Chapter 3:

Daxton Verses Kuroda!

Saved By The Bell!

(As class was continuing for the school, paper balls was once again being thrown at Daxton which he did not bother turning around or letting it interrupt him as the teacher continued to lecture about today's session. As Daxton continued to give focus to the teacher, he then grabs one of the paper balls out of the air and begins to write on the back after ignoring a message on the front which was for him.)

"Teacher: Mr. Hunter, what is the accurate time limit to a UFC match??"

(Daxton then answered quickly without screaming his answer.)

"Daxton: Fifteen to twenty five minutes."
"Teacher: Excellent!"

(As the teacher wrote the answer down, Daxton continued to take notes on the balled up piece of paper that was thrown at him. Before class ended, the teacher had an important announcement which the class was prepared to listen to.)

"Teacher: Before you all leave, its about that time of the year everyone. Upcoming is the annual Cross-School Fight Festival."

(Students was then intrigued as Daxton listened in to hear more.)

"Teacher: The Cross-School Fight Festival is an on-campus event where three of our competing academies will have their representatives battle one another for the medal of combat. This will not only allow you to excel past your first year, this will allow you opportunities to fight for other academies outside of Japan. So to choose a school representative, you all will have until the end of the weekend to decide who will be representing Kyudenki Academy in the festival. Once you've all selected the leading classmate, turn it into me and I will confirm it. That's all, have a good weekend and I will see you all Monday. Do keep in mind that the festival begins Thursday evening, right after school."

(As school was then let out for the weekend, Daxton was then eating a late lunch in the cafeteria by himself as Kin Yoshimura was then sitting one seat across from Daxton as he ate his lunch but then paused after seconds of silence has passed while noticing Kin did not leave him be.)

"Daxton: Can I help you?"
"Kin: Hunter, I would like for you to represent Kyudenki Academy."
"Daxton: Is there a reason why a freshman of all other classmates?"
"Kin: Tashiro declined and the student counsel cannot participate in this festival if our wins are over fifty. That leaves you as a potential representor for Kyudenki."
"Daxton: Before I give an answer, am I really the final option?"
"Kin: As we speak, the rest of the student counsel are searching the school records for any kind of recommended student with a perfect degree in combat arts. According to your personal record, you've taken kickboxing classes and graduated as the second top disciple. Not to try and barge into your life more as well, but there was a strange file about your elementary years."
"Daxton: You wish to know what happened back then?"
"Kin: It would solve my curiosity."
"Daxton: ...How exactly can I trust you?"
"Kin: As a honorable member to the student counsel and your classmate, I go by my own words of a promise, regardless of what I am told."
"Daxton: ..... For the sake of time, I will not tell you what happened.. Now, that is. After this festival, I'll gladly tell you whatever you wish to know."

(Daxton then places the empty tray on the tray rack and walks towards the exit but stops.)

"But I will warn you. My past explains the reason why I fight and will never. Trust. Anyone. Again."

(As Daxton then went home without Senri and was then taking the bus home, he then stops by a convivence store and pays for three bottles of water and a melon bread then walks home again but noticed the same Bugatti Chiron from school park right next to him. As the window was rolled down, Tashiro Gonkuro was revealed driving the Bugatti and talks to Daxton.)

"Tashiro: Hey, Hunter! Need a lift?"
"Daxton: Hm? I guess so."
"Tashiro: Hop in! I'll get ya home."

(As Daxton then goes inside Tashiro's car and drives him home, Tashiro began to ask Daxton a question to end the silence.)

"Little question. How often do you fight? What made you want to beat the shit out of everyone you fight? I can tell just by your attacks you're forcing a heavy amount of damage into them, you can tell me."
"Daxton: Anyone I see in the ring is just another toy to me. Fun to play with, boring when they break in front of me."
"Tashiro: We think alike. I give my opponents several seconds of mercy before I beat the shit out of them, sometimes for the teasing I give them one easy hit on me before I let loose."
"Daxton: Alike? I don't consider us.. "alike."
"Tashiro: Then coincidence?"
"Daxton: Much better than alike."
"Tashiro: Hmm, what's it gonna take for you to open up?"
"Daxton: Me going home and getting sleep."
"Tashiro: ...Seriously?"
"Daxton: No. I don't open up to anyone, friend or not."
"Tashiro: So if I asked you about your past, that's not happening?"
"Daxton: That is out of the question. I wouldn't mind telling individuals why I fight and turned into an outcast, but I only leave them with the warning that it's what changed my perspective on humans and the way they are."
"Tashiro: I won't pressure you if you won't tell it."

(A police siren was then heard as Tashiro sighed and pulled over to the side of the road. As the officer walked towards the car, he then leaned on the Bugatti's door and interrogates Tashiro.)

"Officer: Well well, Mr. Gonkuro.. Undefeated MMA Lightweight Champion."
"Tashiro: Can I help you officer?"
"Officer: Oh nothing except.. FREEZE!"

