Chapter 10:

Chapter 9: The Second Day of School

Tifara & David-Season 1

The second day of school arrived and Tifara and her friends entered the school building.

"I'll be dropping off my office referral," Tifara announced.

"Okay," her friends said as they stood near the front office, watching Tifara handing over her office referral.

"Alright, thank you, Tifara. We'll take it from here," the counter lady said, grinning at Tifara. She had short, white hair, wrinkles on her face and wore glasses.

"You're welcome, ma'am." Tifara smiled back and walked towards her friends. "Alright, are you ready to eat some breakfast?"

"Yeah-yuh!" Her friends agreed as they began to head for the cafeteria to eat breakfast.

Tifara held her grip onto her necklace when a few girls gossiped about her and a few boys ogled at Tifara with their cheeks blushed. They even discussed her panty incident. Sam and Dalila were on a lookout for the crowd and chatted with one another, while May tapped her hand onto Tifara's shoulder.

Tifara tightly closed her eyes and put her head down. Her heart beated harder and faster when fear took over her heart. Dear Lord, please help me! She fearfully thought.

"Are you alright, Tifara?" May asked while she stared at her best friend.

Tifara calmly turned to May. "Yea, I'm fine. I'm currently takin' your advice."

"Hmm." May grinned at Tifara. "Good. I'm glad to hear that."

"Oh, and by the way…" Tifara announced while May watched her, tapping onto the couple's shoulders.

"What?" Sam asked when he and his girlfriend turned to Tifara.

"Jus' as you guys know. My parents grounded me due to yesterday from my phone and internet, so I didn't bring my phone with me today. Also, I can only go with you guys at school, Dalila's house or perform some ministry work. That's all."

"And how long will you be grounded for?" Dalila questioned.

"Seven more days," Tifara replied.

"Oh, I see…" May said.

"Well, in that case, you're gonna have to remain close to us until you enter into all of your periods, got it?" Dalila said.

"Mhn," Tifara agreed, shaking her head.

"Good," Sam agreed, turning his head back to the front. "Let's get goin'."

"Right," Dalila said, shaking her head.

Looking around the hall, Tifara saw David leaned against the wall with his earbuds on his ears and scanned his surroundings. But once he saw her walking with her friends, he glared at her with his eyes nearly closed.

She quickly returned to her front and moved her eyes sideways. Alright, jus' ignore David. That scummy asshole. Jus' ignore him and keep goin'. He's seriously not worth your time, girlfriend, she thought.

When Tifara and her friends made it to the cafeteria, they looked around for a moment. Tifara and May spotted Saul and Calpurnia ate breakfast and had a conversation with one another at the same exact table. Okay, now's the time to convince my friends to eat breakfast near Saul and Calpurnia. I really want to know what they're talkin' about here, Tifara thought while she and her friends walked towards the line to get their breakfast.

"Sam, Dalila…" May said as Tifara quickly turned to Sam and Dalila, then May.

"What's up, May?" Dalila asked, turning her head to the right in a one eighty degree angle, aiming her eye at May.

"We should sit next to my Saul and Calpurnia once we get our breakfasts," May suggested.

Tifara put her head down and her shadow covered her forehead and eyes, clenching her fists. "Uh, 'my Saul?!' You're doin' this again with this shit?!"

"Well, of course, Saul's gonna be my Saul. And if anythin', he belongs to me, and only me, got it?!" May closed her eyes and placed her hand onto her chest.

Oooooh! That's it! I'm ready to pummel this dickhead to the ground, if that's all it takes! Tifara angrily thought as she and May growled at one another like dogs getting ready for a fight.

Sam turned around and placed his hands on their shoulders, glaring at them, while students around them and the administrators far away from them curiously watched Tifara and May. "That's enough, you two. Or you'll be in serious trouble."

"Sam's right," Dalila agreed. "The administrators are also watchin' us. I mean, you guys don't want to get in trouble on y'all's second day of school, do ya?"

The moment Tifara and May heard that, they stopped growlin' at one another and returned to their destination. They guiltily looked down below them and placed their hands together. "Sorry 'bout that, y'all."

Sam smiled at them and got his hands off of them. "That's alright." Then he turned around for his destination. "Now let's get goin'." He held Dalila's hand while the students and administrators went back to their businesses.

