alice raise an eyebrow at the man. She have no idea who the hell he is, but that doesn't stop him from smiling profusely at her.

"Hello. Can I help you?" Alice ask back. She is looking at the well-dressed man wearing a golden and black sash with wonder. Aware that he's being examined, the man slightly tip his hat and introduces himself to Alice for the first time.

"Yes, maam. My name is Devin Armstrong. This is Melinda Armstrong. We're from the Committee."

"The Committee?"

"Yes, maam. May we come in?"

"Err..." Alice look behind her. Her maid just went out to buy groceries for dinner. The gardener is at back doing some trimming job. And as for Karl, that guy has been gone for hours. Alice have no idea where's he at, but one is sure - he won't be coming home soon.

"Sure, come in." she said. Despite being at home alone, Alice didn't perceive both of them as a threat. The two guest entered her home in a hurry before closing the door behind them. Then, they quickly turned their attention back to Alice.

"Is this a bad time? We hope we're not interrupting you on anything." Devin continues with a smiling face. Alice shakes her head.

"No, I was just about to have some tea all by myself. Please, come and join me in the library." Alice said. She is all nervous inside, but act like she's fine. Devin and Melinda momentarily look at each other before following Alice. As soon as they entered the library, Devin waste no time to inspect everything and let out his thoughts out loud.

"Oh, what a quaint little library you got going here. You know, I would love to have a library like this one at home, but my wife here doesn't seem to like that idea very much. Too rustic, she says. Isn't that right, honey?" he comment.

Alice turn her head and look at Melinda.  She doesn't look too happy with her husband little remarks. But, she notice Alice is looking at her, so she quietly soften her look.

"May we sit down? We haven't had any break ever since the meeting adjourned." she ask Alice politely. Alice nods and usher Melinda to her seat. Melinda thanked her and quietly encouraged her husband to do the same. 

"We're really sorry for bothering you like this, maam. We know how busy the occupants can get on days like this. But, it had come to our attention that something is out of the order within Vakross-Fredricka threshold. Is that right, dear?" Devin said before turned at his wife.

Melinda nods her head apologetically. The woman can look menacing, yet sympathetic at the same time. Alice doesn't quite know what to make of her.

"Yes, I'm afraid my husband is right. Something is the matter, Mrs. Vakross. We're both sent here in order to fix the problem." she added. 

Alice wetted her lips and show an awkward smile. 

"I'm sorry, but I not sure what you're both meant. Perhaps, you could tell me what this is all about?" Alice asked innocently. Devin and Melinda look at each other. Melinda take a deep breath before continuing;

"I'm sure you're well-aware a person by the name of 'Mandy Abermore', do you?"

"Yes. She was my governess."

"Yes, we know. She been working with you for more than a decade. Recently, we couldn't locate her whereabouts. Have the two of you been in touch lately?" Melinda ask carefully. 

'So, they're here to ask about Mandy, I see.' Alice thinks to herself. She take a deep gulp down her throat before answering, "No. I' haven't seen her." she replied curtly. 

Melinda left a little sighs, "I was afraid you might say that. Perhaps you should think again, Mrs. Vakross. How you seen Mandy Abermore recently?"

"I already told you... No. She disappeared about a week before my wedding to Karl. I have no idea where she is now. She didn't left me a letter or anything. She just... borrowing your words - simply disappeared."

"So, we heard. And did this governess of yours take away anything from your former home? A book, an artifact... Anything of the sort?"


"Are you sure, Mrs. Vakross?"

"Yes, I'm sure. If anything, you should know better than I do. Isn't that what you guys good at?"

"I'm not sure what you mean, Mrs. Vakross." Melinda replied innocently. Alice crossed her arms and show a little smirks.

"Really? You wanna play dumb with me now?  Do you think I have forgotten about those ridiculous daily schedules centered around me? How am I not allowed to have any friends while growing up for fear I might get abducted? Oh, and what about that time not letting me out of my own house or go to school just like everyone else? Does that ring any bells?"

"I see you have several complaints about the way the committee decides raise you. I may not be in all the decision-making meeting, but I can assure you - everything we've done, is for your best interest. Still, as a contributing occupants in this community, I shall take this complaint on the next committee meeting. In a meantime, let's talk about your missing governess, shall we?"

"I'm not sure what more can I tell you both. One minute Mandy is there, and then she's just gone, you know?"