(The officer quickly pulled out a banana for a joke which Tashiro laughed but did not flinch.)

"Tashiro: Almost got me there!"
"Officer: Aw man! Well, next time really!"

(Tashiro and the officer then had a long talk while Daxton was sleeping with his eyes open the entire time which they both did not notice. Suddenly, a speeding car zooms over 50 mph as the officer's gun was beeping frantically.)

"Another speed hog.. Take care Tashiro, good talk!"
"Tashiro: You too, go get that hog!"

(The police sirens was then going off as the officer speeds down the street to catch the lawbreaker as Tashiro later on arrives at Daxton's house as he then got out the car without a word as he was silent the entire time.)

"Tashiro: Hey, Hunter!"

(He pauses and did not turn around.)

"Sleep well tonight, alright? I could tell that officer made you uncomfortable."
"Daxton: ...Its one of the reasons why I fight."

(As Daxton went inside the house and Tashiro pulls off, Daxton has locked himself in his room for an hour straight without anything to eat or drink then begins to senselessly beat a boxing bag with heavy kicks, punches, jabs and roundhouses as he was then breathing heavily then forcefully delivers a spinning back kick to the punching bag with enough power for it to break off the hook on the ceiling which revealed a hole in the wall. Daxton then took one look at his drawer then opens it which revealed a lot of his past including broken handcuffs, a used bullet and a prescription for Daxton's anger which he then takes one of the pills quickly and was then relieved. The next morning, Daxton was then walking out of his house as Senri was sleeping on Daxton's front porch which he noticed and wakes him up moments later.)

"Daxton: Senri, wake up."

(Senri then yawns and opens his eyes, seeing Daxton was outside.)

"Daxton: Did you seriously sleep out here?"
"Senri: Yeah.. I did.. But only about.. an hour ago, it's 8:20 now."
"Daxton: Sigh.."
"Senri: You're not mad are you?"
"Daxton: I wouldn't say mad, I just don't understand why you'd have to let me burden you."
"Senri: Burden you?! Hunter, we're friends! I don't even think you're a burden at all!"
"Daxton: ... You lie."
"Senri: You don't have to believe me, but its the honest truth Hunter."

(Daxton then was silent as he then starts walking to school with Senri. After some time has past and they arrived at the school, they'd both see the decorations, stalls, booths and several types of fighting rings being constructed across the campus.)

"Tashiro: Ahh, Good morning Daxton and Senri!"
"Tashiro: Relax young Nakamura, I'm in a very good mood! In just a few days, delinquents, champions and students will all venture from their academies into this one and fight whomever they wish whenever they wish throughout the two weeks of the festival!"
"Daxton: This festival lasts for two weeks?"
"Tashiro: That's right!"
"Kuroda: YOU!"

(Daxton, Senri and Tashiro then takes one look at the academy doors to see Kuroda along with the Student Counsel as they all walked towards the three.)

"Tashiro: Student Counsel and president, Why are you out here?"
"Shinohimi: Well Mr. Gonkuro, we're actually here for business with Mr. Hunter."
"Daxton: Is something wrong?"
"Shinohimi: Oh no no, it's about Kyudenki's representor. Kuroda applied at the final moment but decided to pick the stipulation for a fight against you."
"Daxton: Sigh. Very well."
"Kuroda: We fight right there in that ring, in 30 minutes, in a blindfold!"
"Daxton: Seriously?"
"Senri: Whoa Whoa! Now I think that's a huge abuse in-"

(As Kuroda slapped Senri, he was down on his knee as he was then in pain which then ticked off Daxton for a moment.)

"Daxton: Fine. But you will pay for slapping Senri, that's not cool."
"Kuroda: Aw, go ahead and stand up for your little mutt! You won't do shit!"

(Shinohimi then stands Kuroda down as they then walked off. As time passed, Daxton was then shadow kickboxing in the mirror as he suddenly reminded himself of a flashback in a dark area which forced him to pause for a moment and stare at the mirror. A knock was then heard on the bathroom door as Daxton's fight was about to begin.)

"Senri: Hey, Hunter..? Your match is about to start."

(Daxton then puts on a mouth guard and slams his fists together as he then walks towards the ring where almost the entire school was watching, along with the headmaster and the school's counsels.)

"Niikura: Are you positive about Kuroda fighting him? I would've stepped in!"
"Headmaster: I am positive, let these two square off, Nobukichi. When it's your time, you may have a chance against him."

(Niikura then smiled with glee as Daxton then steps into the ring wearing nothing but kickboxing shorts, no shoes and wearing combat gloves while Kuroda had on combat shoes, a sports bra on while barehanded with tape on her hands. Before the match could begin, Kin Yoshimura stepped into the ring to give the regulations of the fight.)

"Kin: As you all know, a blindfold match involves all individuals blindfolded throughout the match until someone admits defeat! However, there are certain weapons scattered around the ring. For this match, your only purpose of blindfold removal is when the match ends."