"Mhn," Tifara, May and Dalila agreed, walking with Sam.

"And because of y'all's rivalry over Saul a few seconds ago, we're definitely not sittin' near Saul and Calpurnia, got that?" Sam said, moving his eyes to the left.

"Ah! But-!" Tifara and May cried, widening their eyes.

Sam expressed his angry face. "I said, 'No!' Dammit. We will not experience shit like that ever again!"

Tifara and May expressed their annoyed faces and leaned their bodies forward. "Fine…"

Aaawe, great! Jus' great! Thanks to this idiot May here, now I'll have to find out if I'll be able to meet Saul again in one of these Elective classes! I mean, we're on Schedule B for Elohim's sake, Tifara angrily thought before she showed off her smile on her face and placed her finger on her chin. However, at least she and Calpurnia won't see Saul again after school today. I'll probably see him in May's neighborhood. Then we'll get to see the store where David goes to.


After Tifara and her friends ate some breakfast and the final bell rung, Tifara and David sat in their assigned seats without even lookin' at each other in Mrs. Kane's classroom. They leaned her heads on the table while their classmates chatted with each other.

"Alright, students. Quiet down! I'm going to take a roll call," Mrs. Kane said, gazing at her students for a moment, then turning to her computer screen.

Once Mrs. Kane finished her roll call, she turned to her students and stood up from her chair. She held several papers in her arm.

"This morning, we will be doing a favorites activity with your partner," Mrs. Kane said, passing out one paper per table while she traveled from table to table. "You will take turns for one favorite each before you both move on to another favorite from start to finish.

"Raise your hand and I will come to pick up your paper. Please write on a separate piece of paper and don't forget to put your names on your paper, as well as staple the paper I gave you and your own separate paper."

Oh, great! Now I'll have to do an activity with David, Tifara angrily thought, closing her eyes, dear Elohim, please give me strength to overcome David's rudeness. She sighed and breathed heavily before she reopened her eyes. David turned his eyes to Tifara and glared at her.

When Tifara and David received their assignment from Mrs. Kane, David opened his binder and pulled out a piece of paper from it;Tifara held onto the assignment and examined it. The assignment was titled What is Your Favorite…? It appeared to be a board game from start at the top right to finish at the bottom left.

"Yo, panty girl," David said, waving his palm above the assignment. Tifara quickly turned her head to her left and crossed her arms. She gave the wall her annoyed face and didn't bother to say a word to him, growling at him instead.

David growled back at her, taping on her shoulder. "Panty girl…hellooooo?! Are you listenin' to me?!"

"Call me by my name instead of panty girl, and I'll respond to you," Tifara roared.

David sighed as he put his head down and his shadow covered his eyes and forehead. "Fine…"

Tifara slightly turned her head to David. "So?! Are you gonna say my name or what?!"

"Your name's Tifara...right?" David asked.

Tifara fully turned her head to David with her eyes closed and a grin, putting her hands together. "Yep, that's my name!"

"Ugh!" David said before Tifara reglared at him.

"Hey, don't make me ignore you again," Tifara snapped.

"Okay, okay! Sorry! Can we, like, get back to finishin' this stupid ass assignment, please?!" David cried.

"Sure. I would love to do it, David," Tifara calmly said.

When Tifara and David finished their assignment and Mrs. Kane picked up their stapled papers, David looked Tifara in the eye one last time. They finished the assignment first before everyone else did in the classroom.

"So, why did you stare at me in the hallway earlier this morning?" David asked, glaring at her.

"Huh?" Tifara questioned as she regained her focus on David. After David repeated the question, Tifara responded, "Uh, how should I know? I didn't expect to see you there. Like honestly."

"Okay well. Can you stop starin' at me? It's pretty annoyin' to have a panty girl doin' that shit to a pubescent boy, y'know."

Tifara growled at David. This boy, man. Ooooh, my hatred for him grew more and more each day. Callin' me sexual harassment girl again, I mean, what the hell, man?! She thought angrily, clenching her fists.

"You know what?! Fine! If that's what you want, then so be it!" Tifara roared before she turned back to the wall with her arms crossed.

"Okay, good then!" David put his head on the desk and also stared at the wall far away from him. He and Tifara growled during the remaining first Homeroom period.