"Really? Then, why do I have a feeling that you're not telling me the truth?"


Before she could even answer, Alice is saved by the bell. She quickly walked passed Devin and Melinda. Without looking at the intercom, she opens the door and shocked to find a tall, gangly boy standing in front of her porch.

"Why, hello, there. Are you Alice? Alice Vakross?"

"Yes, I am... And you are?"

"Oh, I'm Thomas." the boy with a shy smile. Alice blink at him a couple of times.

"I'm sorry... But,  Thomas... who?"

"Oh, my mistake. I should've introduced myself first. I'm Thomas D. I'm Karl's friend?"

"Karl's have a friend?" Alice asks dumbly. The boy nodded. Alice wasn't sure if she could believe that. It doesn't have anything to do with the boy, but more on Karl. With his manners and the way that guy carries himself around, it's a surprise to her if Karl have any friends at all.

"You look like you don't believe me. Here, let me show you something." the boy named Thomas pulled out his phone out from his jacket. He open something on his screen and later show it to Alice.

It's the picture of him and Karl at school. They seem awfully friendly and close. Perhaps this boy is telling the truth after all. Alice closed the door behind her and crossed her arms.

"Alright, if you're Karl's friend... Then, where's Karl? Why isn't he with you?"

"Karl's is at the library. He's studying for the next exam."

"If he's there, then why are you here?" 

"Oh, I noticed the car. I thought you might need my help."

"Really? And what make you think that?"

"Well, I know whose car it is. Is the Committee rep inside with you?" Thomas ask. Alice looks nervous. After a while, she nodded.

"Yes. They just want to ask me about a couple of things, that's all." she replied. Thomas silently shake his head.

"No... I don't believe that's what they're doing."

"What do you mean?"

"Isn't it obvious? A Committee coming to an occupant home is never a good thing."

"And why is that?"

"To put it in a nutshell, they're either investigating or shall detain you for further investigation." Thomas whispered. 

Alice let out a frown, "Really? That can't be good." Alice whispered back.

"Indeed. Why is why I'm asking you now - do you need my help?"

"Ss....sure. Although I'm not sure what you can do for me." Alice replied. Thomas D hold out both of his hands as if he's offended.

"Allow me, maam. Just stand and watch." he said. A few seconds later, he enters Alice's home and screams...

"Karl!!! Are you in here, buddy???" he suddenly shout out. Devin and Melinda come out from the library and look at him. Thomas smiles at them.

"Why hello Uncle D and Auntie M."

"Thomas D. What the hell are you doing here?" Melinda ask back while crossing her arms. She doesn't look happy to see the boy face either. Something tells Alice that they might've been acquainted in the past.

"Nothing, Auntie M. I was just strolling around and notice your car outside in front of my friend house. Naturally, I have to. What are you two doing here?"

"Committee business. As usual, none of your concern." she replied tartly. Thomas turned to look at Alice and smiles. 

"Really? Oh, how nice is this? You and uncle D together again. Just like the old times." Thomas commented. Melinda give him a sharp look.

"Careful boy. I may be your aunt, but that wouldn't stopped me from holding you out responsible for interrupting with a committee official investigation."

"Official investigation. Oh my, my... Did you hear that Alice?" Thomas ask. Alice nodded. He then turned his attention back to Alice's uninvited guest.

"Bet they didn't tell you that earlier before you invited them in, did they?"

"No, I don't think I recall them saying anything like that."

"Haha, classic Committee Investigation. They act nice first until they can gain your trust, and then when you least expecting - they fucking strike! Believe me, I seen it before. Isn't that right, Aunt M?"

" We simply ask Mrs. Vakross aboout her missing governess. So far, no harm done."

"Yet. But, in case you have forgotten - The Vakrosses and Fredricka's have their own lawyers. If you want some information, then may suggest you go through them first?"

"Learning from the past mistake, aren't we?"

"Well, you know what they say... Experience is truly the best teacher. Now, look at me. I'm the advocate for social justice around Ventaga. Ironic, isn't?"

"We shall see how long that façade shall last. Come on, D. We're done here."

"Yes, dear." Devin replied. He's sweating profusely. Melinda walk out from the door first, before her husband follow after. But, before he leaves - he turned to Alice and said;

"They're on to you now. Please take care now. Send my regards to Karl, alright." he said. Then, the front door closes. And just like that - the official visit from the Committee is over.

-End of Chapter 9-