(As the rules was set, everyone was then rooting for Daxton to win and retain his undefeated streak while both Daxton and Kuroda puts on their blindfolds. As the bell was then rung, Daxton was taking his time and walked around for his foot to feel a weapon while Kuroda then cheats and moved her blindfold towards Daxton and grabs a machete from the ring's floor and places it back down and stabs the machete through Daxton's right thigh which causes him to lose his balance and fall as the entire audience was booing knowing that Kuroda clearly cheated and the Student Counsel would not do a thing about it.)

"Senri: THAT'S CHEATING!!!!"
"Female Student: CHEATERRR!!!!"

(As cheater chants was heard throughout the academy, a pissed off Tashiro would break his first lighter before he could light his cigar as the Student Counsel was manipulating their power for Kuroda to win the fight. Before Daxton could get back to his feet, Kuroda was taunting the hurt Daxton then swings a metal baseball bat in her hand while Daxton was completely unable to stand then was hit in the back of the head with the bat followed by an echoing ring as booing was still heard throughout the academy while Kuroda was now focused on her "win.")


(As Senri looked in horror at the unconscious Daxton in the ring in a pool of his own blood, his hand began to twitch as he groaned and started to get out of his pool of blood slowly while in severe pain. As Kuroda was still taunting everyone else, she then noticed Daxton was back to his feet which scared her but charges another swing.)

"Daxton (Thinking): I try so hard... to not kill anyone who pisses me off... But now, I'm done being the fucking friendly guy."

(As Kuroda then swings the baseball bat, Daxton then dodges the swing as a huge rushing gush of blood was falling off of Daxton's head. Kuroda then swings again as Daxton then grabs Kuroda's arm and disarms her from the bat then slams her directly onto the mat but on top of a steel pipe which everyone noticed and cheers for Daxton. As they all cheered, Daxton was slowly taking off the blindfold by choice as he realized he gave away the match but did not care.)

"Kuroda: AAGHHH!!"
"Daxton: Get up."

(As Daxton was pissed off, Kuroda quickly got to her feet and fights Daxton in hand to hand combat while taking several heavy body shots as she was revealing several open spots. Daxton then purposely ducks Kuroda's next attack and purposely looks underneath her shorts to catch her off guard which worked.)

"Daxton: Damn, so this is why no guy would ever want to fuck you."

(As Kuroda suddenly noticed, she then slams her fist into the ground as Daxton swiftly avoids the punch then grapples her from behind and delivers an echoing German Suplex while dropping her on the back of her neck. Daxton then grips her hair and forces her on her feet while relentlessly beating the shit out of Kuroda while injured in the head and leg as the defenseless Kuroda was pinned against the corner of the ring with no way of escape and suffers powerful lefts and rights to the face as blood was beginning to splatter all over Daxton's hands while Kuroda's weak left arm was tugging Daxton's uninjured leg which forced him to stop as the entire audience assumed Daxton was going to kill her.)

"Kuroda(Severely pained): ....I-I... q-qu...qui...t.."

(Kuroda's body then collapses to the ground and shivers slowly yet was noticeable while Daxton then passes out as well due to the blood loss from his thigh and head. As the match then ended, both Daxton and Kuroda were both taken to the nearest hospital affiliated with Kyudenki Academy. Time then passes as Daxton then awakens from his bed and found himself hospitalized but bandaged around the back of his head and around his leg.)

"Daxton: ..Damn... The fuck even.. happened..?"
"Tashiro: Well, the match was concluded to a draw. Kuroda clearly cheated, you was disqualified by taking off your blindfold, she was disqualified and Kuroda's now placed on probation for it."
"Daxton: How is she even doing..?"
"Tashiro: Out the gates already? Umm... She can't really chew, eat, talk or even move. While you was busy beating the shit out of Kuroda, you've actually put her in a state where every single part of her body was shivering bad. Shorter words, you basically put her in a coma for days after giving her a near death seizure."
"Daxton: Really? I almost killed her. Good."
"Tashiro: Also, I found these pills in the bathroom, these yours?"

(Daxton realized he did not take one of his pills and reaches for one but flinches due to his painful headache.)

"Tashiro: Relax, I read the instructions and gave you one while you was passed out. Just calm down, that steel bat to the head was actually deadly. It makes no sense that you're even alive right now."
"Daxton: If you train your head enough, your head can withstand even a steel chair."
"Tashiro: Hmm.. Well, that is true. Anyway, the doctors said that you'll have to miss about six weeks of school, while means you'll have to miss out on the event."
"Daxton: Sigh, that's fine."
"Tashiro: Ugh.. I hope you get better Hunter. Senri was really worried about you, poor lad had to go home since he was visiting after hours."
"Daxton: Tell Nakamura... I'm sorry for making him worry."

(Tashiro's eyes then widened a bit as he caught Daxton being considerate about someone else as he then began to leave.)

"Tashiro: Well alright, sleep well kid."

(As Tashiro then left the room, Daxton then lies back down carefully, sighs then goes to sleep.)

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